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I couldn't resist! i made my decision/Game Quotes part 4....

Hi everybody :)
I'm going to buy a new mainboard and CPU for my PC :D, I'm a PC builder :P, I'm still using my Sisters Laptop :?, and 3 days later i have to go to the college :cry:


I have finished AC2 and Bioshock2 :D truly i enjoy both of them, they are really enjoyable, Bioshock 2 has really Unique story which i never saw something like it! but AC2 is kinda like The Matrix! but 2k created a very Unique story it's kinda like LOST you are a lone trying to escape...I can't wait to see its movie :D

assassin's creed 2

I made my decision:

I have decided to make a video game! I'm writing its story right now the story is really deep and interesting like LOST :P

I want to make this game with 3d studio MAX, and I'll upload it to a website for free download :) and i will make lots of cut seance for it,

I will make a trail for it soon and upload it here :) [when i buy a new pc] the name of my game is the Black Hole :D

this video game will be release after summer i guess just for PC :P, i want to work a lot on it, after i finish it i will release a Beta version then and ask some dudes here to try it and tell me how is it?... then i will release the finial version :D WOOT I'm so excited! it will be so hard but I'll do my best.

MY FAVORITE TV Show Character:



This is my best TV show, i love all of the charaters here some of them:

James 'Sawyer' Ford:

lost for biography click here

John Locke:

lost for biography click here



heroes for biography click here

Peter Petrelli:

heroes for biography click here

Game Quotes part 4:


Andrew Ryan: I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.

Andrew Ryan: We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us.

Andrew Ryan: Even in a book of lies sometimes you find truth. There is indeed a season for all things and now that I see you flesh-to-flesh and blood-to-blood I know I cannot raise my hand against you. But know this, you are my greatest disappointment. Does your master hear me? Atlas! You can kill me, but you will never have my city. My strength is not in steel and fire, that is what the parasites will never understand. A season for all things! A time to live and a time to die, a time to build... and a time to destroy!

Little Sister: Look, Mr. Bubbles. It's an angel! I can see light coming from his belly. Wait a minute... he's still breathing. It's alright. I know he'll be an angel soon.

Andrew Ryan: What is the difference between a man and a parasite? A man builds. A parasite asks 'Where is my share?' A man creates. A parasite says, 'What will the neighbors think?' A man invents. A parasite says, 'Watch out, or you might tread on the toes of God... '

Andrew Ryan: [to Jack, as he enters Ryan's sanctuary] The assassin has overcome my final line of defense, and now he plans to murder me. In the end what separates a man from a slave? Money? Power? No, a man chooses, and a slave obeys!
Andrew Ryan: You think you have memories. A farm. A family. An airplane. A crash. And then this place. Was their really a family? Did that airplane crash, or, was it hijacked? Forced down, forced down by something less than a man, something bred to sleepwalk through life unless activated by a simple phrase, spoken by their kindly master. Come in.
[Jack enters Ryan's layer]
Andrew Ryan: Stop, would you kindly?
[Jack does]
Andrew Ryan: Would you kindly, powerful phrase. Familiar phrase?
[Cascade of memories of Atlas ordering Jack to perform various tasks with the phrase "Would you kindly"]
Andrew Ryan: Sit, would you kindly? Stand, would you kindly? Run! Stop! Turn. Was a man sent to kill, or a slave?
[Ryan hands Jack a golf club]
Andrew Ryan: KILL!
[Jack smacks Ryan with the club]
Andrew Ryan: A man chooses!
[Jack smacks him again]
Andrew Ryan: A slave obeys!
[Jack smacks him again]
Andrew Ryan: OBEEEEEEY!
[Jack kills Ryan]

Andrew Ryan: So tell me, friend, which one of the **** sent you? The KGB wolf, or the CIA jackal? Here's the news: Rapture isn't some sunken ship for you to plunder, and Andrew Ryan isn't a giddy socialite who can be slapped around by government muscle. And with that, farewell, or dasvidaniya, whichever you prefer.

Andrew Ryan: You ooze in like an assassin, and then you try to sneak out like a thief! You're no CIA spook. Who are you! Why have you come here!
Andrew Ryan: There's two ways to deal with mystery: uncover it, or eliminate it.

Andrew Ryan: I came to this place to build the impossible. You came to rob what you could never build - a Hun gaping at the gates of Rome. Even the air you breathe is sponged from my account. Well... breathe deep, so later you might remember the taste.

Andrew Ryan: Why are you so resistant to the traditional methods of separating a man from his soul? You're not CIA, are you? You belong to Atlas - the one roach I can't seem to exterminate. Don't worry; I just need time to find the proper poison.

Andrew Ryan: On the surface, I once bought a forest. The parasites claimed that the land belonged to God, and demanded that I establish a public park there. Why? So the rabble could stand slack-jawed under the canopy and pretend that it was paradise *earned*. When Congress moved to nationalize my forest, I burnt it to the ground. God did not plant the seeds of this Arcadia - I did.

