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The Project has been started,Game Quotes

What's Uppppp everybody? :D I'm so happy right now I've just finished my midterms with good scores :D i have to admit C++ is really hard Programing language indeed but very interesting and creative, I'm going to play Red Dead Redemption, and other games, can't wait for some new games :D I bet Crysis2 will be the best graphic game for 2011 even better than Killzone 3!

The Project has been started:


Today i bought 4 awesome software:

1-Autodeks 3ds Max 2011;

2-Autodesk MotionBuider 2010;

3-Autodeks Mudbox 2010;

4-Autodesk Maya 2011;

Now I'm going to finish all of their tutorials then i want to start 3Ds Game Studio Max tutorials to make a real video game ALONE! during this tutorials I will make some really decent animations and upload them here the titles Will be:

1-Consoles War

2-Black Hole [my movie]

Wish me luck :)

Please Watch my new GIF Pictures Click Here

I was going to make some GIF banners for everyone but GS only accept 50K so if you like any of those GIF pictures i can put your name on them :)

Game Quostes Part 11:

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (2004)

Hoxie: Allready trying to get under my skin, Riddick?
Richard B. Riddick: It'l be easier... if I had something sharp.

Richard B. Riddick: Hmm... a med-station, takes away the hurt, leaves the pain.

Richard B. Riddick: Today, Johns, you get **ked.

Richard B. Riddick: Talking about me? Never wise.

Richard B. Riddick: [disguising himself as a guard] The wolf moves among sheep.

Richard B. Riddick: Uh oh, looks like that memory's still working, Johns.

Richard B. Riddick: [talking to guard] The dark... are you afraid? I'm not. The dark is afraid of me.

Abbott: You're messin' with the natural order of things here, Riddick. As a result someone can get hurt. And we don't want that.
Richard B. Riddick: Speak for yourself.

Riot Guard: Prisoner! This is restricted area! What are you doing here?
Richard B. Riddick: Oh. Heh. Sorry, my mistake.
Riot Guard: **** you're Riddick!
Richard B. Riddick: I think you're gonna need backup.
Riot Guard: Command, I need backup!

Richard B. Riddick: [Riddick loses his assault rifle and resorts to getting into grabbing range on the prison guard. Both of them fall down a pit with Riddick surviving] It ain't the fall that get you. It's the sudden stop at the bottom.

William J. Johns: [to a prisoner] You wanna get moving, or do you want me to help you? Believe me, you don't want my help.

Richard B. Riddick: The main frame security will be tight... I like a challenge

Richard B. Riddick: [Picks up his first assault rifle] Now things get interesting...

Hoxie: I should just have them put slugs in both your heads right now!
Richard B. Riddick: Why ruin a nice carpet?

Hoxie: What to do, what to do... hmmm. I've got entire regions rioting. My slam has become a damn warzone. I'm losing men faster than I can replace them... and all this unrest... well, it began soon after you arrived, Riddick.
Richard B. Riddick: Could be a coincidence.

Hoxie: I'm sending you to the mines, Riddick. Down below the surface, where the sun never shines. You'll be the target of every con looking to make his bones with the Aquilas. I expect things could get ugly.
Richard B. Riddick: I'll be disappointed, if they don't.

Guard: [Talking about Riddick] I only heard what he looks like.
Guard: [Notices a guard that is actually Riddick in disguise] He looks... kinda like *that* guy.
Guard 2: Ok, right...

Jagger Valance: Things work the same down here as they do up there. You give and you get.
Richard B. Riddick: Trust me Jagger, what I can give... you don't wanna get.

Mattsson, Silencio, Zuni, Fateen: It's true, I swear on my mother's grave!
Molina, Quintana, Trigo: You can swear on whoever's grave you want, it's still BS.
Mattsson, Silencio, Zuni, Fateen: I ain't bull****ting, Trigo.
Molina, Quintana, Trigo: Ah shut up, get your god damn head checked or something.
Mattsson, Silencio, Zuni, Fateen: I did that once... Ain't no fun.
Theo, Zlonzo, Barassa: Well do it again, and this time get him to amalyze your mind or something, like that guy Sigmen Floyd.
Molina, Quintana, Trigo: Sigmen *who*?
Theo, Zlonzo, Barassa: Sigmen Floyd man! He was like some psycho professor from a long time ago or whatever who said all guys wanna screw their mom or something. And he discovered dreams, the mind, subconscious and **** who knows what else!
Molina, Quintana, Trigo: **** the mind?
Theo, Zlonzo, Barassa: Yeah man... Hey you know what, shut the hell up, I'm trying to explain here!
Molina, Quintana, Trigo: Relax Holmes, sorry!
Theo, Zlonzo, Barassa: Anyway, he discovered the mind... and uh... cerebral stuff...
Molina, Quintana, Trigo: Now *that* is hardcore.
Theo, Zlonzo, Barassa: Yeah man, Sigmen Floyd!

