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Don't you think it's time for a new Vampire game?, Union

Hi everybody :) how is everyone with school?!

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I was thinking about Vampires....i reach to this idea why game companies don't investing on Vampire games?!


I believe Vampire games can have very strong stories! they are very great choices specially for RPG games or Action games!


Imagine a Vampire GTA game! it can be so awesome

Or some Ancient, Legendary Vampire games like Dragon Age or Underworld movie...

It can be new since most of the games are mostly about terrorists, or Alien Invasions...


I think a SCI_Fiction Vampire game (like Mass Effect) with a Big sword (like Draksider) with lots of unique powers, guns (like Blade) and with Dead Space Atmosphere can be so awesome! :D :P

I've played some Vampire games which i enjoyed them so much:

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines


This game is one of the good Vampire games in my opinion despite its bugs and problems with game play


it was enjoyable for me, you can find so many Dialogs and Side missions on it and there are great powers and guns which are great..


and don't know why most of the Vampire game are Sexy! :P


So i think it's good see a new Vampire game, please Bioware make one for :) :P


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Saturday i will get my new Internet Connection :D and I'm going to upload Berserk episodes on You tube don't forget to watch it :)

On Monday my collage will start :? and i will be so busy :cry:

I'm thinking to make an Union! what do you guys/gals think? it will about Animations and video games, successful game designers and their stories, introducing some programs and learning path for making video games like 3ds studio max, photoshop, 3ds max, scripting, C, C++, particleflows for those whom interested in these stuff :) and it can be a good place for practising and improving my skills :D don't know what to call it yet, any ideas?

I'm playing Star Craft 2 i have to admit this a really a great and addictive Strategy game, i love it! also I'm playing Left 4 Dead 2 too it's really exciting, it's almost impossible to finish an camping with Expert difficulty!

BTW I can't wait for Witcher 2 it looks so awesome, it looks like a great RPG game :D :P

witcher 2

Okay Thanks for reading until Saturday bye for now :P


What's your favorite genre game? good news...

Hi everybody :) I've missed you all! don't know why! :P

Sorry if i was inactive these couple of days, collage is coming next Saturday :? and I'm going to so busy :cry:

What's your favorite genre game?

I don't know why I'm losing interest in video games! maybe they are pretty same, but some of them are so great like Reach, I think i like 3rdfps more than fps games, RPG games with huge world is my most favorite game like Fallout 3 or Dragon Age: Origins, or fast shooters like Gears of War, i like some strategy games like Rome Total War too

Rome Total War is one of my favorite games of all the time, it has an especial atmosphere for me!

oh i almost forgot about Oblivion! i need to get that game soon, i didn't play it :?

these days i can't love a game like my childhood times! because all of them are same like CoD Ops and Medal of Honor! the reason which i like science Fiction and mysterious/ancient games more than any games is that you always can find something new in them, they've more potential but world war games or cold war games!..they are so repetitive in my opinion, you can find some smart games! i mean cinematic games like Heavy Rain or mysterious and ancient games like Uncharted and God of War too.

The game companies are trying to attract more costumers by 3D or Move, Kinect with the same (old) method but they won't work, i think they should try to work on stories, Audio, Dialogs like Dragon Age, make some creative game plays, like Bioshock! the graphic isn't so important in my opinion.

If you pay attention you'll see most of the games has the same game play with different missions! Bioshock was one of the first FPS games with new definition of game play! story, audio, that's why it attracts so many people.

There are some games especially Wii games which they have a certain method which reminds the player to its childhood, they are really great games and the reasone for that is they keep their originality with new awesome stories and game plays like Mario, that's why Super Mario Galaxy 2 got 10/10, only because of those things which i said!

You may say some genre games has their own originality that's why they didn't change their game plays or not adding new features! but you can see those genres lost their popularity! like World War genres, even BUNGIE understood that! and we see they've tried to improve the game play by adding those armore abilities in Reach which it was quite successful in my opinion :)

so i think instead of spending millions dollars on some toys like Move or Kinect, 3D with the same would be much better to create something new NOT REPETITIVE , and pay more attention to the Stories and game plays and audios! rather than only graphics...

