@lnception: I'm not arguing against you. I completely agree with you. But this is how Hollywood works and how ultimately they end up ruining movies (especially sequels). This still looks like it might be a good movie though.
@lnception: This is a case of the studio putting the actress ahead of the character. It may not be the right choice for the character or the story, but she's a big name, so she needs more screen time.
@skyhighgam3r: When did I ever mention anything about the business model or episodic release? Was your response based purely on emotion and not fact? Seems like it might be invalid then...
The problem with modern games and the fact they get so much post release patches, is that devs use it as a crutch to underperform and not thoroughly test their product ahead of launch.
@skyhighgam3r: If games devs were held to a higher standard (like every other industry), bugs wouldn't be so prevalent. They shouldn't just be accepted because "that's video games"
@skyhighgam3r: LOL. Why are you so defensive about something you had nothing to do with? And wouldn't you prefer that next time it was made to a higher standard??
straightcur's comments