William J. Johns: Rise and shine, jackass.

Guard: I don't deserve to die!
Guard: ...Ok, maybe I do! But I don't wanna die!

[the player kills a guard supervising Valya]
Valya: Greetings space traveler! I find myself detained in custody with no other fun than that jester which you just disposed of!
Richard B. Riddick: I found him only mildly amusing.
Valya: Watch your tongue space traveler! Still, I appreciate your kind gesture despite having killed the poor jester! Haha!

Georgie: [Distracting the guards for Riddick] Hey guards! Over here, *guards*!
Georgie: You know what I got? I got contraband! I got shivs! I got clubs! I got guns, man! Guns, man! Yeah haha, mother **kers!
Georgie: I got drugs, I got porn! I'll be damned if I'm not wearing forbidden under wear! Yeah, haha!

Waman: That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard!
Girish: Why? It'll work.
Waman: No! No **cking way, it'll never work! And you know why?
Girish: No, tell me.
Waman: Well there are two reasons. First, you are a **king moron, that's reason number one. Number two is a simple fact, a fact you know like gravity, and hand-jobs. Number two is a simple as you are.
Girish: I'm not simple.
Waman: [Scoffing] Then your idea must be brilliant... But it's **** Why? Wanna hear reason number two? Those rifles the guards carry... They are DNA encoded!
Girish: What do you mean?
Waman: Well, you know what DNA is right? Well those rifles track your DNA! They won't fire a single damn cap unless you're in the central database - which you *aren't*!
Girish: What if... I could get into that database?
Waman: That is a fact. *Fact*. You hear me? You cannot use the guns, *period*.
Girish: But! What if I could get into that database.
Waman: What do you mean 'get into that database'? You can't!
Girish: I've seen a map, over here. The database computers aren't that far off.
Waman: Who the *hell* told you this?
Girish: Ugh... I forget. I'm simple, remember?
Waman: Oh great, Girish, you're lying - you're a **cking liar!
Girish: Don't want to talk about it? Ok.

Now it's summer time


Thanks for Reading :)


Quick Update

Howdy friends :) sorry for not blogging I'm so busy with exams, i gave two exams and 2 important exams remain [C&C++ Programing] .

I'm playing RDR, it's so great indeed, I'm really enjoying it :)

also I've bought Lost Planet 2 and Alpha Protocol didn't have time to play them though

BTW i Finished Mirror's Edge, such an creative game indeed

Find some good games in my PC games:

Rise of the Argonauts and Trine, both are great especially Trine i love its music makes me calm

Rise of the ArgonautsRise of the ArgonautsTrine

BTW I took Dawn of War II from my neighbor, very great strategy game indeed

Dawn of War II

Couldn't watch E3 :? had exams lots of great games are coming

The games i definitely going to buy are:



3-Halo Reach

4-Dead Space2

5-Fall Out: New Vegas

6-Medal of Honor



I watched all of the LOST seasons only one episode remain [E17], best TV show ever indeed.

After my exams, I'm going to review: Mirro's Edge, Lost Planet2, Alpha Protocol, RDR, Trine, Rise of Argonauts, LOST [its video game], Dawn of War II.

Then I'm going to finish all of my 3Ds-Max Tutorials and start to make my Movie [Black Hole], and making some Funny animations i call it Consoles War, also I'm going to start learning 3D Game Studio Max tutorials so that i make a simple video game.

Can't Wait for Gears of War 3 :lol:

Thanks for reading


Dusting my PC games then find something awesome,game thoughts...

Hi everybody how is everyone? :)

In this blog I want to talk about:

1-Dusting my PC games then find something awesome

2-Life update

3-Game thoughts

4-Favorite character TV shows

1-Dusting my PC games then find something awesome!

Mirror's Edge

Yes Mirror's Edge :D i found it in my old PC games! and i install it on my PC, i really surprised by this game! i can't believe i didn't play this awesome game! the best FPS game play in the Game History!!!! i think all the FPS games should fallow of Mirror's Edge game play! it's so exciting! also great graphic too! when i finish it i definitely write a review about it :D if i make a video game in future i definitely use its game play :P

Mirror's Edge

2-Life Update:

Well my exams will start in this week, I have 4 exams [Physics, Math, C programing, C++ Programing] and one Project about C programing which I'm leader of my Team, and I'm going to be so busy this month, i think i can't write blogs about 4 weeks :? and my life is still boring :P noting so exciting just playing video games, and working with 3ds max, and going to gym.

3-Game Thoughts:

I've finished some good games recently and bought some new games too let's start with

Alan Wake:

This game is really awesome i had great times with it but it has some annoying things too.