Andrew Ryan: Before the final rat has eaten the last gram of you, Rapture will have returned. I will lead a parade. "Who was that," they'll say, as they point to the sad shape hanging on my wall, "who was that?"

Andrew Ryan: What is the greatest lie every created? What is the most vicious obscenity ever perpetrated on mankind? Slavery? The Holocaust? Dictatorship? No. It's the tool with which all that wickedness is built: altruism. Whenever anyone wants others to do their work, they call upon their altruism. Never mind your own needs, they say, think of the needs of... of whoever. The state. The poor. Of the army, of the king, of God! The list goes on and on. How many catastrophes were launched with the words "think of yourself"? It's the "king and country" crowd who light the torch of destruction. It is this great inversion, this ancient lie, which has chained humanity to an endless cycle of guilt and failure. My journey to Rapture was my second exodus. In 1919, I fled a country that had traded in despotism for insanity. The Marxist revolution simply traded one lie for another. Instead of one man, the tsar, owning the work of all the people, *all* the people owned the work of all of the people. So, I came to America: where a man could own his own work, where a man could benefit from the brilliance of his own mind, the strength of his own muscles, the *might* of his own will. I had thought I had left the parasites of Moscow behind me. I had thought I had left the Marxist altruists to their collective farms and their five-year plans. But as the German fools threw themselves on Hitler's sword "for the good of the Reich", the Americans drank deeper and deeper of the Bolshevik poison, spoon-fed to them by Roosevelt and his New Dealists. And so, I asked myself: in what country was there a place for men like me - men who refused to say "yes" to the parasites and the doubters, men who believed that work was sacred and property rights inviolate. And then one day, the happy answer came to me, my friends: there was *no* country for people like me! And *that* was the moment I decided... to build one.

Thanka for reading :)


Sorry guys i can't be online for 2 weeks or more :?

Hi everybody :)

Well my PC isn't working :? its main board need to be repair or i need to buy a new one for it or i need to buy a new PC! I'm writing this Blog with my sisters laptop, i only can read some of your blogs!

I mad one funny animation and edited 2 funny movies before my PC death :P...don't forget to check out my next blog :) but i can't be active or write new blogs about 2 weeks or more like before, sorry if i missed your blogs :D

I will be back and more active than before :P

Thanks for reading


I got an ipod touch/my 1 year GS Anniversary/Game Quotes...

Hi everybody :) how is everyone?


ipod touch

I'm so happy :) i got and ipod touch :D it's awesome, the quality is great! now i need to buy some games for it! any suggestions? :D

I finished Bad Company 2 It's a great game indeed especially for multiplayer fans, I'm Playing Bioshock 2 right now it's a great game too but It looks like to a DLC game like Fallout 3 DLCs or Dragon Age Origins: Awakening! i think they shouldn't have called it Bioshock 2!

Now Persian new year is coming [April 1] and i want start a new life! i want to be more effective and useful Person i want control my times: studying, playing video games,...all of them together, also i want to have more aplomb in my life, "the world is yours take it"...

I want spend my holidays with my Family, then Studying my lessons, playing video games, and Working on Autodesk 3Ds-Max :)

Oh i didn't go to college this week and i didn't meet that Blonde girl in my **** i preferred my Xbox360 :P [I'm a looser!]

My 1 Year Game Spot Anniversary:


I'm so happy to find this website, whenever i come to GS i feel I'm home! you know most people don't understand me but here we speak same things, same thoughts...., i met awesome gamers, i find great friends here and I'm grateful to have them in my friends list :) my English improved so much since i came here, my writing Skills too, i worked more with 3ds-max to show my animations here....I'm thankful :) and NOW I make an animation for ESPECIAL THANKS so Click Here to watch it :) Thanks for commenting to my Blogs everybody :)

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Game Quotes Part 3:

Dragon Age: Origins:

Morrigan: Ah, so you have finally decided to rejoin us, have you? Falling on your blade in grief seemed like too much trouble, I take it?
Alistair: Is my being upset so hard to understand? Have you never lost someone important to you? Just what would you do if your mother died?
Morrigan: Before or after I stopped laughing?
Alistair: Right... very creepy. Forget I asked.

Alistair: Were you really locked up in that cage for twenty days?
Sten: It may have been more like thirty. I stopped counting after a while.
Alistair: What did you do? Twenty days is a long time.
Sten: On good days, I posed riddles to passers-by, offering treasures for the correct answers.
Alistair: Really?
Sten: No.

Lelianna: I am a woman and I reserve the right to be inconsistent!

Sten: [entering a dwarven tavern] Is this... some sort of mass suicide?

