@cappy: Just answer me this, why not just include an option to disable player made characters, and make everyone a generic historically accurate male. Like it in pretty much all the other games up until BF1.
In the current games they already have an option for hiding player generated content. They could just add player avatars to that. Then the people who don't want it, don't get it.
Problem solved right?
I am not wild about Assassin's Creed insane you can play as a woman and everyone treats you exactly the same in Ancient Greece as if played as a man, as if Ancient Greece was a post gender society. Yet I will still happily buy it because I do not have to have that shoved in my face, I have a choice.
DICE could easily have given players the choice for a historically accurate mode that simply did not show player generated character models, only realistic developer created ones. Yet instead they attack those of us who do not want a silly looking Battlefield. So I don't buy it, and from the pre-orders I am not the only one.
I'll buy a game where you play a woman and its not stupid, Tomb Raider.
"If you take a look at Battlefield historically, it's been about expressing yourself through gameplay, solving problems the way you want to, and these characters fall perfectly in line with that thinking."
It is a game where you control points on a map by killing the opposition. It is not about SELF EXPRESSION. I have played Battlefield since the original game released its Wake Island demo. It was never about self expression. Not once did I feel like I was expressing myself. It was about the satisfaction of killing your enemy, on the ground, in tanks, in planes. It is a bloody war game!
For every game except their new Fortnite rip off, you did not even control what your character looks like. The only self expression you had was weapon choice, which was dictated by playstyle, the map you are on, and which weapon was most effective. I did not choose to express myself when I pick a shotgun for the Forest map, I picked a shotgun because I can kill 6 people up close before reloading!
DICE is done. War games are not about self expression, its about being a solider, and being a soldier is not about self expression. It is actually the opposite, you get the same clothes, the same boots, the same weapon, even your hair has to match to a certain degree. Which DICE might notice if they had anyone at all remotely connected to the military. But clearly they do not.
DICE made good games, but apparently they are now staffed by lunatics. Luckily for us an alternative is on the horizon, World War 3, look it up on Steam. A real Battlefield game is coming. One that understands the point of battlefield is the thrill of the fighting, fighting in a world that makes you feel like a soldier, fighting in a world that at least visually is immersive and real to you, NOT SELF EXPRESSION!
DICE said "keeping you and your squad buddies together is a big priority for us."
Which is why 95% of the time in BF1 you end up in a game that is 32 vs 26 as the Squads get to stay together, and its a 1000-400 blowout!
DICE designing around squads has ruined Battlefield for the majority of players, and that is why player retention is garbage and will get worse with BFV.
The average player does not want to "Squad Up", they want to run around with a sniper being a putz. They will continue to do that, yet now to even less effect and more detriment for everyone in the game.
But the 24/7/365 squad players will now have 99% win ratios instead 95%. So Good Job DICE!
@AgentOO8: And here I thought I would not get to see Poe Dameron nagged at and talked down to by a domineering woman again!
How will she stop his heroic toxic masculinity and get everyone killed, and in a way that tops The Last Jedi's complete destruction of the rebel fleet!
@poemann79: Poe Dameron had great potential, but they won't let him be a real hero. In The Last Jedi they decided he had too much toxic masculinity and wrote in an female Admiral to put him in his place, and get the whole resistance killed in the process.
Even FINN who bored me to death, was also cheated of killing Phasma, his awesome fight scene cut for her just dying randomly. And then his chance at saving the resistance taken away, so another female character could swoop in and get everyone killed.
stm1185's comments