Alan Wake

The story is really great and doesn't make you tired, it looks like a TV show very great presentations, really awesome cut-scene, i like every part of it except the ending, don't know why most of the endings are sucks! the ending was so quick and like all of the games, it has a Happy Ending! and you expect more mysterious and challenging story but he [Alan] simply conquer everything and destroy all the bad guys by himself!

Game Play:

Alan Wake

The game play is really creative and modern, i didn't experiment it before, your best friend is your torch, you use light for breaking the darkness shield then use your gun and shoot those things to destroy them, but the problem is: the game play suffer the lack of hand to hand combats, because of that there is lots of ammo and batteries so you never feel nervous or worry because you always have ammo and batteries to kill your enemies! the variety of guns is simple there is no upgrading system you just can find bigger torch as you progress the can drive cars in some parts too which it's not big deal, there is 5 kind of enemies i guess which all of them have a same way to kill except those crows :P if they put some hand to hand combat system like Dead Space it would be more scary.


Alan Wake

If you find some annoying things in the game play the graphic make you forget it! this game has a great graphic indeed the lighting system is so great, the distance view is awesome, the art is really great, but the textures and colors are little weak, the physics isn't so impressive but it will do, overall the graphic is great.


Alan Wake

I think the Best part is the Music and voice acting,they use great voice actors whom they are so suitable for their characters, there is radio which they talk about the news happening in the city.. , there are notes you find and Alan read them for you, there is wiretap and answering machine which you can here and THE BEST PART is the TV!!! yes you can watch the TV with real characters!!! a TV show call Spring Nights [i guess]....also after you finish each episode you can here some awesome musics too...:P

The Bad:

There are no so serious bad things in this game, but you can find these problems in the game:

the game play is so easy, lack of variety of enemies and guns and hand to hand combat,disappointing ending!


If you are a fan of survival horror games, you should check this out, with Alan Wake you will experiment a modern game play and great story :)

4-Favorite Character TV Shows:

I bought season 6 of the LOST recently, so far i love it :D here some of my Favorite Characters:




He is so cool i like him so much :)




:lol: Why are crying brother? :lol:




John Locke





:lol: his character is so cool

Thanks for reading :)


A new Empire is rising from the East

Hi everybody :)

In this Blog i want Talk about:

1- A new Empire is rising from the East
2-Game spot new server problems
3-little update

metro 2033

1-A new empire is rising from the east, the East Games:

Today all the famous games are from USA imo like GTA 4... And not everyone pay attention to the Japanese or east games so much but you can find a great game from them I recently finished Metro 2033, a game from a little east 4Agames company:

metro 2033

1-The Story:

metro 2033

The story is from an old Russian novel which about the life 20 years after atomic bomb, and Because of the poison gases and radio activity the surface is tolerable just for short times for humans so they Refuge to the underground [the metro], and everyone with their belief settle to each part of the metro, you play As Artyom whom his mission is to save his station by sending an important message to the Polis [an other station] Which it's too far from your station, and he face lots of dangerous things, most of the station can't contact to Each others they surrounded by Darkness [by Atomic Bomb causes, some creatures which call Darkness come and attack To The Metro doorways Entry and kill the humans but the writer doesn't utter the main identify of this creatures And as you play the game, you get to know them more], also there is a war between humans too! the Nazis and communists! Therefor your Character [Artyom] is an Russian but he isn't part of communist, neither Nazis, there is a good conversation and jokes In this game, the atmosphere in this game is so creepy, the metro atmosphere is deep dark, and in the dark you here screams, Weird Voices, and your best friend is your torch, there is a good variety of enemies in this game, some scary creatures Too, for example there is a creature called "Librarian" the most dangerous enemy in this game, it likes the Tank In Leaf4Dead, but there is way to escape from this monster, if a Librarian see you, you should watch his eyes and slowly move, it makes it confuse, and it will decide to go! the presentation is so great and the story is kinda sad.

metro 2033

2-Game Play:

metro 2033

One of the best part of this game is the Game play, you have mask with some filters in this game which you use them
in the surface and your mask can be break during the fight, torch which need to be charge, vision night which need to be charge too, A generator for charging, there is two kind of bullets: 1-military bullets, 2-Dirt bullets, and the shooting system Is very realistic, wind can effect to your gun...the physics is pretty great, the environment is destructive too [not like BC2] The AI is acceptable not so impressive though.

metro 2033


metro 2033

The graphic is for this gen indeed, it works with dx11 and dx10, the lighting is the best part, the textures, are so great
You can see all the details on every objects, the physics is pretty great, the envierment is destructive too [not like BC2 again]

metro 2033

4-The Music:

The Music is take you to the Metro 2033 world indeed, and it makes you feel the story better, during the loadings
You listen to the Artyom quotes, whom I like his voice so much, the voice acting is great the characters voices are
suitable, there is good conversation between characters too, all of them have Russian accents though.