Duncan: The Chantry teaches us that it is the hubris of men which brought the darkspawn into our world. The mages had sought to usurp Heaven. But instead, they destroyed it. They were cast out, twisted and cursed by their own corruption. They returned as monsters, the first of the darkspawn. They became a blight upon the lands, unstoppable and relentless. The dwarven kingdoms were the first to fall. And from the deep roads, the darkspawn drove at us again and again, until finally we neared annihilation... until the Grey Wardens came. Men and women from every race, warriors and mages, barbarians and kings, the Grey Wardens sacrificed everything to stem the tide of darkness, and prevailed. It has been four centuries since that victory, and we have kept our vigil. We have watched and waited for the darkspawn to return. But those, who once called us heroes, have forgotten. We are few now, and our warnings have been ignored for too long. It may even be too late, for I have seen with my own eyes what lies upon the horizon. Maker help us all.

Thanks for reading :)


What's your greatest game of all the time,i buy BC2,Bioshock2/Game Quotes

Hi everybody :)

Wow!! BC2 is awesome!!! the Graphic is incredible!!!! the colors [Art] are beautiful!! the guns are awesome! the Physics gets much better! everything get much better! I'm so happy to have it :) but the single player is short :( it's going to be the best multiplayer game i think! so if you like the multiplayer games you definitely should check out this game :) i don't play Bioshock 2 yet! i will talk about it in my next Blog. also i want to buy Dragon Age: Origins Awakening :D

Well did you guys remember that Blonde girle i talked about? she didn't come to college yesterday :? but i saw another Blonde in my klass and i went to talk to her and i told her "i bought this book [for my klass] do you like to i buy it for you too? she smiled and told me thanks but i already have it :) WOOT she likes me :D i should talk to her more!

What's your Greatest Game of all the time?

Well i have my lovely xbox360 about 7 months and i buy more than 20 games for it! but only few games didn't allow me to move until i finish them! here they are:

1-Dragon Age: Origins:


I really love this game! i spend 140h on it just in 2 weeks with two characters mage and Warrior!! i never forget this game! the story, voice acting are incredible!

2-Mass Effect 2:


Bioware makes awesome games indeed! i spend 74h on it just in 5 days! the graphic and voice acting are incredible!

3-Gears of War 2:

gears gears

I'm a big fan of Gears of War series! i love this games, i finished the Gears of War 1, 4 times, first time with hardcore difficulty rest with insane difficulty! and i finished GEOW2 3 times first one with hardcore rest with insane :D

4-Modern Warfare 2:


I only finish one time with Veteran Difficulty in 2 days, i really enjoyed this game :)

That's it, these are my most addictive games which i played with my xbox360 :) I played lots of games with my PC too like Fallout3 which i spend 300h on it! or MW1....


March 17 is my 1 year Game Spot Anniversary, I'm making an animation about it and i add 86/177 name of users to my animation for especial thanks so don't forget to check it out ;)

Game Quotes Part 2:

Myrrah: Tell me, is it true? You're the son of Adam Fenix?
Marcus Fenix: What's it to you?
Myrrah: He spoke highly of you. It's shame you didn't follow his path.
Marcus Fenix: What the hell are you talking about?
Myrrah: It no longer matters. Skorge, destroy them!

Myrrah: You're the first humans to ever desecrate this palace with your presence...
Dominic Santiago: It's her.
Myrrah: ...and I assure you, will most certainly be the last.
Damon Baird: THAT'S the Locust Queen?
Augustus Cole: I thought she was supposed to be butt ugly.

Gears of War:

Dominic Santiago: [hearing odd sound] Did you hear that? What the hell's that sound?
Marcus Fenix: It's just the wind.
Dominic Santiago: Yeah. Right. When was the last time the wind said "hostiles" to you?
Dominic Santiago: [noticing odd Locust soldier] Uhh... Those aren't drones.
Marcus Fenix: Looks like they upgraded.
Damon Baird: [on radio] They're called Theron Guards.
Dominic Santiago: You think they know what we're doing?
Marcus Fenix: Well, we're not here to sell cookies... So they know something's up.


Haggard: Oh look. New guy's dead.
Sweet water: Already? I was just about to learn his name.
Haggard: I think it was probably Joe. Usually is.
Sarge: His name's Preston. Preston Marlowe. And he's not dead. Right, soldier?

Miss July: [Over radio] You're facing court marshal Sergeant, I don't think you'll be going anywhere for at least 2 to 4 months, out!
Sarge: Damnit!
Haggard: Oh this is bad. This is bad.
Sweet water: Yeah, this is real bad, Haggard. Real Bad!
Haggard: Can't be as bad as Kris Kristoffer son's third album.
Sweet water: It's worse!
Haggard: This is BAD!


Harry Flynn: [Drake is hanging from a ledge, just under a walkway] There's a guy above you, there's a guy above you!
[Drake reaches up and grabs the guard, pulling him off of the walkway and into the water far below]
Harry Flynn: There's a guy below you, there's a guy below you!


