Still_Vicious' forum posts

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#1 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

We need to bring back witch burnings.

There's a lot of problems in the world right now.

I'm not saying it was witches, but I'm also not saying it wasn't witches.

Let's just be on the safe side.

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#2  Edited By Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@Jacanuk said:
@still_vicious said:
@Jacanuk said:
@still_vicious said:

i've sited 4 studies in this thread...

Don't confuse non-religiousity and intelligence. I know a PhD in physics who a devout catholic.

Why not post those studies at the first post where you line up for the debate.

And intelligence has a lot to do with whether or not you believe in a "god" But as someone said "religion is opium for the people"

So in a sense religion is no different than people who use alcohol or drugs or sex to "hide behind".

Probably should have lol, maybe next time.

I think it has more to do with how you're raised, after all, there's no more evidence for a god than against it.

Ya, how you are raised is also a big thing.

But ya there is no absolute proof for either side, but when you look at the facts and the sources for a "god" well, we stopped believing in Santa and the tooth fairy for a reason :D

They didn't promise afterlifes and they didn't have kick ass stories with dragons and the world ending.

Go with the dragons. Be religious.

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#3 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@toast_burner said:
@still_vicious said:
@toast_burner said:
@still_vicious said:

I like how you completely changed to topic to avoid my facts. Dishonest ;).

People are paid according to their value in the market, supply and demand, minimum wage puts a floor on what people must be paid.

You shouldn't have kids if you're living on minimum wage, it's really that simple. Stop expecting people to pay for the mistakes of others, maybe instead you should be asking people to take some personal responsibility as wrap it. But teh evil corperation is out to getchu and stuffs; hey maybe if you're 29 and have no skills and have kids, then you fucked up royally, it's your fault that your life is shit because you wasted many many years not studying, not building skills or networks, or even purely job experience. If you are workng minimum wage at 29, then you deserve it, plain and simple. bu bu teh corporations and teh ceos are so greedy! Who cares? Them being more generous doesn't make a skill-less 29 year old any more valuable and doesn't magically mean he/she didn't **** up royally to get where they are.

Harsh truth: you are worth what you produce, and if you have no skills you don't produce much.

My original point still stands though. The system is broken, you make way too much money off of gov't assistance (50k+).

So if you have a well paid job and then have some kids, but you then lose your job, you should what? Kill your children?

lol, if you have developed skills to get a new job, and saved money as you should, there should be no problem.

See what happens when people take responsibility for their actions?

Having the right skills for a job doesn't guarantee a job.

Do you have enough money saved to last you a 6 months or a year? How about enough to also house and feed a family as well? I get the impression that you're still in school. I'm fortunate enough to have a job that pays decently. I really feel sorry for those that have to live on minimum wage, at that amount of pay you won't be able to save up for an emergency, rent alone would take most of what you get a week, and in America minimum wage is even smaller than it is here. Absolutely outrageous.

It doesn't but that's why you save money, and honestly if you're between jobs, it's ok to use these social programs a little, that's what they're there for. The problem is when they're abused; as I've mentioned, in some states these social programs are so generous that you can make 50k a year by not working.

Yes. Probably, but I don't have a family to save up for. No, I'm in the professional world as a programmer. Minimum wage isn't meant to live on forever, it's meant for people just starting out/college kids/HS kids. It's not a real career path. I don't expect people to raise families and save up for emergencies. This are just stepping stones on the way to better jobs. If you're well into your career and you're making minimum wage, then you fucked up, and should face the consequences of your actions.

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#4 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

LOL, I believe that most people that hate on CoD buy it.

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#5 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

Can't wait till the cuck Sanders drops out. The saltiness will be hilarious.

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#6 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@toast_burner said:
@still_vicious said:

I like how you completely changed to topic to avoid my facts. Dishonest ;).

People are paid according to their value in the market, supply and demand, minimum wage puts a floor on what people must be paid.

You shouldn't have kids if you're living on minimum wage, it's really that simple. Stop expecting people to pay for the mistakes of others, maybe instead you should be asking people to take some personal responsibility as wrap it. But teh evil corperation is out to getchu and stuffs; hey maybe if you're 29 and have no skills and have kids, then you fucked up royally, it's your fault that your life is shit because you wasted many many years not studying, not building skills or networks, or even purely job experience. If you are workng minimum wage at 29, then you deserve it, plain and simple. bu bu teh corporations and teh ceos are so greedy! Who cares? Them being more generous doesn't make a skill-less 29 year old any more valuable and doesn't magically mean he/she didn't **** up royally to get where they are.

Harsh truth: you are worth what you produce, and if you have no skills you don't produce much.

My original point still stands though. The system is broken, you make way too much money off of gov't assistance (50k+).

So if you have a well paid job and then have some kids, but you then lose your job, you should what? Kill your children?

lol, if you have developed skills to get a new job, and saved money as you should, there should be no problem.

See what happens when people take responsibility for their actions?

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#7 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@toast_burner said:
@still_vicious said:
@fenriz275 said:
@still_vicious said:
@fenriz275 said:

You cannot live off minimum wage that's why they get food stamps. I'm going to assume that you're ignorant and not willfully ignoring facts but that's probably a mistake on my part.

you can live off minimum wage, it's enough for bare necessities. Even beyond that, minimum wage is something you earn just starting out. Heck, mcdonalds gives you a raise every 3 months.

