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Some awesome ipod games,RDR,BH episode 1 have been finished

Hi everybody :) how is everyone?


Black Hole season 1 episode 1 Part 1 to 4 is ready :D

Yup we nearly complete all the 4 parts, for the next blog (Saturday) i will upload part one, each part are 2 to 5 minutes so don't forget to watch it :)

I've finished RDR:

Yea i finally finish it, such a great game indeed, it took me 30h, the ending was awesome imo, the best wild west game ever, i recommend it, don't know why most people didn't like the ending i don't know it has different endings but my ending was awesome!

[spoiler] John finally found his family, and spent good times with them, then after several days the government came and kill John, then after 3 years his son revenge his father [/spoiler]

Now i don't have any good games :P , why they don't release Halo Reach....:cry:

Some awesome ipod games:

Wow O_o i can't believe it! i got two awesome games for my ipod they looks so awesome!

1-GTA Chinatown:


This game is so awesome! it looks like GTA4, the graphic is so cool, the game play is awesome!


2-Modern Combat SANDSTORM:


This game shocked me!


the best looking ipod game ever! it pretty looks like Modern Warfare


the game has physics, you can through grenade, flash bang, there is lots of guns! the enemy AI is very good!


they take cover, through grenades! it has very good cut scene, it has multiplayer too!...


if you have ipod you should check it out :)

I should play more with my ipod :P

Thanks for reading :)


Now playing Prison Break, I've been tagged...

Hi everybody :) I'm in good mood these days, everything is going on my plan :D

1-Black Hole got Delayed:

Yep I've finished 3ds max 2011 tutorials, but for materials and Character animation i must finish Mudbox and Motion Builder Tutorials for the best result :) they should take me 1 month at most, i will finish it for summer no worries :) BTW I've bought 4GB DDR3 Ram it cost me $110 now my wallet is empty :P but i have 6GB RAM right now :D

2-Good News:

I'm going to enrol to a 3ds max academy this week which it's the best academy here :D hope they teach good stuff there.

3-Now playing Prison Break:

prion break

I'm watching Prison Break recently, I'm in season 3 and I've decided to buy its game

prion break

It deserve better score imo,

prion break

i only played 2h of it, so far i like it

prion break

the music is exactly like its TV show but they've changed its story which i don't like it, i was expecting to play as Michel!

prion break

but its enjoyable to see your favorite characters :D

prion break

the graphic is good, but the lip syncing is so bad

prion break

the voice acting is not good but can comport it, the character modeling is good

prion break

it has a acceptable gameplay, it has some QTE which reminds me the Fahrenheit, I'll review it after i finish it :)

prion break

4-I've Been Tagged:

Okay I've been tagged 5, 6 times and Thanks for tagging me Gamespotters :), some about music, some about 5 things you hate, you like, some about 10 things about me...:P

lets start with 10 things about me:

1-My name is Makan, I'm 20 years old, from Iran/Tehran


This pic is for 2 years ago and i look better lol

2-I'm studding Computer engineer in college, beyond that I'm studding Game Designing and Animating by myself :P

3-I go to GYM always and exercising at least 3 times a week, good health is important for me

4-I love video games, it's part of my life, I'm playing videp games since i was 6 years old, my first consoles was ATARI

5-My Favorite Food is Pizza. especially Peperoni Pizza

6-I always try to be friend with people and respect them but if they insult me or use me, god help them!

7-I love The Simpsons, LOST, Heroes :D

8-I have a good memory and information about ancient Persian History, Physics, Chemistry

9-I'm good in writing stories, and Directing the movies (I mean the Animations movies)

10-I don't have aspect about anything i love! for example i spend 74h on mass effect 2 in 4, 5 days! :D :P

So that's it I'm so goody heh? and i tagg nobody :P

BTW i reviewed some 3 games check them out if you interested :)

Metroo 2033, Alan Wake, Mirror's Edge

Thanks for reading :)


Black Hole Start of the Main Story

Hi everybody I'm assume everything is alright? :)

2 years ago i started to write a story, a story which talk about other faces of the real events, and i decided to make a video game about it, after spending days and nights in my room walking, thinking about it, i Finlay finished the story, and found everything i needed for this project, i started to learn Autodesk 3Ds Max and I'm proud to say it I finish 95% of its tutorials without anyone help alone with a crappy PC, I reach the Advance level, but i still have long journey for making its game so i decided to make a movie about it first, the movie will contain 5 parts, I will upload the first Part for this summer.