SSgt. Griggs: I was starting to think that you were gonna leave me behind.
Captain Price: Yeah I was, but your arse had all the C4.

Captain Macmillan: Look at this place, fifty-thousand people used to live in this city, now it's a ghost town. I've never seen anything like it.


Price: [Voiceover, during the loading screen of Endgame, the game's final mission. On Shepherd] This is for the record. History is written by the victor. History is filled with liars. If he lives and we die, his truth becomes written-and ours is lost. Shepherd will a hero. 'Cause all you need to change the world is one good lie and a river of blood. He's about to complete the greatest trick a liar ever played on history... But only if he lives, and we die.

Thanks for reading :)

The Most Memorable Quotes of Game Characters Part 1/ new Animation don't miss it

Hi everybody :) How is everyone?

I'm little busy these days because of my college and don't have time to play video games :?, April 5 is my B-Day I'll turn 20! and April 1 is Persian new year :D and I'm going to buy an ipod if i get good money for my B-Day or i upgrade my PC! i met a really hot blond girl in my college she is in two of my ****:D she is AWESOME, but i don't think she wants to be my girlfriend :roll: but i take a shot! i didn't have a girlfriend about 4 years! I'm getting crazy! lol
And next week is my 1 year celebration on GS :) and I want to make an animation and thank all of you there :D
The games which i definitely want to buy for this month are: Dragon Age: Origins Awakening, Bad Company 2, Bioshock 2! talking about DAO! here is my latest animation:


The land of Thedas is facing the 5th Blight, the first country which is facing the the blight is the Fereldan, most of the Grey Wardens are in the Orlesia, The volunteer Grey Wardens went to the Ferelden to fight with Darkspawns, but in the way of Ostagar they faced with an old God! Archdemon! may the maker watch over us!

:lol: sorry for the low quality! my pc couldn't run more details :? the rendering takes me 4h, this is my last animation! i want focus to all of the Autodesk 3Ds-Max Tutorials and finish them, then i can make really great animations :D so i don't make animations until the end of April :) then i can make incredible animations!

The Most Memorable quotes of Game Characters part one:

I have decided to write about memorable quotes of each game to my Blogs :) what do my fellow gamespoters think?

Batman Arkham Asylum:


The Joker: I'm in control of the asylum. You're not going anywhere I don't want you to. Understand?

Batman: If you think I'll let you run...

The Joker: Blah, blah, blah! Always with the hero speak! I'm getting bored of watching you. Why don't you just come find me?

The Joker: Welcome to the madhouse, Batman! I set a trap and you sprang it gloriously! Now let's get this party started.

The Joker: Hey Bats, go easy on him, hmmm? For me?... Oh hell, why do I care? Do your worst!

The Joker: I want everyone to know that I really appreciate all the hard work. You know, watching you guys is like a night in, watching my favorite movie. What was the name of that movie again? Oh, yes. Attack of the stupid bungling idiots who can't find an bigger idiot running around dressed like a bat! Now get to it!

The Joker: I'm getting bored.


The Joker: [about Batman] He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot, but don't let that fool you, he really is an idiot.

The Joker: Come on boys! He's just one man! One man dressed like a lunatic and armed to the teeth.

The Joker: Go get him!

The Joker: [to his goons about Batman] Come on boys he's just one man! One man dressed like a lunatic and armed to the teeth!

The Joker: [after Batman has defeated yet another group of henchmen] He's taken out all of you AGAIN...? What does it take? An army of *monsters*?


The Joker: Look at all this new security! How's a guy supposed to break out of here...?

The Joker: [Over the P.A. system] Ding d-ding, dong! Joker here! Here's what's new in the asylum... Some idiot is running around the asylum, dressed like a bat...! I know! Crazy! He should be considered costumed and dangerous.

The Joker: [after Batman has taken out all of the Joker's guards] You...! Oh, why you...! Oh, Batman... I'm really gonna have to hunt you down and kill you one of these days!


The Joker: [Batman is taking out the Joker's guards, one by one] Come on, Bats! Leave 'em alone! For me...?... Be your best friend...!

Oracle: [Over Batman's earpiece] Ok, done! The Batmobile is still parked up outside the Intensive Treatment building in Arkham North. I've sent you the schematics for the entire island. I've marked key locations, like your car.

Batman: [Batman finds the Joker] There's no escape, Joker! I will find you!

The Joker: Oh, I'm counting on it! Just not yet!

The Joker: [over the P.A] Paging Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard!

The Joker: [Over P.A System, about Batman] Remember guys, he may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot, but don't let that fool you, he really is an idiot.

Killer Croc: I've got your scent, Batman! I'm going to hunt you down.
[gets shocked]

Killer Croc: A toy collar won't stop me from killing you, Batman. I'm going to rip you apart, eat your bones.
The Joker: That reminds me, I really need to get some new shoes.