I'm still going to assume you're ignorant and not ignoring facts. Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt occasionally.

You can live off it, I've seen people do it.

What makes you so sure that those people didn't also have benefits on top of their job, and did those people also have children?

For someone who's never been put in that position you're pretty arrogant that you're correct.

Because I knew them personally. Nope.

I'm not arrogant, I'm realistic. The two things to take away from my posts are; people should be responsible for their actions, and if they make mistakes, they should take responsibility, and we live in the real world, and you are only worth what you produce.

If you have minimal skills, you get minimal return.

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#8 Still_Vicious
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@hillelslovak said:
@still_vicious said:
@hillelslovak said:
@still_vicious said:
@hillelslovak said:

How do low wages create an environment that encourages people to not work? It was not at all explained how the correlation holds. Putting two statistics and saying correlation equals causality is a fallacy, and very dishonest.

The Cato institute is founded by the freaking Koch Brothers, just about the most dishonest, corrupting billionaire world burners on the planet. They try to deny climate change. Look at where you get your sources.

It's pretty simple. In some states you can make the equivalency of 50k+ a year for not working the way the sytsem is set up. Obviously some people are going to take advantage of that since 50k sounds better than "minimum wage", or "mcdonalds". It did explain the correlation, it's pretty simple, not to repeat myself as I've already stated it simply

Also, like I said "source:bereau of labor statisitcs".

You've attacked the following things: me, the source, the koch brothers, and strangely enough managed to wedge global warming in there too (wtf?) but haven't actually tried to disprove what I've said. Really can't it's hard facts; the system is rigged in a way that a person can make more money not working than actually working. Like I said, in some states you can make more than an entry level computer programmer doing nothing.

Data proves things, attacking me just makes you seem.....dishonest (lol).

Are you for raising wages then?

I'm for paying somebody what supply and demand justify.

What does supply and demand have to do with laws regarding minimum wages, and how they havent risen even close to inflation of the currency? The average age of Mcdonalds, per your example, is 29. Many people at age 29 have families to support. They cannot support their families, while the ceos of corporations make on average 204 times that of their average worker.

If wages keep stagnating, while inflation keeps rising, how are people supposed to live on the minimum wage?

I like how you completely changed to topic to avoid my facts. Dishonest ;).

People are paid according to their value in the market, supply and demand, minimum wage puts a floor on what people must be paid.

You shouldn't have kids if you're living on minimum wage, it's really that simple. Stop expecting people to pay for the mistakes of others, maybe instead you should be asking people to take some personal responsibility as wrap it. But teh evil corperation is out to getchu and stuffs; hey maybe if you're 29 and have no skills and have kids, then you fucked up royally, it's your fault that your life is shit because you wasted many many years not studying, not building skills or networks, or even purely job experience. If you are workng minimum wage at 29, then you deserve it, plain and simple. bu bu teh corporations and teh ceos are so greedy! Who cares? Them being more generous doesn't make a skill-less 29 year old any more valuable and doesn't magically mean he/she didn't **** up royally to get where they are.

Harsh truth: you are worth what you produce, and if you have no skills you don't produce much.

My original point still stands though. The system is broken, you make way too much money off of gov't assistance (50k+).

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#9 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@fenriz275 said:
@still_vicious said:
@fenriz275 said:
@still_vicious said:
@fenriz275 said:

So it's a good thing that entry level wages aren't living wages? Seems to be the argument you're making.

You can live off minimum wage. People defaultly, aren't entitled earn more.

You cannot live off minimum wage that's why they get food stamps. I'm going to assume that you're ignorant and not willfully ignoring facts but that's probably a mistake on my part.

you can live off minimum wage, it's enough for bare necessities. Even beyond that, minimum wage is something you earn just starting out. Heck, mcdonalds gives you a raise every 3 months.

I'm still going to assume you're ignorant and not ignoring facts. Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt occasionally.

You can live off it, I've seen people do it.

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#10  Edited By Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@ssvegeta555 said:
@still_vicious said:
@hillelslovak said:
@still_vicious said:

A bigger issue is that they help to create an environment where you make more money by being unemployed than being employed.

You sound like you are a Fox news contributor. That is pure conjecture on your part.

and you sound like somebody that doesn't do their research.

"Source: Bureau of labor statistics."

Gonna bring back an old one.....OWNED!!!

last I checked, welfare and foodstamps are two different things. And Oregon I know has clamped down on abuse this year. If you are single, do not have dependents (i.e. kids), you have to prove you have a stable job working at least 30 hours a week, or looking for work (but you can only claim for 16 hours of job searching a week), volunteer work or be a student in order to continue to get benefits. Otherwise, if you don't meet those requirements, you get only 3 months of foodstamps in a three 3 year period. That's it, only three months out of 3 years. It's pretty fucking harsh. It hits the homeless the hardest to be honest.

That's awesome, hope that trend continues. Obviously these programs are there for a reason; as a safty net if you're fired or the economies bad, but I hate seeing these systems misused when people actually do need help. It just prevents people who need it from getting help.