What is the point of a Black Widow movie now? Why should I want to watch a movie about a character they just killed off and explicitly stated she could not be resurrected, not even with the infinity gauntlet? It's too late Marvel. This should have come out in 2012!
Spoiler, he dies miserably in a movie we already saw. Yet another prequel only proves the new timeline is an embarrassing failure, as otherwise we'd be getting stories set in it!
They should cut their losses and reboot it, only counting the original 3 movies as canon. Then maybe they can make TV shows with characters whose fate we don't already know!
"Mary Jane Watson, whose levels are something you should be looking forward to"
Its not really Mary Jane, but a ripoff of Lois Lane.
She doesn't fight. She doesn't have powers. You just stealth around.
Let's be real they will be the missions you rush through since you don't get to websling again until they are done; and are only in there to have a playable female character to dogwhistle to feminists.
@bababooey12: "I hadn't preordered the game up until a few days ago and that was just to be able to play the beta"
Its an open beta, pre-order only lets you try the beta a couple days early.
Last Battlefield had more pre-orders than COD, now it has 15% according to financial analysts. Try to spin it all they like, that is a fan base abandoning a franchise.
stm1185's comments