Will these progressive people realize in a few years they brought back the racism of hiring the black guy to make the black movie, the woman to make the woman movie, the Asian to make the Asian movie?
That is clearly what is happening now. It is really rather sad. They should hire directors based on their ideas and body of work. No one should be picked for things they were born to.
@DeadManRollin: Rogue One is, and Solo likely will be by Nov, I think Force Awakens was part of the prior streaming deal with Starz, so they won't get that.
@martimusprime: Only to the point where what I see on the screen should not be obviously wrong.
Battlefield is of course the center point of these arguments, and also quite good examples of good and bad.
Battlefield 1, had female soldiers on the Russian front, with Russian uniforms, on a Russian map... I played it and did not feel out of place, it felt accurate, even though it likely was not. It did a good job of making it seem historically accurate enough visually to make you feel like it was a WW1 game.
Battlefield V, on the other hand has a female solider who is British, which Britain did not field, with 1 prosthetic arm, which while period accurate in design, is jarring as Britain didn't field 1 armed infantry, and that arm is not capable of lifting the rifle she is carrying. She is a cyborg in WW2... This ruins any since of immersion, any suspension of disbelief.
There is a good way of doing historical fiction, and a bad way, and it looks like Sucker Punch is doing it the good way, and EA is now doing it the bad way, after just doing it the good way!
Those jerks at EA should learn from this. Instead of calling their fans ignorant and lying about history, Sucker Punch makes a well reasoned argument about where and why they are trying to be historically accurate.
I click through to Gamespot from Google News every now and then. The writing is decent enough, the stories are decent enough, but the autoplay videos are total COMPUTER AIDS, GET RID OF IT!
I can't even remember most characters and I played it all the way through last year. I just remember them as Blue Shrek, Butch Haircut, and Token Black Dude.
It would still be Bioware's worst game even if they had managed to fix the animations before launch.
So they are going the way of the comics in recent years. Yuck. Ill wait until it crashes and they reboot it all with the X-Men and Fantastic Four as well.
@Mogan: The whole future thing has been total garbage after AC3. They really need to just drop it. What is the point! Why does anyone care?
The Woman Warrior thing is out of place, but if they write the game around that instead of white washing history to make Ancient Greece have gender equality, maybe it will seem good. The NPCs should treat her differently than the male protagonist, making the story play out differently as a result. Adding replay-ability!
If its exactly the same, then why even have her? Might as well put in a Thomas Croft in the next Tomb Raider then.
stm1185's comments