Why I'm doing all of this crazy stuff instead of spending my summer with my friends, video games....any way?

The thing is: I love to make my own video game one day, people play my video game and enjoy it, i don't think about make money...i only think about the quality, with great quality you will get everything you want imo, i like to make an enjoyable moment for people like me, and i never give up on it until i die :P

Black Hole Mini Main Story:

black hole

Long time Ago there was an outcast civilization from an unknown world, they were so desperate to back but the only way back was the fade world which protected by other civilization, that civilization who protected the fade world believed on two Crystals Black and White who had massive energy.

Those who believed on black crystals wanted to back to their real world but they didn't know how, they knew that outcast civilization knows the way so they opened the gates (Black Holes) and with their crystals went to them but that outcast civilization destroyed all of them, use the Black Powers and attacked to the fade world.

The White Crystals Believers tried to stop them but they were too strong, the White King made an crazy decision he give his and his people souls to the White Crystal so that it caused a massive explosion (which we know that as Big Bang theory!) and made the Black Holes closed and trap them there but not forever every 20 thousands years it will be open, before the white king did this he sends his two sons to the our world.

Now After many years in 2100 our story will begin, after the humans explore the galaxy, they found some vestige of that outcast civilization with that huge Black Crystal, they found this Crystal has really massive energy 100 time stronger than the materials in the earth...they send the main character to bring some samples of that Crystal to the earth but seems they are not alone in that planet and some of those outcast civilization are still alive.....

black hole

Okay i censored so many parts...i wrote more than 100 pages, only 40 pages for its summery but it's the start of the main story, so you can see how huge it is, you will see some Flashback in the movie about the those civilizations...there will lots of characters....and my English isn't very good sorry about that, so maybe i couldn't transfer the story very good...

I will talk more about the Fade World....and those Crystals and those civilizations...:) if you interested about it PM me :)

I'm working on the modeling the Characters...., want to use the best lighting effects, and the best Physics for this animation...

I think i will finish the Part one this month :)

Thanks for Reading :)


Do you think game companies are consuming us?

Hi everybody :)

I have a question:

Do you think game companies are consuming us and keep us from the real life?

I don't have any problems with Videogames and its entertainment but i feel these days M$ and Sony, Nintendo...and others.... just think about making money by any means necessary and don't care about people health! (mental&Physical)



I watched a program in NHK news yesterday which it was about NINTENDO 3DS, there was an unreal female character [AI] who guides and shows the famous places to the tourists there was a guy who had NINTENDO 3DS and love that character and at end of the program when that guy went to sleep that AI [female character] told him i want to sleep with in the same room :o!!! :lol: then he was patting the bed! lol isn't it weird? that guy is lost in the imaginary world!



Another thing is that game Mailo or familiar games like that for Kinect [Project Natal], you talk with an AI and you can do anything, you can talk with a hot AI....or go to the XBL and meet other people there for example you can find a girlfriend and kiss each other with Kinect despite you don't know whom she really is?! maybe a fat guy lol it remindfs me that brus wilis movie Surrogates, i don't have problem with the main idea but you know some people don't have that aspect, for example i, when i was a kid [12 years old] i played more than 15h Delta Force 1 then i feel some headacheand... went to the Hospital :P but i don't have that energy anymore or do i ? lol


3d glasses

I heard sony says 3d glasses cause nausea, headache and only +6 old people should play 3d games, i personally tried it and it made me little dizzy, and they are making lots of 3d gaming like Killzone3! what's about people health?



Blizzard is a good example with those games like World of Warcraft or StarCraft, they have 12 million users whom some of them spending 15h a day on those games! they don't care whom some people lost their real life....they just want more users and money! or other games like Oblivion....