5-The Bad:

I didn't find really bad things in this game, but the story is little short and the ending wasn't so impressive
The Animations for the monsters was little robotics, little bugs [which i didn't experience!]

6-Final thought:

metro 2033

Overall Metro 2033 is really a good game, they use every aspects in this game: great graphic, great game play
Great Musics.., it worth to play

witcher 2

I watched the Witcher 2 trail i shocked by this game it's so freaking Real! the best looking RPG game ever!
I'm sure east games will have a big whack in the game industry in near future.

witcher 2

2-Game spot new server problems:

Today i went to a coffee Net to upload my new animation [Consoles War] [which i spend 7 days on it, i edited 936 pictures with some chess animations] but it couldn't bring the step 2 of uploading setting! and i tried to upload it on youtube but it was filter here but i used anti filters which make the Internet speed lower and because of that during the upload it said an error occurred! I tried several times but it didn't worked! also there is a problem with my inbox too! hope they fix it and sorry I couldn't show my big surprise as i promised but hey i have more times to work on it until they fix the problems :D

3-Little update:
I've finished Alan Wake, Metro 2033, Splinter Cell Conviction, Dragon Age: Origins Awakening Currently playing Red Dead Redemption, GTA 4 I've bought new games too: alpha Protocol, Lost Planet 2

Thanks for Reading :)


Do you like my new Title Blog? I'm preparing a big surprise

Hey Game spotters what's uppp? :) how is every one?

In this Blog i want talk about:

1-New Title Blog

2-Life&game updates

3-Favorite TV shows&Character TV shows& Favorite Video Game Characters

4-Game Quotes

5-My Big surprise

1-New Title Blog:

I've finished 50% of 3ds max tutorial so I've decided do something cool. I'm going to make animations every week about Video game Characters, I want to call the Title the Heroes War for example Gears of War VS HALO and Marcus fight with Master Chief and they use their abilities and finally one of them will win or they will do some funny things for example they get drunks and do some funny things :lol: please tell me your opinion, and tell me some ideas :) this New Title is for summer.

2-Life&game Updates:

My life is boring right now, i only play video games, studying 3ds max, studying my college lessons, going to GYM 3 times a week, no Girlfriend i give up on that Blondy! My goal in this life is going to be a Game Designer, make my own video games but in middle east they don't pay attention to game industry, there is no good source or resourceful books and college about this industry, but at least there is Internet :)

I'm on Episode 5 in Alan Wake this game is really awesome, the story is great, it's like Silent Hill a little, it introduce you to a new game play which you didn't experience it before!

I don't know why my copy of RDR doesn't work! i exchange it twice but it doesn't work! I'm going to sent my xbox360 for testing it tomorrow see what happened to it!

My blood need a happy game I'm tired of these bloody, dark games! i want Super Mario Galaxy 2 :? guess need to buy a Nintendo Wii too :D, there is no happy game in xbox360 games! all of them are about killing!

Taliking about killing, Metro 2033 is really awesome game, it's game play like ArmaII! very realistic! don't know why it's not so famous!

I'm fleeing Strategy Games are dying! we don't have a good Strategy Games these days! hope Star Craft turns out great.

I heard they are going to make Mass Effect movie :D it should be awesome! don't why they don't make Bioshock and Gears of War movie!, this Prince of Persia movie looks so awesome i definitely watch it, I want to play its game for summer.

Taliking about summer I'm going to play some unfinished games for summer like Red Faction and buy some games which i forgot to buy, like FF XIII...

This summer should be awesome :D

3-Favorite TV shows&Character TV shows& Video Game Characters:

Perison Break

This is one of my favorite TV show of all the time :)

My Name is Earl

My name is Earl

I love this show, it has a lovely characters

Pushing Daisies

Pushing Daisies

Never see a TV show like this! very lovely with beautiful colors!



He is really cool i like him :)

Marcus Fenix

Marcus Fenix

Who doesn't!



I love her voice and her boobs :lol:

4-Game Quotes part 9:

Resident Evil 5:

[Kirk's helicopter is attacked by the B.O.W.s]
Kirk Mathison: What the **** are those? Mathison to HQ! I'm under attack by flying B.O.W.s! I'm losing engine power! Oh **** I'm out of control! I'm going down! Mayday! Mayday!
Chris Redfield: [speaking via headset] Kirk! What's going on? Come in! Kirk!
Kirk Mathison: Ah! Ah! Ahhhhh...!
[the helicopter was heard crashing as Chris lost transmission with Kirk]
HQ: This is HQ. The helicopter has been downed. All nearby units proceed to the crash site. Repeat. All nearby units proceed to the crash site.