Dr. Penelope Young: Patient Interview #39, July 29th. Patient's name is Edward Nigma. Mr. Nigma, tell us about your childhood.

Riddler: Miserable. Next?

Dr. Penelope Young: But I'm sure that's when your fascination in riddles began.

Riddler: Very well. My father hated me. He always called me a moron.

Dr. Penelope Young: I see.

Riddler: I was determined to prove him wrong. So I entered a contest at school. A $20 prize to the kid who can solve an almost impossible logic problem. And I won, of course.

Dr. Penelope Young: And did that please your father?

Riddler: Hardly. He was convinced that I had cheated. He kept yelling, "You must have cheated! Admit it, you moron, you cheated!" I swore to him that I didn't, and he hit me for lying.

Dr. Penelope Young: Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

Riddler: Don't be. He was right.

Thanks for reading and watching :)



New Animation[please watch]/Game talk

Hi everybody :) how is everyone?

I have finished Mass Effect 2 :) the Ending was so epic!!! this game is awesome! every Xbox360 and PC owners should try it!

I make an animation for it :D :


The Geth are Attacking to the human Colonies and the Space Station and Blew them up and the Survivors escape to other planet but one of them decide to find Commander Shepard for Helping them against the Geth Attack and the Geth Ship is Fallowing them! lol

Game Talk:

Now I'm going to buy Bioshock 2 :D

The Last Express:

The last Express

I want talk about a game which is Father of todays innovative adventure games like Heavy Rain, this game looks like a movie, i really had great moments with this game, i played it when i was 11 years old :P

The last Express

The Story:

The last Express

Set on the Orient Express in 1914, the player takes on the role of Robert Cath, an American doctor on the train's final journey from Paris to Constantinople (modern Istanbul) before World War I. Cath, already wanted by French police as he is suspected of the murder of an Irish police officer, is contacted urgently by his old friend Tyler Whitney, to join him on the Orient Express, gateway to the East, and a possible exit from all his troubles. Cath boards the train via a motorcycle and looks for Whitney, who is already on board. However, from the moment he steps onto this luxurious train, Cath becomes involved in a maelstrom of treachery, lies, political conspiracies, personal interests, romance and murder.

The last Express

The game has 30 characters representing a cross-section of European forces at the time, including Serbian freedom fighters, a German arms dealer, a Russian anarchist, a suspicious Austrian concert violinist, a Persian eunuch and his private harem, a mysterious art collector and others. As the train races east, the player must stay alive while interacting with these characters, which includes eavesdropping on conversations, sneaking into compartments and defusing a bomb. The story is non-linear, with the player's actions (and failures to act) determining the course of the story; as a result, the game's script is an extraordinary 800 pages long.

Real Time:

The last Express

This game is real time like Heavy Rain

The last Express

The Last Express is unique for taking place in almost complete real-time, albeit accelerated by a factor of six. The player can also rewind and occasionally fast-forward time at will. The game begins at 7:14 p.m. on July 24, 1914, and ends at 7:30 p.m. on July 27 (if the player has reached the proper ending). The only events during which the game does not proceed in real-time are times when Cath is sleeping or unconscious, as well as a few cutscenes. One of the game's most notable uses of this technique during a concert, in which two of the non-player characters perform a piano/violin duet that lasts approximately twenty minutes of real-time: the player character is free to sit down and enjoy the music, or move as he pleases. The game's some thirty characters have their own artificial intelligence and individual agendas, moving around to accomplish their goals, or changing their plans due to player intervention. In this way, the game has a higher replay value than a similar-length linear game, with no two playthroughs exactly alike. Additionally, the game features multiple endings; about thirty are "fatal", in which Cath is killed or arrested, and four are "non-fatal" endings, of which only one is considered to be the proper ending.

The last Express The last Express

There is lots of puzzle in this game which you should solve

This is one my best game ever!

Here is the GS review if you are more interested:

The last Express

Game Spot Review

Thanks for Reading :)


Do you want buy these games too?

Hi everybody :) how is everyone?

Tomorrow my college will be start and i have to study again and I'll have less time for video games and making animations :?

I'm going to buy Bioshock 2 tomorrow :D , oh Mass Effect 2 is really awesome!!! I'm in the Collectors base [Omega 4] and i experience 2 Romance! The First one with Miranda and the second one with i suggest to try Miranda Romance it's much hotter :lol: and i broke up with Jack! if i didn't i could have romance with her too lol

I think 2010 will be the best year of video games ever especially for Xbox360 owners :D the games i definitely buy are:

1- Red Dead Redemption:

red Dead red Dead

this game is so awesome!!! it's open world with big map like GTA, great choice for everyone :)

2-Splinter Cell Conviction:

splinter cell conviction

It's one of my anticipated game of the year! can't wait for it :D

3-Alan Wake:

Alan Wake

Well if we [Xbox 360 owners] can't play the Heavy Rain at least we have this awesome game :D

4-Halo Reach:

Halo Reach

I heard Bungie really working on this game, i think it will be the GOTY nominee for sure!