Gamer Rights:

I think it's time to show those capitalist companies a lesson, we are like workers to them, we buy lots of games from them, make them reach and they don't pay attention to our rights and our health, why we don't have a Gamer Union in the International Entertainment? whom the members from the the elite gamers all over the world? and those comanies first ask the permission from that union and share the money with them? and that union give that money to the gamers or make them collage or buy computer for poor children?....stuff like that? they made more than 80 million dollars a year! in Iran we have 10 million gamer who nobody care about them!

Thanks for reading :)


Waiting for a revolutionary and addictive game

Hi everybody How is everyone? :)

In this Blog i want to talk about:

1-Little Update

2-Waiting for a revolutionary and addictive game

1-Little Update:

Well I've finished Cloth and Hair and Especial Effects tutorials and only Character animation remains :D i also find some great methods such as Morpher Modifier and Particle Flow which they are so important and i want to use them for the Black Hole, Ramtin-LA came to my place 2 days ago and we talk about the project... his photoshop skills is great so i told him create some scary pics for me like blood....:P, I'll try to finish the episode 1 for this month hope until then GS solve this Glitch problem.

2-Waiting for a revolutionary and addictive game:

2010 is a great year for video games, but only 5 games didn't allow me to move in front of my TV:

Mass Effect 2

Alan Wake


Red Dead Redemtion (still don't allow me :P)

Daragon Age Awakening

Sure there are another good games i played and enjoyed like Splinter Cell Coviction, Bioshock 2,... but they weren't so impressive to me.

There are some great games which are coming up this fall and i think each of them are going to be start a revolution!

1-StarCraft II

starcraft II

This game looks awesome, and i don't have any doubt that it going to be the best Strategy game of the 2010


crysis 2

I played Crysis several times, this game has everything, i bet it going to be the best Graphic Game of 2010

3-Halo Reach

halo reach

They said it's the best Halo ever and so far it looks awesome and addictive.

4-Fable III


47h Dialogs! they siad no one say a repettive word in this game! each character has 2000 dialogs and 80 voice actors acting in this game! i bet it going to be the best RPG game of 2010 if Fallout let it :P

5-Fallout New Vegas

new vegas

Fallout is my favorite game of all the time, I'm sure New Vegas has lots of surprises for us



It looks pretty awesome, i must try this game!

My 2011 Wishlist:

1-Dragon Age II


They said Hawk can speak and the graphic is improved so much!....i love this game can't wait for it

2-Mass Effect 3

me 2

I love SCI_Fiction games, ME3 is in my must buy list

3-Gears of War 3

gears of war 3

Gears of War is the best 3rd person shooter i ever seen and played, i definitely buy it!

4-Star Wars Old Republic

star wars

I love Bioware and love all of its games

Thanks for reading :)


Favorite Actor part 3/ hot news

Hi everybody :)

I'm happy right now, because my progress is good, I've finished Hair and Cloth tutorial yesterday, 2 days for especial effect, 4 days for character animation, then I'm ready for the project, Ramtin-LA drew some vehicles and a SpaceStation and spacecraft, some charcter bodies..., i wrote the scenario took me 4h, we will distribute our responsibilitiesfor making it faster :D

Hot news:

Dragon Age 2


Bioware said the main character is Hawk whom heshe is a human unless you change it and heshe can talk like Mass Effect :!: and they said the graphic is much better. i wonder who is this Hawk, Morrigan Child? i hate Bioware if they don't use Morrigan in DA2 :evil:

Fable III


The Audio and Dialogs are so important to me now its studio said this game has 47h Dialogs and they claim no one say a repetitive word in this game each Character has 2000 Dialogs and this game has 80 voice actors :!: this game is in my must buy list.

Halo Reach Achievement

halo reach

There is 49 Achievement in this game, 23 for the Story, 7 for the Firefight (ODST), 4 for Multiplayer, rest for XP and Training.

