@RSM-HQ: Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1 and 2, and Bloodborne, I played completely blind. Not knowing where to go or what someone else did makes it more intimate and personal, but a definite challenge in patience. If I had used a guide, I probably wouldn't respect the games as much. I do own some old guides from back in the day, but I've always had a personal credo, that I wouldn't even look through it until I've finished the game.
@alexandreusss: nice, I beat the original and black on master ninja. I own sigma versions on ps3 and vita, but I haven't played them on that level. If you're in the zone, it's not hard, but if you take it for granted, it can kick your ass. I remember Contra Shattered Soldier, I couldn't even finish the demo (I didn't take it seriously enough), but I beat the final game in one sitting, like it was nothing. If I'm prepared, I'm unstoppable. I think some games (like this and the souls games), I get myself mentally prepared before I play it, more than some other types of games.
@Judeuduarte: the souls games are only difficult in the beginning. By the time I get to the later bosses, I'm killing them with a couple hits. Ninja Gaidens difficulty ramps up consistently, keeping it tough throughout. NG black is still one of my favorite action games of all time (with DMC 3, and Bayonetta 1&2).
@tnielsen2010: You are absolutely correct. I think a large percentage of Dems have been very hypocritical, before and after, this loss (if you couldn't tell, I'm not a huge fan of either party), I didn't vote for Trump, but I'll give the guy a chance. Though, you've got to admit, the situation, and even Mrs Conways facial expression as she said it, was quite funny.
@jmichura: OK, I'll bite. Please, with all of your amazing, life changing knowledge, explain what the word typo is meant, as anything other than: an error (as of spelling) in typed or typeset material. (merriam-webster.com/dictionary/typo)
You must be a Trump guy, with your "alternative facts".
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