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Gaming Goals Met!

I don't believe it, my 1st Quarter 2007 Gaming Goals have been met, and with a month to spare!

Games Completed:

1) Tomb Raider Legend (DS)
2) The Longest Journey (PC)
3) Lego Star Wars (PC)
4) Indigo Prohecy (PC)

Indigo Prophecy was awesome and REQUIRES a review! :lol:

Now unto 2nd Quarter Goals...

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Bomb Hoax

So I live in Boston.  I've had to deal with this Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie advertisement hoax bomb dealy for the past two days... it's been insane.

I've read some blogs here and there from people who aren't from here and who are criticizing the reaction Boston officials had to the hoax.

Here are the facts for those of you who THINK you know everything there is to know:

1) ATHF ads (LED signs with wires and batteries) were placed in several locations around the city of Boston and several surrounding cities (Cambridge, Charlestown etc)

2) The ads were placed a while ago and were NOT noticed by anyone.  SOMEONE CALLED THE POLICE TO REPORT A BOMB and that is why officials reacted the way they did.  They responded to where the first bomb was said to be, when they found something, they began shutting down the city to ensure citizens were not in any danger.

3) MBTA (Mass Bay Transportation Authority) shut down services during rush-hour, closed major streets, roads and highways around Boston to set off the bombs in a controlled environment with the Bomb Squad.

4) Turner Broadcasting reveals this was all part of a lame marking campaign... meanwhile the city is shut down (post 9-11 "fake bombs" not so funny)

5) The mayor of Boston arrests two stoners who placed these devices around the city.

6) Mayor of Boston wants to sue Turner Broadcasting.  Under Mass law, only can the two defendants be charged if they are found to have intended a fake threat. (If they called in the threat, they'd get 5 years per device... 200 years of prison each)

I am beyond sick of hearing, reading people's blogs about how Boston is stupid, Boston overreacted etc.  If you were told there was a bomb taped to your front door... you go and look and HOLY *(@%*O% there is one!!!  What would you do?!

Some official from New York was just on TV talking about how there were 40 of these things around NYC and no one cared, Boston folks are just different... This statement angers me to no end... is everyone forgetting about the THREAT that was called in to prompt this whole thing?!?!  These devices were in place for weeks with people not caring... it's only when a threat call was placed were they taken as possibly dangerous devices.

Gaming Goals First Quarter 2007

Quarterly visits to GS may be more resonable than monthly at this point in my life, to think I came here several times an hour not too long ago.

I've set some Gaming Goals up for myself that I'd like to keep pretty broad and fill in with details as I go.  For every quarter of 2007 I'll be attempting to complete at least 4 games per quarter and reviewing them, I figure that's a little more than a game/month, not bad and can probably meet that goal.

1st Qtr 2007 Completions:

1. Tomb Raider - Legend (DS) Review 7.2
2. The Longest Journey (Review coming soon)
3. -
4. -

Got a DSlite and more...

Hooray!  I got a DSlite for Christmas, actually I got 2 because there was some mis-communication, but I've returned one and got some games in it's place.

I got a Polar white and Onyx one, although the Onyx is "rare" and hard to find, I liked the white one better so I kept that.

DS Games I Received:
Star Wars: Lethal Alliance
Tomb Raider: Legend
Scurge: Hive
Tenchu: Dark Secret
Final Fantasy I & II Dawns of Souls (GBA)
Battles of Prince of Persia

Later I'm planning on getting:
Final Fantasy III
Trace Memory
Metroid Prime Hunters

I've been playing two TR games, Legend and Prophecy (GBA) and the system is AWESOME!  I love how bright it is #1, then the ability to see inventory all the time on one screen while playing in the other... oh and if you haven't seen a demo of Lara swimming from one screen to the other... you've got to check it out!  SO COOL!  I am also amazed at the 3D graphics in Legend on this little handheld.  Incredible.

It's such a sweet little system!  I've also seen a lot of demos and heard so much great news about the Wii I'm considering getting one, but that won't be for a few months at least.

41 Days Later...

Hey All!  It's me, Suzabbe... it's only been 41 days since I was here! :lol:  Hope you all remeber who I am. Seems like an eternity.  I've been working now at my new job for 6 weeks, tomorrow starts the seventh, and it's awesome!  Mostly the unbelievably LARGER pay check is awesome, but the job ain't that bad either! ;-)  I haven't tried to attain the goals I set forth here a while back... but I've met some... surprisingly.