Nano Edition for Crysis 2

crysis 2

It costs $200! that pack with Nano Suit(46*36 cm) look is so awesome indeed

Favorite Actors and Moives Part 3:

Jonny Depp:

jonny depp

Don't know with which movie start lol i like all of his movies

Edward Scissorhands

jonny depp

Couldn't find Quotes for it

jonny depp

Storyteller: Once upon a time, there was a quiet little village in the French countryside, whose people believed in Tranquilité - Tranquility. If you lived in this village, you understood what was expected of you. You knew your place in the scheme of things. And if you happened to forget, someone would help remind you. In this village, if you saw something you weren't supposed to see, you learned to look the other way. If perchance your hopes had been disappointed, you learned never to ask for more. So through good times and bad, famine and feast, the villagers held fast to their traditions. Until, one winter day, a sly wind blew in from the North...
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

jonny depp

Jack Sparrow: The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do. For instance, you can accept that your father was a pirate and a good man or you can't. But pirate is in your blood, boy, so you'll have to square with that some day. And me, for example, I can let you drown, but I can't bring this ship into Tortuga all by me onesies, savvy? So, can you sail under the command of a pirate, or can you not?
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

jonny depp

Sweeney Todd: Alright! You, sir? How about a shave? Come and visit your good friend Sweeney! You sir! Too, sir. Welcome to the grave... I will have vengeance. I will have salvation... Who, sir? You sir!No one's in the chair. Come on, come on! Sweeney's waiting. I want you bleeders. You sir? Anybody? Gentlemen, now don't be shy. Not one man... No, nor ten men... Nor a hundred can assuage me. I will have you! And I will get him back even as he gloats; In the meantime I'll practice on less honorable throats... And my Lucy lies in ashes, and I'll never see my girl again. But the work waits! I'm alive at last, and I'm full of joy!

Sweeney Todd: [sung] They all deserve to die. Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why! Because in all of the whole human race, Mrs. Lovett, there are two kinds of men and only two. There's the one staying put in his proper place and one with his foot in the other one's face. Look at me, Mrs Lovett! Look at you! No, we all deserve to die... Even you, Mrs Lovett, even I! Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief. For the rest of us death will be a relief. We all deserve to die... And I'll never see Johanna, no I'll never hug my girl to me... FINISHED!
Public Enemies

jonny depp

[last lines]
Billie Frechette: They say you're the man who shot him.
Charles Winstead: That's right. One of 'em.
Billie Frechette: So why are you coming to see me? To see the damage you done?
Charles Winstead: No. I came here because he asked me to. When he went down, he said somethin'. I put my ear next to his mouth, and what I think he said was this. He said, 'Tell Billie for me: Bye bye, Blackbird.'
[Billie starts to cry as Winstead gets up to leave]

John Dillinger: I was raised on a farm in Moooresville, Indiana. My mama ran out on us when I was three, my daddy beat the hell out of me cause he didn't know no better way to raise me. I like baseball, movies, good clothes, fast cars, whiskey, and you... what else you need to know?
Alice in Wonderland

jonny depp

[from trailer]
The Mad Hatter: There is a place. Like no place on Earth. A land full of wonder, mystery, and danger! Some say to survive it: You need to be as mad as a hatter.
[picks up his hat]
The Mad Hatter: Which luckily I am.

Alice Kingsley: I try to believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast. Count them, Alice. One, there are drinks that make you shrink. Two, there are foods that make you grow. Three, animals can talk. Four, cats can disappear. Five, there is a place called Underland. Six, I can slay the Jabberwocky.

Thanks for reading :)


Update/Favorite Actors and Movies part 2

Hi everybody :)

well I'm just waiting GS solve its glitch problem so that i upload my trails and pictures about Black Hole I'm near to finish 3ds max tutorials, and I'm officially will start the project next week, eventually I'm not in a hurry, i want to focus on the details BTW I'm going to buy a new Internet this month, and i will more active here and I'm thinking to make an Union :D the union will be about Funny Animations and Black Hole Episodes, GIF animations, Hardware news and Benchmarks, little about Persian Games and east games, Game news, Link of download some good stuff..... :) don't know what to call it :roll: how about Freedom Fighters, Old Gods, Creators....:P