5-Crysis 2:


I played Crysis and Crysis Warhead and i enjoyed them I'm sure Crysis 2 will be awesome, I think it will be the GOTY nominee for best graphic :D

6-Dragon Age: Origins Awakening:

Dragon Age

I'm fan of this game it will be so awesome, this game has the best Dialog and Voice Acting ever :D

7-METRO 2033:

Merto 2033

This game is looks like Fallout 3 i want try it :D, i think it has a good story!

8-Fallout 3 New Vegas:

Fallout 3 new vegas

Who dare to not play this game? lol

9-Battle Field 2 Bad Company:

Battle Field Bad Company 2 Battle Field Bad Company 2

I enjoyed the first one, hope they work on Single Player too :D

10-Just Caus 2:

Just Cause 2

I doubt it's going to be a great game but still cool

11-Final Fantesy XIII:


I didn't play FF series so i want try this one and see how is it :D

12-Lost Planet 2:

Lost planet 2

Well I'm not sure it will be a great game but i may try it! I don't know why they put Gears of War Skins on this game!

13-Castlevania: Lords of Shadow:

Castlevania Lord of Shadow

I didn't play any games like God of War series! so i should check it out :D

14-Fable 3:

Fabel 3

I didn't play any Fable series, i want check it out :D

15-Dead Rising 2:

dead rising 2

This should be fun lol

There is more games i guess :P

I heard some rumors which maybe they release Gears of War 3 and Max Payne 3 for 2010! if they do I'll buy them too for sure :D

Well that's it, for my next Blog i will upload an interesting Animation and talk about a weird video game [The Path].... :)

Thanks for reading.


Mass Effect 2 has the the best voice acting ever!/ Halo Reach....

Hi everybody :) how is everyone?

First check out my Dragon Age: Origins Logo :D



I'm working on something really awesome but it will be take some times to make it because of my crappy PC!! it's about Dragon Age: Origins and it will be more than 10 minutes and it's completely like a movie :D don't forget to check it out :D

Oh i almost forgot! Happy Valentine's Day :D, well I'll spend my Valentine's Day with my Xbox360! and I'll kiss Morrigan! Such a romantic i see :lol: :lol:

Dragon Age

I heard awesome things about Halo Reach and Splinter Cell Conviction..for example on Splinter Cell Conviction it has some Flash backs like Lost!!! oh i can't wait to play them :D

Halo Reach Halo Reach

I almost near to Finish the Mass Effect 2! then I'll buy Bioshock 2, I surprised when i saw GS gave it 8! but it seems everyone like it! so i should try it too!

I really love Mass Effect 2! just Check out this list and see how many great actors act in this game!

Mass Effect 2 Voice Actors:

mass effect 2

1-Shohreh Aghdashloo: She is one of the best Persian Actress and she has a great voice indeed.

She acts as Admiral Shala'Raan vas Tonbay on Mass Effect 2

mass effect 2

For more info Click Here

2-Adam Baldwin: Most people know him on Chuck, he Alos acts on Halo 3 as Marines , Halo 3 ODST as Dutch, Half Life 2 as Citizens lol..

He acts as Kal'Reegar on Mass Effect 2

mass effect 2

For more info Click Here

3-Keith David: I love his voice! he is an awesome actor, he acts on MW2 as Sergeant Foley...

He acts as David Anderson on Mass Effect 2

mass effect 2

For more info Click Here

4-Tricia Helfer: Damn she is so hot :D i like her she acts on Halo 3 ODST as Dare...

She acts as EDI on Mass Effect 2 lol

mass effect 2

For more info Click Here

5-Seth Green: I like this guy! he is cool guy, he acts on Fammily Guy as Chris Griffin!...

He acts as Flight Lieutenant Jeff 'Joker' Moreau on Mass Effect 2!

mass effect 2

For more info Click Here

6-Steve Blum: he acted lots of voice acting awesome games.... he acts on Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker as Ramón Gálvez Mena, Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic as Lucifer, Dragon Age: Origins as Oghren / Gorim, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Ultimate Sith Edition as Stormtrooper 2, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves as Serbian Soldiers / Guardians, Batman: Arkham Asylum as Killer Croc / Masked Guard #2 / Ian Kennedy / Jordan Fraser and more!!

He acts as Grunt on Mass Effect 2

mass effect 2

For More info Click Here

7-Claudia Black: She is my lovely voice actress of all the time! she acts on God of War as Artemis, Crysis as Helena, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves as Chloe Frazer, Dragon Age: Origins as Morrigan...

She acts on Mass Effect 2 as Admiral Daro'Xen vas Moreh/Additional Voices lol

mass effect 2

For more info Click Here

There is 78 voice Actors left!!! so i believe Mass Effect 2 has the best Voice Actor ever indeed!