[Chris and Sheva watches through the window inside the house where they witness Reynard Fisher getting executed as the Majini speaks through his microphone in Swahili]
Reynard Fisher: You don't know what you're talking about! You can all go to hell!

[says it sometimes during the battle against Wesker]
Albert Wesker: There's no point in hiding!

[says it sometimes during the battle against Wesker]
Albert Wesker: You're merely postponing the inevitable!

[says it after the player characters deal enough damage to Wesker to end the 1st fight against him]
Albert Wesker: Self-righteous fools!
[if this is the first time, the player will unlock the "Bad Blood" trophy for PS3 version or achievement for Xbox 360 version]

Chris Redfield: [we hear Chris's voice as he is driving down a road] I should've seen it coming. It didn't take long after the fall of the Umbrella corporation, for their bio-weapons to end up in the hands of terrorists. A new era of bio-terrorism descended upon vulnerable countries. Shifting the balance of power throughout the region.
Chris Redfield: People in the destabilized areas soon feared another incident like Raccoon City was inevitable. As panic spread, governments of the world turned to the Global Pharmaceutical Consortium, which formed the anti-terrorism unit, B.S.A.A.
Chris Redfield: Operatives of the B.S.A.A were sent to infiltrate and neutralize bio-terrorist hotspots, restoring safety and stability to various regions around the globe.

Sheva Alomar: [talking about the B.O.W that killed Alpha Team] What was that thing?
Chris Redfield: A B.O.W that scumbag Irving left behind to set us up. Considering what it did to Alpha Team, I think we're lucky to still be breathing.
Sheva Alomar: If only we could've gotten there sooner...
Chris Redfield: If we had, we'd probably be dead too.
Chris Redfield: [radios HQ] Chris to HQ, do you copy?
HQ: This is HQ. Excellent work out there. We'll analyze the data immediately.
Chris Redfield: This whole town's gone to hell. The people here, they're acting like those Ganado detailed in the Kennedy report and aside from that, there's something new, something we've never encountered before.
Sheva Alomar: Our transportation has been taken out too. Requesting a mission update.
HQ: The mission stands. Capturing Irving is your top priority. We believe he may have fled to the mines on the other side of the train station.
Chris Redfield: Wait, we're the only two left. You want us to go in there alone?
HQ: Delta Team has been dispatched and are on their way. They'll assist you in locating and apprehending Irving.
Sheva Alomar: But wait, we can't...
HQ: I repeat: your mission stands. We can't afford to let him get away. Proceed to the mines beyond the station. Over and out.
Sheva Alomar: This is insane!
Chris Redfield: You ever get the feeling you're expendable?
[they look at each other]

Ozwell E. Spencer: [during a flashback at the Spencer estate] ... a new superior breed of humans given birth by the Progenitor Virus. The Wesker children were entrusted with endless potential. Of them, only one survived. You.
Albert Wesker: Are you saying I was manufactured?
Ozwell E. Spencer: I was to become a god... creating a new world with an advanced race of human beings. However, all was lost with Raccoon City...
Ozwell E. Spencer: Despite that setback, your creation still holds great significance.
[gets out of wheelchair slowly]
Ozwell E. Spencer: Now my candle burns dimly. Ironic, isn't it? For one who has the right to be a god! To face his own mortality...
Albert Wesker: The right to be a god...
[abruptly shoves hand through Spencers stomach]
Albert Wesker: that right is now mine.
Albert Wesker: [pulls hand out and Spencer falls dead to the floor]
Albert Wesker: The right to be a god. You? Arrogant even until the end. Only one truly capable of *being* a god, deserves that right.
Albert Wesker: [return to present] The right... With Uroboros, I have that right.

Ricardo Irving: [sees Chris and Sheva while about to blow up the oil field] Splendid timing! You's two are just in time for the fireworks show! BOOM! Hahahahaha!
[leaves on his boat]

Ricardo Irving: [Chris and Sheva have managed to get onto his boat] Won't you two just die already? You're making me look bad! Who do you think got this entire operation off the ground? Research like this doesn't fund itself you know! Yet everyone looks down on me.
[holds up injection tube containing a Plaga]
Ricardo Irving: Well not anymore...
Sheva Alomar: Don't do it!
Ricardo Irving: [Irving injects himself with it and starts transforming]
[He falls to the deck in pain as tentacles erupt from his back]
Ricardo Irving: I'm far beyond anything you could ever hope to become!
Chris Redfield: [Chris tries firing at him but the tentacles throw him off into the sea]
Ricardo Irving: [after a long moment, Irving re-appears as a huge monster, his body is what looks like the creatures tongue] I just had an extreme makeover!

[in the "Versus" DLC online match, he says it if the player loses a match]
Josh Stone: Maybe you should consider a career change.

