@dev-raid1: No I haven't purchased one in a couple of years (literally 2), but I'm not a big sports guy, so I don't feel the need to upgrade every year. Same with FIFA, and I'm a bigger soccer fan.
I like, and have from the beginning, enjoyed my time with this game, and I've played enough to get the platinum. Hello games recognizes the faults from launch, and have continued to support the title with free updates--that have improved the game--while many other companies get a free pass for adding paid DLC to full priced games, just to experience the actual game. I don't hate all DLC. Some companies offer legit, quality extras, which help to extend already great games. A lot of the hate this game has received is unfounded--if you actually bought the game thinking it would be multiplayer...seriously, you're a brainless meatbag. I understand some of the criticisms and even agree with them, but I also recognize the hard work that the developers have continued to put into a game that obviously means a lot to them, and I respect that.
the 2K series has been the best since the Dreamcast, and still getting better. I haven't bought one for a couple of years, so maybe I'll get this one. It looks incredible.
@videogameninja: I totally agree, but people still have to buy it for it to "pay off". I'm downloading it right now, and hope it's great. I think Ninja Theory is a great studio with consistent, solid games, but most didn't sell. I personally liked their take on DMC, and hoped more like it would come, but it's all about those sales figures...well that and the fact that Capcom is full of stupid people that suppress their backlog of great games and characters because they apparently hate money.
@RicanV: Cool, I really appreciate that. I'll try this as soon as I get a chance tonight. Probably while waiting for Hellblade to download. Thanks again.
streetmagik's comments