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt



Agamemnon: I see you're not hiding behind your high walls. Valiant of you. Ill-advised, but valiant.
Hector: You come here uninvited. Go back to your ships and go home.
Agamemnon: We've come too far, Prince Hector.
Menelaus: Prince? What prince? What son of a king would accept a man's hospitality, eat his food, drink his wine, embrace him in friendship, and then steal his wife in the middle of the night?
Paris: The sun was shining when your wife left you.
Menelaus: She's up there, watching, isn't she? Good. I want her to watch you die.
Agamemnon: Not yet, brother. Look around you, Hector. I brought all the warriors of Greece to your shores.
Nestor: You can still save Troy, young prince.
Agamemnon: I have two wishes. If you grant them, no more of your people need die. First, you must give Helen back to my brother. Second, Troy must submit to my command, to fight for me whenever I call.
Hector: You want me to look upon your army and tremble? Well I see them. I see 50,000 men brought here to fight for one man's greed.
Agamemnon: Careful boy, my mercy has limits.
Hector: And I've seen the limits of your mercy and I tell you now, no son of Troy will ever submit to a foreign ruler.
Agamemnon: Then every son of Troy shall die.

Fight Club

Fight Club

Narrator: You wake up at Seatac, SFO, LAX. You wake up at O'Hare, Dallas-Fort Worth, BWI. Pacific, mountain, central. Lose an hour, gain an hour. This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. You wake up at Air Harbor International. If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?

Legends of the Fall

Legends of the Fall

Alfred: I don't know what to say. Tristan's always been wild. You love him for that.
Susannah: Do I? Yeah, I suppose I do.
Alfred: Susannah, he does love you.
Colonel Ludlow: Alfred! She's to be your brother's wife.
Alfred: Yes, though you might better remind him of that.
Colonel Ludlow: He's not here to defend himself.
Alfred: No, he's not but I see you are here to defend him and what is his. Even though he's abandoned her and you. And I won't even speak of who else he abandoned.
Colonel Ludlow: Damn you, boy. Don't you blame my son for Samuel's death! Samuel chose to be a soldier and soldiers die. Sent to be slaughtered by the men in the government. Parasites like you! Damn and blast you!
[turns to Susannah]
Colonel Ludlow: Damn you too!
Alfred: Shut your mouth! You leave her out of this!
Colonel Ludlow: You get out of my house and off my land.
Alfred: Why? Because I want to serve my country like you did? Or because, like you, I love a woman who doesn't love me? He used her and he deserted her. Your darling Tristan.
Susannah: Alfred, don't, please.
Alfred: I loved her! I love her still. And he stole her from me. If you want to know the truth of it he stole her from Samuel before the war.
Colonel Ludlow: God help me, I'll kill you.



David Mills: Wait, I thought all you did was kill innocent people.
John Doe: Innocent? Is that supposed to be funny? An obese man... a disgusting man who could barely stand up; a man who if you saw him on the street, you'd point him out to your friends so that they could join you in mocking him; a man, who if you saw him while you were eating, you wouldn't be able to finish your meal. After him, I picked the lawyer and I know you both must have been secretly thanking me for that one. This is a man who dedicated his life to making money by lying with every breath that he could muster to keeping murderers and rapists on the streets!
David Mills: Murderers?
John Doe: A woman...
David Mills: Murderers, John, like yourself?
John Doe: [interrupts] A woman... so ugly on the inside she couldn't bear to go on living if she couldn't be beautiful on the outside. A drug dealer, a drug dealing pederast, actually! And let's not forget the disease-spreading whore! Only in a world this **** could you even try to say these were innocent people and keep a straight face. But that's the point. We see a deadly sin on every street corner, in every home, and we tolerate it. We tolerate it because it's common, it's trivial. We tolerate it morning, noon, and night. Well, not anymore. I'm setting the example. What I've done is going to be puzzled over and studied and followed... forever.

