why are they making it difficult for me to decide on buying this game.. i am a huge fan of the Sim City series.. but i do not understand why do i have to be always online to play a game that i will probably play solo all the time.. although i have a good broadband connection at home, what about the time i might want to take my laptop to the park or on a holiday, where i might be able to get a connection to the net ?
what if i start working for a charitable cause in a remote area where clean water is difficult to come by, let alone an internet connection...
why EA, WHY do you have to be so darn difficult ???
@Jd1680a not sure about the system in the US, but here in the UK we have a very robust mental health system that works in conjunction with the Police and Judiciary in early identification of risk and therefore prevention of such incidents..
However, we cannot always eliminate risk and there will be times when such tragic incidents occur.. despite that, prevention and risk minimisation should be the focus of the government, rather than blaming video games..
it is true that ignorance does breed a fearsome enemy..
this is a good idea.. but who ever does the study, i sure hope they use robust methodology and the study is done in a proper scientific way and rules out selection bias amongst all things...
for it is far more likely that violent people play violent games rather than violent games 'leading to' people becoming violent..
i dont check kickstarter.. and i doubt i'd have contributed towards the funding of this game.. but after having heard their story, i feel so bad for them and want to pay up the difference.. if only to see some one realising their dream.. it hurts to have ur dreams squashed by a small amount of money esp when you are SOOO close to your goal..
@selisa86 it is not about biology and physiology.. and asking for female models in video games to have bigger breasts has nothing to do with being truly offensive towards women.. there are differences between men's and women's bodies that are uniquely attractive.. and if a certain percentage of consumers find that appealing, then i see no harm in it.
surferosh's comments