A few goals were to finish games and books I've had outstanding, budget to pay off some debt, improve my social-life, lose weight, get healthier, and in general just try and improve those things I have control over.

The beginning of this change was cutting ties with my former employer... man it's sooooooo good to not work there anymore!  Yeah, I got to wear jeans, tees and sneaks everyday there... but now that I can afford decent clothes it feels good actually dressing up for work everyday.  I got my first pay check and thought there had been a mistake, lol, luckily there hadn't been! :)  I've played a little games lately, but nothing has been finished (Resident Evil 3, Spellforce, Hunter: The Rekoning etc).  I also have read about 3 pages of another book... not making that goal for sure!

I've been going out more and having fun doing things I haven't done in forever... like bowling... wow why didn't I do this earlier?!  I've lost 12 pounds! :D  Which is fantastic and has me wanting to actually TRY to lose more... don't worry... no anorexia fears here people! :P  I've been trying to be social with the not-so-social IT dept I'm working in now... but have found HR and Corporate Services the place to hang.

All in all things are looking bright and I'm happy with the way I've been feeling.  I want to squeeze in some more game time before the end of the year... not sure if I'll have the time though.

Anywho, just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I hadn't died! :lol:

Goals #4

I just completed X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse and loved it!  I think it was better than the first... then again I haven't finished the first yet! :lol:  I'll come up with a review soon.  I'm thinking of actually playing this online at some point too!  It seems like it'll be like Alien Swarm (mod UT2004) and I loved playing that online.

Entertainment Goals (bolded are complete):

Read The Gunslinger
Finish Cold Fear
Read The Drawing of the Three (1/4 thru)
Finish Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
Read The Wastelands
Read The Wizard and Glass
Finish Silent Hill
Read The Wolves of the Calla
Finish Myst
Read The Songs of Susannah
Finish X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse
Read The Dark Tower

Oh yes... and I start my new job tomorrow! Yikes!

New Job

Well, I've been uber busy these past few weeks... I just realized it was October like yesterday.  A friend of mine works at a software development company that's about 20minutes from my house and called me in late Sept to tell me about a job that opened up.  Well, I applied, interviewed and got the job in the same day lol.  Apparently I was fantastic! :P 

I've worked here, at the Girl Scouts as IT Manager for the past 4 years and this opportunity is HUGE.  It'll be weird leaving here, I've given my notice already much to the horror of the folks here, especially my boss, but it's a professional and financial opportunity I can't let pass by.

Here are the details:

- The Commute changes from 1hour on the T to a 20 minute walk.
- If I want a T-pass the company pays for it ($44/month), if I don't want a pass I get paid $25 for walking!  Ha, paid for walking! :)
- The salary is almost double... yes almost DOUBLE what I'm making now.
- The position is working with the Application Development, Infrastructure depts and the CIO.
- They pay big $$$ towards schooling, certification and training
- I'll be working at the same place with my best bud, aka lunches together!  Woot!

Needless to say I'm very excited about the opportunity, I met the 3 heads of the departments and they are awesome. 

Goals #3 + DreamFall Review

I just finished probably the best game I've ever played (never did review KOTOR though...) Here's my review of DreamFall: The Longest Journey and with that an update to my goals:

Entertainment Goals (bolded are complete):

Read The Gunslinger
Finish Cold Fear
Read The Drawing of the Three (1/4 thru)
Finish Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
Read The Wastelands
Read The Wizard and Glass
Finish Silent Hill
Read The Wolves of the Calla
Finish Myst
Read The Songs of Susannah
Finish WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos
Read The Dark Tower

Goals #2 + Cold Fear Review

I finished Cold Fear: Click here for the review.

I've been plugging away at my goals and have finished 2 games this week, very surprising for me who nevers completes games.  I'm feeling good about it, but I'd like to get another book off the plate.  Here's the status:

Entertainment Goals (bolded are complete):

Read The Gunslinger
Finish Cold Fear
Read The Drawing of the Three (1/4 thru)
Finish Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
Read The Wastelands
Read The Wizard and Glass
Finish Silent Hill
Read The Wolves of the Calla
Finish Myst
Read The Songs of Susannah
Finish WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos
Read The Dark Tower

Donutta - Yes, steal away! :P