Good news:

I'm going to get a new Internet Connection tomorrow :D :D woohoo! If i get it, I will can play some multiplayer games with you guys :) and I'll be active in unions, forms...i have so many plans for that, I'm going to upload all of the 25 episodes of Berserk so that we watch it together (on you tube)...:D


Well I'm playing Star Craft 2 which it's the best Strategy game i've ever played! i love it, also I'm playing Red Faction and Ruse....

Animating School is giving me some boring home works which doesn't let me concentrate on Black Hole Episode 2 like this:

Home Work

Is it good? it took me 2h!

but nothing can stop me!

After finishing Halo Reach, i've gotten so many cool ideas about BH episode 2's story to make it better, it will shock everyone! I'm putting lots of effort on it, first i need to start moddeling (the hardest part) then animating, then shader, lights, scripting...after i finish the moddeling and animating I will upload the screen shots :)

I like to play some old games any advice? Maybe i play Fahrenheit again or The Last Express, or Rome total War, Mass effect, Far Cry 2...:P

Thanks for reading :)


Halo Reach Review/BH Episode 2 has been started,RUSE,Starcraft 2

Hi everybody :) How is everyone?

Here my Halo Reach review as i promised :)

Halo Reach Review

This is a good review for those doubt or can't choose what games to buy :)

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I've also bought two Strategy games



for my Xbox360, it's really fun game i like it, you feel you are really a General with great cut scenes, and it quite gives you a good information about World War 2 guess all of us know much better than every historian about WoW 2 :lol: with those crazy wow II games! any way if you like Strategy games you should check it out, it has a new features and gameplay in Strategy games but it would be better if it was a SCF_game

Star Craft 2 WOL

I've also bought Star Craft 2 didn't play it so much i don't like to play games with my PC anymore! I'm not comfortable with PC like 360! but the Animations are incredible indeed and why on the earth GS still didn't give it a score or review it! correct me if I'm wrong!

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Black Hole Episode 2 project has been started

Yea I've finished its story, and I'm looking for some great musics, i want to use Lord of The Rings and Halo(Reach), Mass Effect 1&2 and Riddick musics :D

As for modeling and Animation i wan to first finish all of my fundamental tutorial videoes of CG Academy which they are more than 100h! then first i start to create the maps, then character modeling.....i want to put lots of effort on this one, i have so many surprises this time, this episode will be more than 4 minutes and you will see lots of actions on it, i want to use fire, smoke, explosion effects, space ships... :) but it will take some time i hope i finish it before the Christmas :) maybe it will be my Present for Christmas? :P

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BTW I'm going to be so busy next week my college will start :cry: losts of hard lessons will attack me! and lots of awesome games will attack me either! lol oh that school animating is giving me so many stupid home works too! :cry: hmm maybe an earthquake can close those schools! :P i should stop writing i even don't know what I'm saying! I've spent too much on Halo Reach review, it makes me little dizzy! :P

BTW I've watched Iron Man 2 meh didn't like it, don't watch it if you need your money! :)

Thanks for Reading Brothers and Sisters!


I made it,I've just finished Halo Reach with Legendary difficulty!

What's up Guys/Gals? :)

Halo Reach

Wow just Wow Halo Reach is so so awesome this game is the best Halo series ever made and the best 2010 First Person Shooter game and the Best 2010 Multiplayer game!!

Halo Reach

I've just finished it! it's 6:13 AM right now after 3 days playing this game, I made it with Legendary difficulty! it was like hell for me, the difficulty was so hard! but i made it whoohoo!!!

Halo Reach

The graphic was amazing, very great Art!...! awesome cut scenes, awesome awesome story, so sad! so bad a$$ characters! everything is perfect in this game, i give it 10/10!! this is my first game which i give 10 people, so you should guess how awesome this game can be!

