@BLiTZ_156: You dont think people should be treated equally and the same standards applied to everyone???? That's basically promoting racism as long as you agree with the end goals. That is just wrong. Let everyone be judged on their own merits. Equality will never be reached by making the same mistakes of the past but applied to a different group.
@BLiTZ_156: It still puts race above all else, which is racist. Either be consistent with all the characters' original design or apply the same standards to all. There is absolutely no need for "balance", that's not remotely true to the world. There are many movies with predominantly Asian actors, or Black actors. It doesnt upset me in the least.
True equality is when every INDIVIDUAL is treated fairly and as an individual, not based on which "group" they belong to (whether it's a majority or minority)
@BLiTZ_156: It is the very definition of a double standard. Just because you agree with this race first (ie racist) view of the world, doesnt simply change the facts.
Either we need to stop looking at race all together and just let them make their movies and see how it turns out, or we apply the same standards and critiques fairly to everyone. Are we after equality here or the perception of equality?
Hollywood hasnt learned that the PC left will only allow for race changes to white characters. Because all whites are evil and racist, or should at least live their lives in constant guilt.
@Abomination713: The author has stated that the main character in Ghost in the Shell is not actually Asian, it is in fact left ambiguous on purpose. Never let facts get in the way of PC ideology.
straightcur's comments