[says it sometimes when Chris is in "Dying" state and calls for help]
Chris Redfield: I'm not... going to make it!

[Chris and Sheva climbed up into the helicopter where Jill and Josh are inside, but then]
Albert Wesker: [shouts] CHRIS!
[Wesker angrily uses his infected left arm in "Bionic Commando" ****and attempts to drag the helicopter into the lava with him]
Chris Redfield: Hang on!
[as Wesker keeps attempting to drag the helicopter]
Jill Valentine: Chris, Sheva, use those!
[Jill points to the two Rocket Launchers on the racks as Chris and Sheva takes them off the racks and readies their Rocket Launchers]
Chris Redfield: Ready partner?
Sheva Alomar: Locked and loaded.
Chris Redfield: Suck on "this", Wesker.
Sheva Alomar: Your time's up you son of a ****
[Chris and Sheva aims and fired their last rocket at Wesker's head, decapitating and blowing him up, finishing him once and for all as the helicopter was released from Wesker's grabbing]
Sheva Alomar: That was for our fallen brothers.
[Chris and the team slightly smiles as then helicopter flies away from the volcano site]

[in "The Mercenaries" or "Versus" mode, he says it sometimes when Wesker is in "Dying" state and calls for help]
Albert Wesker: You failed me!

Chris Redfield: [Jill has him pinned to the ground] Jill! Come on! It's me, Chris! Snap out of it!
Albert Wesker: Nice move, Chris. But now that you... 'partner' has arrived, I'll leave you two to catch up.
Chris Redfield: [Jill increases the hold, making him scream in pain] Get yourself together, Jill! Wake up, Jill Valentine!

[in the "Versus" DLC online match, he says it if the leading team wins the team-based match]
Josh Stone: When we get back, I'm buying you two a round.

5-My Big Surprise:

It's Black Hole First trail :D yes for Blog 57 you will watch my first trail which it will be about 2 minutes then for summer you will watch my first movie which it will have 6 Episode each episode has 6 Part each part are about 10 12 minutes :) for Blog 56 you will see some Screen shots about it :) this trail has much better details better lights, better textures...i really want put lots of effort on it, i cut 26 sound tracks of LOST and i want use them in this trail, so please don't forget to watch it :)

Thanks for reading :)


Oh look I'm an Elf Trees are pretty Tar la la la,Red Dead,Alan Wake Here i come!

What's Upppppp :P good news GS is not Filter in Iran anymore :)

I have just finished DA: O Awakening and it was so awesome but the ending wasn't so good like Origins But hey it's an

expansion! the Dialogs, the new powers, Story, Voice acting was awesome, i spend 30h on it! but i missed Morrigan :P


Oghren is my favorite Male characters of al the time he is so awesome :lol: sod it :lol: he reminds me the Lord of the Rings :P


I'm sure Dragon Age: O 2 will blow up all the RPG games, can't wait for it :D


Just check out Dragon Age map! it's so huge!!


In Origins we only played in Ferelden!

Red Dead Redemtion and Alan Wake Here I come :D yea I'm going to buy them tomorrow, I think this summer is going to be my best summer in my life!

red dead redemption

Alan Wake

The Games I'll definitely buy:

Crysis 2

Lost Planet 2

Medal of Honer

Dead Space 2

Call of Duty 7

Halo Reach

Fall out 3 new Vegas


Mafia 2


The Games i recently finished are:

DA: o Awakening

Splinter Cell Conviction [I'm near to finish it]


Darksiders was so awesome indeed! i recommend it

The games I'm playing Right now are:

C&C4: it's cool i like it

Metro 2033 another Dead Space in my opinion it's so awesome

Dante inferno It's very cool

I have a big surprise for next week! :D

My favorite TV shows:





Kyle XY

Kyle XY

Game quotes part 8:

Halo 3:

Cortana: I have defied gods and demons. I am your shield; I am your sword. I know you; your past, your future. This is the way the world ends.

Little Boy: Do you ever wonder what's up there?
Little Girl: Like what?
Little Boy: Maybe someone up there is probably wondering what it's like here.
Little Girl: I guess... Do you think we'll ever meet them?
Little Boy: I hope so... Don't you?
Master Chief: [gasps for air, looks to the side and sees helmet]
Little Girl: [echoing] Do you think we'll ever meet them?
Master Chief: [grabs helmet and puts it on]
Little Girl: [whispering] Time to go...

Sergeant Johnson: Marines, fall back now!
Sergeant Johnson: Any sign of the Chief?
Marine #2: Negative Sarge. I think we lost him.
Master Chief: Not yet.

Prophet of Truth: You are, all of you, vermin. Cowering in the dirt, thinking... what? That you might escape the coming fire? Your world will burn until its surface is but glass!