Halo Reach

The Musics was so exciting, the graphic is pretty like Mass effect 2 even better!...

Halo Reach

Halo Reach has so many unexpected surprises which i don't want to spoil them just know that Reach is just the beginning of Halo series every Xbox360 owners must try this masterpiece :)

Halo Reach

I will review it tomorrow, a full and deep review, it's going to be my best review :D

Halo Reach

Thanks for reading :)


Black Hole Episode 1 please watch :)

Hi everybody (again) sorry for 2 blogs in one day, but this is urgent, my buddy (Ramtin_LA) have just uploaded the Black Hole Episode 1 on you tube for me and i don't know if it can work cause i can't go to you tube to see it (it's filter here) so here is the Link:

Black Hole Episode 1 =

lol Orange Lizards!! funny name eh? so what do you guys/gals think? :) we spent more than 200h on this.

we used more than 1200 objects for this animation.

The Rendering took me more than 100h.

Some models are Download able, but i don't like Download able models so next episodes will 100% make from us.

I chose Heavy Rain, and Lost musics for this trail.

Season 1 is about introducing the Characters, this one is going to hunt other characters to gather a special team to see what happened to that colony, which is full of White and Black diamonds.....

So hope you like it it was my first work i want to tank my friend Ramtin for helping me :) thanks buddy ;)

For now on we only want to focus on Its comic which i will write its story and directing it and me and Ramtin will work on its Modeling (by me) and Photishop (by Ramtin)

so next blog will be the first Black Hole Comic don't forget to watch it :)

Thanks for reading.


Black Hole Comic/Miraculous Games part3/my game collections

Hi everybody :)

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Black Hole Comic

I've uploaded Black Hole Episode 1 here but seems Glitch Spot never wants to be solve, so i must go to cafe net again and upload it on you tube the video is 57mb (i have low internet speed :( ) sorry for that :( . in the meantime after watching berserk i though it's a good idea to create my own Comic! actually it's a lot easier than 3D Animations, so before i upload each Episode i will upload its Comic to make you guys more excited :) and for the next blog you will see the first Black Hole comic, it's about the season 1 story and make you Guys/Gals more familiar with Story :D since I'm not so good at Comic, photoshop, i can use some help , especially the Comic, how an comic should be? how long it should be? is there any important points which i should be aware of them? thanks

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Mafia 2 Review Coming soon

I've also finished Mafia 2 the story was so so great and sad! i love its story, really great game but if they paid more attention to the mini games, it could be the best 2010 game! at least for me :P

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Look at my new banner

Thank you Ramtin this is an awesome banner indeed love it :)

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CG Academy

I've bought two package of CG ACAdemy, fundamental videos about 3ds max, each package has more than 55h! and I've finished DVD 1 so far i really love it, I've learned so many things right now :D I'm so happy!

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Miraculous Games Part 3

Fallout 3

fallout 3

Fallout 3 is the best sands box game i ever played, fallout 3 is one of those game which take you in its world, what makes it a Miraculous Games for me is:

fallout 3

the freedom: the freedom in this game is amazing, this game has a hug map with full of random quests, the things you can do are so great! nothing in this game is worthless even one single can!

fallout 3

The Choices: your choices are so important, they can change the entire story, the quests are awesome, there are so many side missions which give this game so many replay value.

fallout 3

There are so many things in this game which better to be experience rather than to read about them.
Every time I hear about Fallout 3 it reminds me this word: DLC! Bethesda released so many great DLCs for this game, they were the first game company which used so many DLCs (if I'm wrong correct me) and they've made other game companies to pay attention more to DLCs, like Bioware!

fallout 3

The story and music are so great they've combined the 50th music and s t y l e to the year 2227! that's why it makes fallout 3 an unique game :)

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These are the games I've finished with my lovely Xbox360 which i really enjoyed them (attention I've finished all of my games with insane difficulty except Dragon Age! :P)

