@Mogan: the SEGA Genesis/CD/32x was a sad joke. I'm a SEGA fanboy, and got all three--each have there own AC adapter (an explosive fire waiting to happen), and most of the CD based games were full motion video gimmicky games. The Genesis was awesome though. N64 isn't a bad place to start, I have a ton of fond memories playing multiplayer games with my friends. A bunch of old PC memories too.
@jayskoon93: I don't know if this game has any specific story ties to Uncharted 4, but even if it did, it wouldn't ruin anything for you. Whether or not you'll enjoy the game rests on two things; whether or not you enjoy the combat, being the biggest. It's third person, and the controls are solid, though there is a lot of it. Do you like location based puzzles? The puzzles are usually not very difficult, and pertain to your surroundings. I personally wish there were more puzzles, and less gunplay, but the average gamer prefers the shooting stuff. There is also, a bit of climbing and jumping segments. If you played Horizon recently, or the old Prince of Persia reboots, you'll already understand how that works.
Once again, it's good though. If you think you'll enjoy those things wrapped in an Indiana Jones type, super AAA film, you will like Uncharted. Even if you were to hate the game (hard to believe), you will be in awe of the visuals, and some of the set pieces. On PSpro, with 4k (upscaled from 1440p) and HDR, Uncharted 4 is the most impressive console game I've ever seen. If you are a PlayStation guy, you really owe it to yourself to at least try it. Get Uncharted 4 cheap, and if you like it, move on to this, or the compilation. It's worth it.
@Mogan: Beatcha don't have a SEGA Genesis/CD/32x. How are you gonna play Corpse Killer? What's that? It sucks and you don't care? Yeah, you're probably right.
@Alecmrhand: Really? You think he didn't finish a 6 hour game? If you don't like the series, that's fine, but a lot of people really enjoy it, and the games are always super polished. Probably why most sites gave a similar score. Go read the IGN review, it's more aligned with what you're saying. The reviewer seemed bored with the game.
@Gelugon_baat: ??? Did I miss something? Sands of time was amazing...on PS2, but warrior within and the edgier themed, lame rock soundtrack garbage sequels were more, and more combat based. Seriously though, Prince of Persia was the only thing you could come up with? No I think I'll pass on the old reboots.
@jacknasty: Uncharted 4, updated for the pro, only runs at 1440p (same with this one), but with the HDR, it's probably the best looking console game I've ever seen. I even think it still tops Horizon. That jeep chase in chapter 11 is ridiculously gorgeous. I can't wait to drool over this on Tuesday.
@Gelugon_baat: That's a legitimate opinion. I wasn't saying the other reviewer is wrong, just pointing out the contrast of opinion. I really like the Uncharted games, but I also have my own gripes. I wish it were more puzzles, and less shooting, but I'm probably in the minority there.
@LPDisturbedHU: If it wasn't for Sunset Overdrive and 4k blu-ray (on my 1S anyway), I'd feel pretty jipped. Other than that, I only turn it on to play my remastered Treasure games from the 360. I've always liked Xbox, but it's like they're constantly taking steps backwards. I want to be excited about 1X, but I can only play so many Forza games, and unless they show something at Gamescom, I'll just stick with PS pro.
IGN gave it a 7.5, but the reviewer sounded like he was just bored with the franchise in general, which is his opinion, though it comes across a bit bias. I think it's fairly obvious, if you liked Uncharted 4, you'll like this.
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