@doctor_mg: Yes, I have every Xbox system and controller (basic first party) ever released. The only reason I didn't purchase Virtua Fighter 5 last gen on Xbox is because of the D-pad. It's stiff (they even make that hard plastic clicking sound) and uncomfortable compared to the Last few PlayStation pads. SEGA had some (floating point) D-pads similar to this Hori controller on a couple Saturn controllers that I really liked. Don't get me wrong, the Xbox and Nintendo D-pads get the job done (there are much worse things to worry about), but if I'm being nitpicky, well that's how I feel.
@nayce54: Nah, it's coming. The system is mostly complete. I've done a couple surveys for Microsoft recently and they're very specific to how to market Scorpio and how to leverage the difference between both (of their) systems on the market. They're in the same boat Sony is in now. They don't want to alienate XB1 owners, but need to get customers to understand the value of Scorpio, even without exclusive, Scorpio only games. Obviously their vague in the questioning (even internal surveys), but it's coming, for sure. There was some pricing questions, but they give absolutely no indication for actual pricing. I'm guessing $500, but that is just a guess.
@edhc44: Thank you! It runs beautifully. I'm 30 hours in and it looks and runs damn near perfect (30fps) on pro. Granted, there have been a couple updates, but I didn't notice anything prior, so, ehh.
@Thanatos2k: ergonomics. I've always preferred the placement of the buttons and sticks on PlayStation controllers, but they used to sit funny in the hand. The new DS4 is my favorite controller, ever. It finally feels like it sits properly in my hands, and they finally got the triggers right. Anyway, it seems that naturally (and for most games), your thumbs go straight to the analog sticks. From there, it is physically easier to move the thumb up to press buttons or press the D-pad (change weapons, access the map etc.). Of course, this is still just my opinion, and controllers (from any company) are miles better than older ones.
That D-pad is not a "monstrosity", it looks awesome. It reminds me of some of SEGAs older D-pads (not Dreamcast). The biggest problem with most controllers is their D-pad. Microsoft has never made a good one. Sony's newest is probably the best standard pad, but this one looks good. Very responsive looking. I've always been better at fighting games with the pad ( I was a poor kid, couldn't play as many arcade games as I'd like) and this one, I like.
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