1-Dragon Age: Origins

love this game finished it with two characters, time spent= 140h

2-Dragon Age: Origins Awakening

Wasn't that great like Original but enjoyable, Time spent= 40h

3-Mass Effect 2


Want to play it again, time spent= 74h

4-Gears of War 2


Wasn't great like Original but awesome time spent= 1 time with hardcore 3 times with insane guess it's about 30h

5-Red Dead Redemption

My best Wild West game Time spent= 25h

6-Grand Theft auto 4

I love GTA series, time spent= 50h

7-Alan Wake

It was a great experience, time spent= 25h

8-Resident Evil 5

The Graphic and the cut seance was so awesome, time spent=20h

9-Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2


One The best FPS games I've played, time spent= 20h

10-Mafia 2

The best Gangster game you can find, awesome story,awesome Graphic time spent= 30h

These are the Games I've finished with my Xbo360 which i like them but not like above games

11-Assassin's Creed 2


Very great game, time spent= 28h

12-Halo ODST


Nice game with short but enjoyable story, time spent= 15h

13-Bioshock 2

Awesome game but the Original was better, time spent= 29h

14-Battlefiled Bad Company

Nice game, with great physics and funny story time spent= 20h

15-Battlefiled Bad Company 2


Much better than the previous game, time spent= 23h

16-Batman Arkham Asylum

Very great game with awesome gameplay, time spent= 32h

17-Splinter Cell Conviction

I've expected better game but still lovely and short! time spent= 18h

18-Call of Juarez Bound in Blood

Fun game i like the Original more, time spent= 20h

19-Kane&Lynch 2 Dog Days

One of the greatest Co-Op games, time spent= 29h


very Fun Game with great game play, time spent 24h


Fun game but little repetitive, time spent 26h

These are the games which still haven't finish

22-Red Faction Guerrilla

Still playing it, very fun game

23-Dante Inferno

Great story and gameplay but don't feel to play it right now :P

24-Riddick (both of them)

It's great especially the voice acting but i forget to play it!

25-Leaft 4 Dead 2

It not feels good play it alone :(

26-Alpha Protocol

I forget to play it!

27-Army of Two

Same for it too!


I've bought 3 times this game and all of them didn't work! :o

These are the games which i hate them

29-Lost Planet 2

The worst Story ever! with great Graphic!

30-Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising

I just hate everything in this game


The Graphic is good but the story is so so childish

32-Prison Break

Need to finish it though but so far i hate it!

Hmm..32 games for one year and 8 months isn't that bad, I've finished so many games with my PC too like Metro 2033, Fallout3, Bioshock, Dead Space, Mirror's Edge...

Like my GIFs? :P

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Thanks for reading :)


Mafia2 Impression/BH Is ready for upload

What's up friends? :) how is everyone?

In this blog i want to talk about:

1-Black Hole is ready for upload

2-Mafia2 Impression

3-New Banner Guy

4-Berserk and Friends

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1-Black Hole is ready for upload:


Yup I've finished episode one :D, it's 2 minutes, and it's my first serious work but it's not so good looking i put the details lower because I didn't wanted to delay it again, I've bought two package of CG Academy professional videos cost me $50 so i can make episode two much better, this season is all about introducing the main characters so please don't forget to check it out i will upload it this week and show it to my next blog if GS video service work :P if not I'll upload it on you tube and link it here ;)

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2-Mafia 2 Impression:

mafia 2

I've finished 7 chapters and so far i like it but little disappointed! here is my thoughts:

The Good:

mafia 2

The game has very great story, strong as a movie, don't want to spoil it, the environment has lots of details which impressed me, the physics is pretty great, the distance view is very great, the voice acting is superb, Mafia two is the first sands box game I've seen which has two seasons, Spring and Winter, the snow reflects in the street especially at night is very realistic, the audio is so great you hear your footsteps, you hear peoples voice in your room...the way you can steel the cars is very great, if police catch you, must change your car's plate you can add your name on it, the radio reminds me the Fallout 3 musics :P, the hand to hand combat is great, now you can find some art works in the game the playboy pictures are so so so hot they show all the forbidden areas! :P :lol: i want to find out all of the playboy pictures :D another good thing is when enemies try to shooting when your character is ruining or taking cover he covers his head with his hands! the charactes look so real for a 360 game but Mass Effect 2 has better good looking characters :P