Cortana: So have you got a plan to get out?
Master Chief: I was gonna shoot my way out. Mix things up a little.

[last lines]
Master Chief: Wake me... when you need me.

Sergeant Johnson: We have enough to worry about without you two trying to kill each other.
Arbiter: Were it so easy.

Prophet of Truth: I am the Prophet of Truth! The voice of the Covenant!
Arbiter: And so, you must be silenced.

[repeated line]
Arbiter: Were it so easy.

Lord Hood: [at the end of the game] For us, the storm has passed. The war is over. And let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark, and did not return. For their decision required courage beyond measure. Sacrifice, an unshakeable conviction that their fight... *our* fight... was elsewhere. As we start to rebuild, this hillside will remain barren, a memorial to heroes fallen. They enobled all of us, and they shall not be forgotten.
[salutes the Marines]
Marine Sargent 1: Present arms!
[Marines draw Battle Rifles and fire a 21 bullet salute]
Lord Hood: [later] I remember how this war started, what your kind did to mine. I can't forgive you, but you have my thanks...
[shakes the Arbiter's hand]
Lord Hood: ... for standing by him to the end. Hard to believe he's dead...
Arbiter: Were it... so easy...

Cortana: Keep your head down, there's two of us in here now. Remember?

Cortana: You found me.
Cortana: But so much of me is wrong - out of place. You might be too late.
Master Chief: You know me. When I make a promise...
Cortana: keep it. I do know how to pick 'em.
Master Chief: Lucky me.

Arbiter: [seeing the damaged, Flood-infested Covenant ship crash-land] What is it, more Brutes?
Master Chief: Worse.

Gravemind: Child of my enemy, why have you come? I offer no forgiveness for father's sins cast to his son.

Cortana: You know they let me pick? Did I ever tell you that? Choose whichever Spartan I wanted.

Marine: [while in a Scorpion after a Ghost is taken out] Tank beats Ghost!
Marine: [Hunters are taken out] Tank beats Hunter!
Marine: [Covenant drop ship explodes] Tank beats *everything*!

Arbiter: We must go. The Brutes have our scent.
Sergeant Johnson: Then they must love the smell of Bulgari. Yeah that's right I'm doing a little bit of product placement, I gotta make a living too you know?

Marine: [Master Chief is lying motionless on his back in his own crater, hands still raised as if he were still in combat] His armor's locked up. Gel layer could have taken most of the impact.
Marine: I don't know Sergeant Major.
Sergeant Johnson: [he kneels over the Chief, looking for signs of life] Radio for VTOL. Heavy lift gear. We're not leaving him here.
Master Chief: [grabs Johnson's arm] Yeah, you're not.
[pulls himself up]

Sergeant Johnson: Crazy fool. Why do you always jump? Someday you're gonna land on someone as stubborn as you, and i don't do bits and pieces.

Gravemind: Do not be afraid. I am peace; I am salvation.

Gravemind: Time has taught me PATIENCE! But basking in new freedom, I WILL KNOW ALL THAT I POSSESS!

Gravemind: You WILL! show me what she hides! Or I shall feast upon your BONES!

Gravemind: [roars] Now, At last I see, her secret is REVEALED!

Gravemind: Do I take life or give it? Who is victim, and who is foe?

Cortana: Don't make a girl a promise... If you know you can't keep it.

Marines: Squad leaders are requesting a rally point, Ma'am. Where should they go?
Commander Miranda Keyes: [loads her pistol] To war.

[First Lines]
Cortana: They let me pick. Did I ever tell you that? Choose which ever Spartan I wanted. You know me. I did my research, watched as you became the soldier we needed you to be. But you had something they didn't, something no one saw but me. Can you guess? Luck.

Cortana: Halo, it's over.
Master Chief: It's over.
Cortana: It' been an honor serving with you, John.

[In Crow's Nest, a soldier walks up to a locked Hangar Door]
Pvt. Leonard L. Church: Hey!
Pvt. Leonard L. Church: [knocking] Open up!
Pvt. Michael J. Caboose: What's the password?
Pvt. Leonard L. Church: Password? Oh man, I forgot.
Pvt. Michael J. Caboose: "Forgot" what?
Pvt. Leonard L. Church: I forgot the password.
Pvt. Michael J. Caboose: That was almost right. Uh, see, the password *begins* with, "I forgot," but ends differently. Um, try again.
Pvt. Leonard L. Church: No. I mean, I forgot the password.
Pvt. Michael J. Caboose: No, OK, see, you- you got it wrong again. See, you said the same thing as last time.
Pvt. Leonard L. Church: I'm bein' serious! I don't know the password!
Pvt. Michael J. Caboose: No no no. See, you changed the first part. See, that- that was the right part. See now you've got the whole thing wrong!
Pvt. Leonard L. Church: No! I forgot what the password is, and I just need you to open the door!
Pvt. Michael J. Caboose: All right, come on man, now you're just guessing!
Pvt. Leonard L. Church: [knocks four times, repeats endlessly]

Marine #2: I heard their main weakness is bananas!
Marine #2: Do we have any bananas?