Thanks for reading have fun everybody:)


My first animation please watch :)

Hi everybody :)

I want to thanks to all my fellow gamespotters who support me :) without their support i couldn't make this animation :) so thanks my friends.

When i create something it makes me so happy, i love to show my thoughts, my world to people, with this program i can create anything i want!

I was thinking i talked too much about 3ds max here and i didn't show anything about my work! and i decided to do something for fun :)

It's not so good but i think it's good for the first time! :D

I don't know how exactly to use this BBcode to upload it on my Blog if it's not here Click here :)


I didn't create those cars and that helicopter i found them on 3ds max tutorial and use them :)

Hope everyone like those pictures :)

The music is from MW2!

I'm going to make animations every weeks or 2 weeks and upload them to my Blog :) what do my fellow gamespotters think?

I have so many limitations like crappy PC or crappy Internet :? the Rendering takes me 3h.20m! but they can't stop me :P


Well i didn't play Mass Effect 2 about 3 days for making this ugly Animation! i want to play it today :)

For making this Blog more valuable here are 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Tea:

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1- Tea contains antioxidants. Antioxidants can help slow down the aging process, and help cells regenerate and repair. Many studies suggest antioxidants also assist our bodies in preventing cancer.

2- Tea can lower stress hormone levels. Black tea can reduce the effects of stressful events by lowering the amount of the stress hormone cortisol in the body.

3- Tea fights cavities and reduces plaque. Compounds in tea are capable of killing or suppressing growth and acid production of cavity causing bacteria in our mouths.

4- Tea keeps you hydrated. Every cup of tea you drink, especially low or no caffeine varieties, counts as a cup of water with the added bonus of providing antioxidants as well.

5- Tea may reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. Tea can help prevent formation of dangerous blood clots which are often the cause of strokes and heart attacks.

6- Tea can help lower blood pressure. Drinking green tea daily can reduce your risk of hypertension by up to 50%.

7- Tea aids your body in digestion. Tea has been used for thousands of years as an after-meal digestive aid. It can also help relieve stomach cramps.

8- Tea may help prevent diabetes. There is some evidence to suggest that green tea might help to lower the risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes.

9- Tea can help beat bacteria. An Egyptian study testing the effects of green tea on antibiotics found the tea to enhance the bacteria killing effects of the drugs.

10- Tea aids your immune defenses. A study comparing the immune activity levels of coffee drinkers vs. tea drinkers found the tea drinkers to have levels up to five times higher.

Thanks for watching and reading my Blog Good luck :)


Game Talk:Mass Effect 2

Hello my fellow gamespoters :)

Well I pass my damn midterms! and i have some free time to play Mass Effect 2 :D

Game Talk: Mass Effect 2

I really impressed by this game!!! they really did a good job! the story gets more interesting! and it has 2 DVDs! the map is so huge!!!

Here some information about my Character:

You can start with new character and new power but i start with MA1 character

Syler Shepard lol


Level 11

Time played: 33h.57m can you believe it! my main mission even not start!

Difficulty: Insanity which it's really easier than Gears of War or MW2! there are 5 difficulty: 1-Casual, 2-Normal, 3-Veteran, 4-Hardcore, 5-Insanity

The Story:

The story is really huge if i want talk about it will take me 2 days lol but your main mission is to find the Collectors and stop them!

The Map:

The Map is so huge you can explore the Galaxy, and you can learn good things about space! i find 5 big cities right now:

1-Citadel is the space station, 2-Omega city of the pirates and mercenaries, 3-Horizon is an colony it's not so big and it's not important, 4-Illum the biggest city the most important city, 5-Korlus is a ghost town lol and not important, there are more cities which i haven't find them yet!

And you can scan planets to earn this materials for upgrade your ship:

mass effect 2

1-Palladium, 2-Iridium, 3-Platinum, 4-Element Zero

The Ship:

The Normandy is a really beautiful ship it has 4 Deck and it has an interesting AI![EDI] :

Deck 1 Captain's Cabin:

mass effect 2

It's your cabin and you can buy small ship models for your cabin or Fish and you can feed them, you can change your clothes, change your armor and change its color, you can check your Private Terminal, or your Medal of Honors, or your Space Hamster, or talk with can listen to music too[sound system]!

Deck 2 Combat information level:

this is the main deck of your ship, you can check the Galaxy Map, or Upgrades, or research terminal, or talk to Mordin, or Briefing/comm room which you can talk to illusive man there and you can talk to Jacob or you can check the Weapons locker, there is bridge room and you can talk to Joker and EDI, and Kelly.

mass effect 2

Deck 3 Crew's Quarters:

Well most of your team are here, there is life support and you can talk to Thane, if you go to the Women's restroom EDI tell you go to Men's restroom lol, there is Crew Quarters which they sleep there, there is Star Board Observation which you can talk to Samara, there is Miranda's Office and you can talk to her, you can talk to Dr.Chakwas here voice is that queen in Gears of War!!! i like her voice, Mess Sergent Gardner is your Chef he gave me a list to buy once lol, and there is Main Battery which you can talk to Garrus.