The Bad:

mafia 2

The map is so little, the story is too short 15 chapter, the achievements are so easy to get easier than Assassin's Creed 2, the gameplay hasn't have blindshooting, after you finish the game there is nothing to do, the characters are the same most of the time, for example there was a mission which you were going to sell some gas tickets to gas-stations and all of the gas-stations manager were same!

The Ugly:

mafia 2

The Camera isn't good tbh, you lost your character in little areas, the aiming system isn't very good you can't change your aiming view like Red Dead Redemption, i didn't find mini games like RDR!


mafia 2

Mafia 2 could be much better, if you ask me choose between RDR or Mafia 2 i pick RDR, Mafia 2 need lost of DLCs and Expansion for gratifying its fan :)

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3-New Banner Guy:

Since master EHZ isn't active here, Ramtin_LA my buddy (We are friends about 12 years) is very good at Photoshop, he can make good banners, if you want banner just ask him, and he will make you the best banner you ever seen :) if you want especial banner tell him syler sends me :P lol

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4-Berserk and Friends:


I've watched all the 25 Berserk anime, and i really love it, now i want to read all of its Mangas, i hear they are making another 25 anime about Berserk can't wait to watch it :D, my next anime is Rainbow don't know if i like it, my sis bought all of the 12 years Friends seasons! and I'm watching too, it's so funny indeed lol

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thank for reading :)


Miraculous Games Part 2/Animating school/Bersek

What's up Guys/Gals? :)

I was too busy these days...sorry if i missed some of your blogs :) okay lets start with:

Miraculous Games Part 2:



ScribbleNauts is the best puzzle game you can find, this game has more than thousands of objects! the only limitation is your mind! you can summon anything you want to solve your puzzles, the idea of summon thousands of objects is very unique and new! it's an absolute blast, while other games focus on old ways....


Scribblenauts fully embraces your imagination, this game amazed so many people, ScribbleNauts push you creativity, every objects has their own behavior and it's so fun to combine several object together to solve your puzzle


The best part of Scribblenauts is using the massive dictionary to come up with all sorts of wacky ideas, of course this game has some problems but it's a great start they are working on super ScribbleNauts hope it going to be much better,


i think it's good if Sony and M$ use this idea for Move and Kinect and make some hardcore games with it :)


my first day in animating school:

Tuesday i went to enrol to an animating school which i heard it's a good place, it cost me $300 :cry: the c l a s s (don't know why i can't write this word!) started at 2:30 PM and the teacher was so young 5 years older than me! then he start talking about Maya, Max....bla bla bla...then he start teaching lol none of those girls and boys in that c l a s s know anything about 3ds max! they even didn't know how to open it :lol: i was so bored, i knew everything that teachers was talking about...then i ask him


"do you teach about Particle Systems and Physics and Reactor and MaxScript?"


he proudly said to me "you are a kid! you must study 12 years to learn something like that.."! :lol: "no i don't teach that for kids..."


i said "i already know about them just want to learn more! this is the place for learning them right?" and i said "i read all the free downloadable tutorials from autodesk"


he said "All of them are rubbish do as i say!"


he made me angry i said "i have some vids about my works wanna see? if they rubbish...?"


He said "okay during the break show them to me"

During the Break:

He said okay show me what you got! :lol: then i showed him my Black Hole Part 1 which i still haven't upload it here :P and he shocked and amazed by my videos!! and i showed him my others videos about physics... he apologized to me and he said you did good!!! how did you learn those things... and he said i will help you to learn those lessons...! :lol: don't know why some people are so proud about themselves! overall this c l a s s can help me to increase my skills :)

My First Manga:



A friend of my sis gave her some mangas, we start watching some of them, i was thinking they are so goody and boring but i really amazed!