Seven Years in Tibet

Seven Years in Tibet

Heinrich Harrer: You have to leave. You have to leave Tibet, Kundun. Your life's at great risk. Forgive my presumption but I have made arrangements to get you out safely. We should leave directly after the enthronement, the Chinese won't expect it.
Dalai Lama: How can I help people if I run away from them? What kind of leader would I be? I have to stay here, Heinrich. Serving others is my path to deliberation.
Heinrich Harrer: Then I don't go either.
Dalai Lama: Why not?
Heinrich Harrer: Because you are my path to deliberation.
Dalai Lama: The Buddha said 'Salvation doesn't come from the sight of me. It demands strenuous effort and practise. So work hard and seek your own salvation constantly.' I am not your son. And I've never thought of you as my father. You've been much too informal to me for that. Do you ever think about him?
[Heinrich cries, nodding]
Dalai Lama: And what do you think about?
Heinrich Harrer: It's not a conscious thought really, Kundun. He is always there. When I crossed Tibet he was with me. When I came to Lhasa he was with me. When I sit beside you he is there with me. I can't even imagine how to picture the world without him in it.

and many more....

Thanks for reading :)


Favorite Actors and movies

Hi everybody :)

My favorite Actor& Movie

I saw the HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, it's really a great animation indeed i watched it several times recommend it to everyone :) Here some Quotes about it:


Fishlegs: [to Tuffnut] Your mom let you get a tattoo?
Tuffnut: It's not a tattoo, it's a birth mark!
Ruffnut: Okay, I've been stuck with you since birth and that was never there before.
Tuffnut: Yes it was! You've just never seen me from the left side before.

Stoick: Either we finish them, or they'll finish us! It's the only way we'll be rid of them! If we find the nest and destroy it, the dragons will leave! One more search, before the ice sets in.
Viking: Those ships never come back!
Stoick: We're Vikings! It's an occupational hazard. So, who's with me?
[Muttering and mumbling, most of the Vikings decline]
Stoick: All right. Those that stay, will look after Hiccup.
[There is a chorus of shouting and raised hands]
Stoick: Aye, that's more like it.

Stoick: Hiccup?
Hiccup: Dad! Uh, I have to talk to you, Dad.
Stoick: I need to speak with you too, son.
[They both take deep breaths, then they both speak at once]
Stoick, Hiccup: I've decided I don't want to fight dragons./I think it's time you learned to fight dragons.
Stoick, Hiccup: What?
Stoick: Uh, you go first.
Hiccup: Oh no, you go first.
Stoick: All right.
[another deep breath, then]
Stoick: You get your wish: dragon training. You start in the morning.
Hiccup: Oh, man, I should have gone first! Because, I was thinking, you know, we have a surplus of dragon-fighting Vikings, but do we have enough bread-making Vikings, or small home-repair Vikings?

[last lines]
Hiccup: This is Berk. It snows nine months out of the year, and hails the other three. What little food grows here is tough and tasteless. The people that grow here, even more so. The only upsides are the pets. While other places have ponies, or parrots... we have dragons.

Adrien Brody:

Adrien Brody

The Pianist:

The Pianist

Halina: We could hide the money. Look here. We can hide the money under the flower pots.
Father: No, no, no, no, I'll tell you what we do. We use tried and tested methods. You know what we did in the last war? We made a hole in the table leg
[taps the leg]
Father: and hid the money in there.
Henryk Szpilman: And suppose they take the table away?
Father: What do you mean, take the table away?
Henryk Szpilman: The Germans go into Jewish homes and they just take what they want, furniture, valuable, anything.
Mother: Do they?
Father: Idiot, what would they want with a table, a table like this?
[rips a piece of wood off the table]
Mother: What on earth are you doing!
Halina: No, listen. This is the best place for it. No-one would think of looking under the flower pots.
Henryk Szpilman: No, no, no, listen, listen to me, I've been thinking...
Wladyslaw Szpilman: Oh, really? That's a change.
Henryk Szpilman: You know what we do? We use psychology.
Wladyslaw Szpilman: We use *what*?
Henryk Szpilman: We leave the money and the watch on the table, and we cover it like this, in full view.
Wladyslaw Szpilman: [amazed] Are you stupid?
Henryk Szpilman: The Germans will search high and low, I promise you, they'll never notice!
Wladyslaw Szpilman: That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen, of course they'll notice it. Look.
[takes the violin and a bill, folds it and slips it into the opening of the violin]
Wladyslaw Szpilman: Look here... idiot.
Henryk Szpilman: And you call me stupid?
Mother: No, that is very good, because that is the last place they will ever look.
Henryk Szpilman: This will take hours!
Mother: We're not in a hurry, we'll get it back...
Wladyslaw Szpilman: It won't take hours.
Henryk Szpilman: How will you get them out? Tell me that, tell me how, I'd like to know, how would you get them out. You take each one out individually...
Halina: No-one listens to me, no-one.