Deck 4 Engineering:

In this Deck you can find Graunt and Jack and Engineer Daniels and Engineer Donnelly.

The Squad:

Your first mission is to gathering special team and my team has 9 members right now and i need to find more, here is the list:

1-Shepard: Everyone know him here is my character information:

mass effect 2

Powers: he has 6 Abilities:

1-Adrenaline rush which it's really useful, slow motion.

2-Inferno Ammo it's really useful and best choice in combats especially for those enemies who have Armor

mass effect 2

3-Combat Mastery it increase your health and shield.

4-Concussive Shot it's really great for near combats.

5-Cryo Ammo i don't use it very much.

6-Disruptor Ammo is decrease the enemies shields and it's useful.

Health: 399

Shield: 300

and you can be a good guy or bad guy in this game if you do good things your Paragon will be increase if you do bad things your Renegade will be increase :) also you can use lots of guns!


mass effect 2

she is the illusive man agent and she is really hot :D and I'm in the Illum-Transport Station right now to help her to save her twin sister! she is dangerous like Morrigan and can't be trusted, here is her Abilities:

1-Overload it's a massive energy and can have great effect

2-Wrap it can decrease enemies shield and armor

3-Cerberus Officer it improve skills and weapons damage..

4-Slam is lock right now

Health: 220

Shield: 300

Loyalty: Loyal :)

Weapons: Submachine Guns, Heavy Pistol


He is stupid a little!

Loyalty: Normal


1-Pull, useful

2-Incendiary Ammo

3-Barrier it's lock right now

Weapons: Heavy Pistols, Shotguns


mass effect 2

He is my Favorite and really powerful the best choice for everyone!

Loyalty: Normal


1-Concussive Shot which it's really helpful

2-Incendiary Ammo, my favorite

3-Fortification, it's lock right now

Weapons: Shotguns, Assault Rifles


mass effect 2

He is awesome like Grunt! he is from Mass Effect 1

Loyalty: Normal


1-Concussive Shot


3-Armor_Piercing Ammo, it's lock right now

Weapons: Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles


Wow she is so dangerous indeed! she is look like Michael Scofield lol, she is some kinda pirate

Loyalty: Normal


1-Shockwave it's really useful


3-Wrap Ammo it's lock right now

Weapons: Heavy Pistol, Shotguns


mass effect 2

He has a great voice indeed and interesting personality he is an Assassin :)

Loyalty: Normal




3-Shredder Ammo it's lock right now

Weapons: Submachine Gun, Sniper Rifles


mass effect 2

He is an Scientist and really useful for our missions

Loyalty: Normal



2-Cryo Blast

3-Neural Shock it's lock right now

Weapons: Submachine Guns, Heavy Pistol


She is 1000 years old!! and she have lots of stories like Wyen in Dragon Age Origins but she still hot lol

Loyalty: Normal


1-Throw, it's really useful



Weapons: Submachine Gun, Assult Rifles

The Enemies and Alienes:

We have lots of enemies and Aliens in this game and they are smart too:

Mercenaries: Blue suns

Mercenaries: Eclipse

Non_Council Race:

Volus this kind is so funny

mass effect 2


The Guns:

You can find lots of guns in this game here is nice list of awesome guns:

1- M-8a Avenger Assault Rifle

2- M-15 Vindicator Battle, which it's my favorite gun

3- M-23a Katana Shotgun

4- M-27a Scimitar Assault Shotgun, great shotgun

5- M-92a Mantis Sniper Rifle

6- M-97a Viper Sniper Rifle, it's my favorite gun

7- M-3 Predator Heavy Pistol

8- M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon Pistol, it's my favorite gun

9- M-100 Grenade Launcher, it's awesome

10- Collector Particle Bean, really powerful

11- ML-77 Missile Launcher

The Codex:

The Codex is like a book! it has two part 1-Primary, 2-Secondary, for number 1 it read them for you for number 2 you have to read lol for example it tell you Extinct Races like Protheans....

mass effect 2

The Upgrade:

It has lots of upgrades which they are useful

The Dialogs and Voice Acting:

The Dialogs are awesome like Dragon Age Origins and you have to be careful what to choose! the Voice acting is incredible indeed!

The Game Play:

The Game play is awesome but it has some problems for example when you get cover and you try to change your weapons he will get out of the cover or when you get cover you can't shoot enemies without aiming like gears of war!

The Graphic:

The Graphic is incredible!! the best graphic for a RPG game ever!!!! good physics too

So I think it's one of the best 2010 games :) everyone should try it!

Thanks for reading :) if you excuse me i want rescue Mirandas Twin Sister lol