I've seen 9 episodes of Bersek right now it's very great Manga i really like it, it's so bad ass and mature It's from 1990


, i like to share it here so that we can watch it together so do you guys/gals think is it okay to upload its episodes here? or GS will Ban me for illegal Activities?

Here some info about Bersek: the pics are clickable



Couldn't find its game in GS!!!


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I've also seen The Expendables and SALT yesterday which #1 was so worthless! but #2 was worth to watch :) :P

Thanks for reading


Miraculous Games Part 1/KandL2 review

Salute Gamespotters :)

I'm want to make new series for my blogs here is the the part one :)

Miraculous Games Part 1:

Remember those moments when we saw some games which blew up our minds! the Miraculous Games is about those games which so further and wasn't for this gen consoles and they start a revolution in game industry...



In 2007 the video games graphic wasn't that awesome, we played games like Riddick, GTA Vice City, Tru Crime...but suddenly Crytek announce the Crysis!


the game was so real and was so further from its own gen no video card could handle this game, still after 3,4 years this game is still punishing the graphic cards! now today ATI 5970 or Nvidia 480 can run this game without no problems,


crysis was the best graphic for its time and made other game studios to start making games with better graphics like Killzone 2,


and now they are making Crysis2 which I'm sure it will be the best geraphic 100% sure for PC, and punishing todays video cards, further more its great graphic, it shows a new game play too, i never played a game like it before, but its story wasn't that great imo


What do you think about this series? :D

Kane&Lynch 2 dog days review:

I've finished it :D with Extreme difficulty! i have to say it's was so so so hard I've finished Gears of War1&2 with insane difficulty too but Kane&Lynch 2 is harder than them! :o you die with two shots! you even can't aim you must spend most of your time to blind firing! so please read the review I've spend 2h on it :D

Kane&Lynch 2 dog days review

for update about Black Hole, I'm trying to increase my Reactor, physics and Particle System like Particle flow, superspray and working on part2 :) which will upload it this month.

Thanks for reading :)


BH render problem.Red Faction,bought Kayne and Lynch 2

What's Up Gamespotters? :)

Lets start with BH Problem:


Is it good? :D

I've finished part one but after rendering which took me almost 100h!!! i notice that i did something wrong! for character animation, i forgot to create keys for their movements so they don't movie! :cry: now i need to fix it :cry:, it will take me another 100h! so i will upload it next Saturday :( but i have time to upload both part 1 and part 2 for next saturday :)

Red Faction:


I'm playing red faction now, and it's really fun :)

the physics is so great and the missions are fun, for example there is a rescue mission in this game which you go to the EDF base and rescue some red faction members as fast as you can and they start to attack you fallow you with tank!, you can go go to behind the walls break them with your hammer and free them...or there is a mission which you ride a vehicle and attack to EDF bases...


there was a missions which was so exciting for me, EDF was bombarding the red factions bases and my missions was to rescue the people and save the important information while all the buildings were falling...:D


So far i like it, I will Review it after i finish it, i bet Red Faction 2 going to better :)


KANE&LYNCH 2 dog days:

kayne and Lynch

I've just bought it :D i don't want spoil it, but it's so great the camera movements the atmosphere is pretty Cinematic, but the game has very strong and violent language and sexual moments it's for +17, the graphic isn't so impressive but the character movements is so real

kayne and Lynch

the audio is so great, the game play is superb, I'm playing it with extreme difficulty, you will die with two shots! so far i like, I'll talk more about it :)

Watched all the Prison Break seasons:

Yup I've watched all of its seasons, such a great TV show indeed, the ending made me cry :P now i need to watch something else hmm....maybe i start to watch all of the LOST seasons again! BTW I've bought Inception still didn't watch it yet :P

Okay I'm going to render BH, and playing K&L 2 and Red Faction Thanks for reading :)