The Jacket:

The Jacket

[letter Jack writes to Jean]
Jack Starks: Sometimes I think we live through things only to be able to say that it happened. That it wasn't to someone else, it was to me. Sometimes we live to beat the odds. I'm not crazy even though they thought I was. I live in the same world as everyone else. I just saw more of it, as I'm sure you have. They'll find my body tomorrow. You can check it out if you don't believe me. I've seen life after my death, and I'm telling you this because it's the only way to help you and your daughter have a better life of your own. Jean, you're gonna pass out one day smoking a cigarette and burn to death. Your daughter grows up living the same life you're living right now. And she misses you so much. Sometimes life can only really begin with the knowledge of death. That it can all end, even when you least want it to. The important thing in life is to believe that while you're alive, it's never too late. I promise you, Jean, no matter how bad things look, they look better awake than they do asleep. When you die, there's only one thing you want to happen. You wanna come back.

Thanks for reading :)


Hope is the only thing i have!/Game Quotes

Hi everyone :)


Boy it's so hot here! anyway I've made 3 animations and some new GIF pictures [Consoles War first trail....] and went to a coffee net to upload them but it didn't work, i tried several times in two other coffee nets! but still didn't work! is it me or GS has problems again? :evil:

Meh I'll try to upload them on wednesday again hope it works! so I finished GTA IV yesterday i spend 50h on it :P i really like this game it was a miracle for 2008 very great game indeed and i made an animation for it but can't upload it! :o


I decided after i finish a game i make an animation about it :)

Now I'm playing Lost Planet 2, RDR and i want to start playing Alpha Protocol, Red Faction, End War, Riddick, Dante's Inferno, Army of Two, Left4Dead 2 which i didn't finish them yet.

Lost Planet 2 has a great graphic and cool gameplay but the music and story is so weak they made this game for multiplayer and Co-Op in my opinion but it's fun to play.

I watched Toy Story 3 and WolfMan, both are great recommend them :)


I'm working on the Black Hole's Season 1 Episode 1 story i went to my best friend today which you can find him here and ask him to help me for making my Movie [he can work with 3ds max too] and i explain the story for him and he kinda like it and accept it, so fortunately I'm not alone and i can make my movie faster :) we are thinking about a name for our team any suggestion? how about Freedom Fighter Team? :P

So Hope is the only thing i have.


Game Quotes Part 12:

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (2009)

[from trailer]
Riddick: They say... hope begins in the dark.
Riddick: But most just flail around in the blackness searching for their destiny. The darkness, for me, is where I shine.

[from trailer]
Riddick: In the end, everybody bleeds the same...

Dacher: So, you are not a merc. And you are not a prisoner either. What the hell are you?
Riddick: I'm Hell's messenger. Name's Riddick.

Lynn Silverman: Are you hiding from the monsters too?
Riddick: Not hiding... Hunting.

Riddick: The Igeuran System... Full of desperate suckers who couldn't make it anywhere else. Where there's desperation, there's opportunity.

Revas: [Identifying Johns' body] Ah, Johns - I remember you. Squad leader on Sol Luchia I believe. Good man once, but not any more.
Revas: You do know the Bay's been looking for you?
Revas: [Glancing at an empty cryo chamber] ... And your friend...
Revas: [Riddick silently steals her hairpin from above] What have you done with... him?

