@butterworth: Are you saying that we must tell these women that their CHOSEN profession is unacceptable? Isnt that exactly the type of discrimination we want to stop? Shouldn't we be empowering women to feel comfortable to do what THEY CHOOSE? The problem is if we look at women as ONLY sexual objects. Seeing a woman as sexual and intelligent and funny and whatever her own personal self is, this is what we should be striving for. Nobody was forced to attend or stay at this event. Also, these women were wearing clothes that are perfectly acceptable to wear out in public and is everyday.
I am deeply offended by your post, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. It means I should have the choice to leave if I choose.
@I guess they must have forced these people to attend and locked the doors so they couldn't leave. If it isn't your scene, just leave. The world doesn't need to conform to YOU!
OMFG Enough already with this BS being offended at everything. These women were hired for a job and were 100% willing participants. Shouldn't these feminists be supporting women in whatever they choose to do or wear? These people are simply pushing their own values on everyone else. This is not freedom, this is not equality. Beautiful women are no longer able to wear what they want, or do the jobs that they want. They must conform, and this is apparently for their own good. Shouldn't they decide for themselves? Some parts of the world are at war fighting for this type of freedom for women. Here we are offended if a woman expresses herself in clothing that we don't agree with. So, what's the difference of forcing them in to a burka then?
straightcur's comments