Pre-ordering also gives you the "classics" RE3 skins for free too. Which if it's anything like the RE2 Remake pre-order skins, they'll email the code on launch day.
@gamerbum: Probably is, as this is the one that was rumored to be Black Ops V when the Sledgehammer and Raven Software teams were taken off of it last year.
FYI, remember that Treyarch is the one developing the CoD game this year. As Sledgehammer games and Raven Software were working on it(rumored to be BLOPs V) and the teams kept having disagreements over the game until Activision removed them from main development of it.
Also noticed they seemed to have no mention of Spock's attempt for red matter into the sun either nor the fact that he's missing in this universe in this episode. Just mentions the relocation of Romulans and the ships relocating them.
@lokar82: There's a theory explained in the first episode that although his body is gone, his memories are in tact elsewhere(as Maddox created a backup for Data). Which where they are is told in the first episode. It also states in the first episode that his memory download to B4 didn't work and most of those memories were lost.
@Sindred: Maybe, but Resident Evil 3 Remake also comes out that month. So FF7 will have a tougher time with consumers deciding on which ones to get with this wedged in between RE3 and Cyberpunk's release dates.
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