Riddick: [From trailer] The body is willing... The mind is controlled. This unholy fusion between flesh and technology...
Riddick: Now the monsters have something to fear...
Riddick: [Montage of Riddick killing these drones] The dead... should stay dead.

Exbob: [masturbating in the corner] What are you looking at, huh? You want some of this?
Exbob: [moaning] It's good! It's good huh!

Bonner: Revas... She's one bad ass *bi tch*! Like my wife!
Bonner: Damn I miss her cookies...

Revas: Riddick! Love to stay and chat, but you know... Kill him!

Riddick: Did she succeed or did you fail? Right now you look like you're full of fail.

Riddick: I didn't escape. I just traded one hell for another.

Spinner: What a treat! Richard B. Riddick... The toughest mother fu cker in the galaxy. Wait, scratch that, second toughest - after me. You want a shot at the title?
Spinner: [Dying words, defeated by Riddick] I... I could of had you.
Riddick: If it's any consolation, you were better than average. At least that's something.

Spinner: Johns? Should o' cracked the glass and watched him vomit up his own lungs.
Revas: Oh Spinner hon, you got a thick skull sometimes. Johns' a merc, just like you and me. And when a merc becomes a most-wanted, the price shoots sky high.
Spinner: Ma'am, we talkin' bounty now?
Revas: Johns busted out of Butcher Bay with the biggest prize they ever got.
Spinner: ...Riddick.
Revas: So no drone shop for this one.

Merc: The guy's a crack head, dope head, morph head...
Merc 2: Yeah, so what?
Merc: Bottom line? He's a dick head.

Merc: [as the player observes after exiting a vent] He's dead meat if he comes in here.
Merc 2: But what if he crawls through the vents?
Merc: The vents? Who the fu ck crawls through vents?

Jaylor: I can give you the code, Riddick. But first you gotta do something for *me*. See, there's a guy here called Margo.
Jaylor: Margo is a ****ing son of a bi tch who likes to stab his friends in the back for kicks! I want to see him dead. It's eatin' me up from the inside! I want to see him *suffer*!
Jaylor: Kill him for me, Riddick and then bring back his gold tooth and give it to me, so I know you done it, see.

Bonner: Aw come *on* man! Help me out! I got a wife and a kid back home. Three kids even! And a dog! They need me!

Riddick: Tell me something useful, before I come up with a better idea.
Bonner: I don't know man! They're making *something* on this ship. I don't know what. Some kinda robots or something.
Riddick: You don't know anything.
Bonner: I guess... I guess not.

Bonner: You've just stepped into the downtown of sphincter central!
Riddick: Yeah. I figured that out when I saw you.

Exbob: God damn you're ugly! I don't do business with fu cks like you!

Exbob: What the fu ck you... What the fu ck you want? Huh? Hah? Huh?
Exbob: [Yelling] Huh? What the *fu ck* you want? Huh?
Exbob: [Turning around as if to stop, but continues] Huh?
Exbob: [Muttering] *** Gonna fu ck you up...
Exbob: What the fu ck you want, huh?
Exbob: [Yelling uncontrollably] What the fu ck! You want?
Exbob: Huh?

Riddick: The supply depot. The old man gets a gas mask, and the mercs... get a nasty surprise.

Riddick: The SCAR gun: originally designed to make people's lives easier... But in the right hands it's an efficient and violent way to end them.
Riddick: ...It's in the right hands now.

Riddick: [Saving Revas from a fatal fall] It didn't have to be this way.
Revas: Why does it *** matter anyway?
Revas: Just... Don't forget me.
Riddick: [Revas loses her grip and falls to her death] You said you're used to living hard, so dying should come easy.

[Last lines]
Lynn Silverman: Is she coming back?
Riddick: When I say goodbye, it's forever.

Mad Margo: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who the *fu ck* is this?
Merc: *** he ain't one of ours, Margo!

Bonner: I love you, man! I'm gonna make myself a Riddick shrine, when I get outta here. I'm gonna get a tattoo of you on like, my ass or somethin'!

Merc: [Taunting] Who's your daddy?
Riddick: [the player kills the merc] Riddick.

Thanks for reading