Brute: [incredulous] Where did he get a hammer?

Brute Chieftain: Open up his can; I want to eat him when he's fresh.

Thanks For reading :)


Sorry guys for inactivity

Hi Game spotters

I have a bad news! Game Spot has been Filtered in Iran and i really have lots of troubles to coming here! I'm using an Anti Filter right now but anti filters need high speed internet which i don't have also we are moving on to a new house too!, so i must buy a new Internet until then i barely can come here and read your Blogs...damn it sorry guys, but i can come here every weeks by my college coffee net! So I'm really sorry for missing your blogs guys, i was going to upload my movie [Black Hole] here some screen shot about it...then this disaster happened for me!next weekI'll upload itand read all of your blogs in coffee net!

take care guys


Sam Fisher or Jack Barrow?/Metro 2033/Awakening/...Game Quotes part 7

Hi everybody how is everyone? :) missed you Game Spotters :)

Well I'm so busy these days my Midterm is near and I'm extremely studying 3ds max and 3d game studio max to finish them in two weeks so that i make my movie faster with great quality, I'll try to upload my trail for this week :)

Sam Fisher or Jack barrow?

Splinter Cell Conviction

Well i finally got Splinter Cell Conviction, but i little disappointed because they completely changed its game play! it's not that Splinter Cell you remember! stealth actions are so few and it's so easy you easily can execute everyone it's not so challenging, they changed sams face too! and the graphic is good but it has some technical issue for example his movements ain't so realistic like Uncharted especially on that mission when you were fallowing that assassin, or its physic ain't so good....and the textures ain't so good neither! especially on that Iraq mission why I'm saying this? because they worked 4 5 years on this game and i was expecting the best xbox360 game ever but they failed :( but the Story is the best part of this game i like it but it's little like 24!!! Splinter Cell Conviction and 24 are so similar to each other! Sam Fisher and Jack Barrow quite have a same personality! and the presentation and dialogs ain't affective so much for example when sam talked with his daughter on that airport mission for the first time, he acted like noting happened! he wasn't emotional! overall it's Splinter Cell We are talking about and it's worth to play but it could be much better in my opinion :)

Metro 2033:

metro 2033

This is really a great game indeed I'm enjoying it so far :) first of all I'm playing it with my PC, i have to say playing games with PC ain't so fun like Consoles, it makes me so tired :P the story is pretty like Fallout 3 the world is destroyed and people are living in the tunnels and the gameplay is so awesome and realistic for example for your light you have generator in case you need to charge it up and.... the graphic and physics are so awesome it has a great details for example whenever you go to the surface you need to put on your mask and your mask can break during the actions and if it breaks you can't breath and you must find new mask and your mask has some filters if you don't have filter you can't breath neither.....the atmosphere reminds me the Dead Space especially when I'm in the deep tunnels :D if you want to experiment a great game you should check it out :)

Dragon Age: Origins Awakening:

Dragon Age: Origins Awakening

It's so Awesome, I played 10h of it and I love it so far, you can continue from your last save in Dragon Age: Origins with your weapons, armor...i still have the Morrigan Rings in case maybe i find her one day :P the story is so great darksapwn can talk this time, there are some new powers which they are so awesome... if you are a fan of this game definitely try the Awakening :)

Favorite TV shows part 3:



Colin Morgan: Merlin

Bradley James: Arthur

Acording to Jim:

Acording to Jim

James Belushi: Jim

Larry Joe Campbell: Andy

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

Bryan Cranston: Walter H. White

Aaron Paul: Jesse Pinkman

Game Quotes part 7:

I tried to find some quotes for Metro 2033 but i couldn't find any! :?


Brian O'Toole: My name is Brian O'Toole. I wanted to fight the War on Terror, but I don't read so good. Most careers were closed to me. That's why I joined the LCPD. Now I'm on the front lines, helping tourists and fighting terrorists. I rifle through people's bags on the subway to protect freedom. I arrest protesters at political conventions for straying outside the free speech zone. Being a cop used to be about stopping crime. Now, thanks to politicians, it's about fighting terrorists, one old lady at a time. I'm protecting freedom, whatever the cost. I'm a hero, and I know it.

Ileyna Faustin: [about Mikhail Faustin] He did not used to be like this. When we were young, at home, he was beautiful. He was happy. He made me happy. But then something changed. Years ago. I never quite knew what it was. So many years I wondered what it was, or what was wrong with me that I did not see it in him, or I changed him.
Niko Bellic: Life is complicated. I... I never thought I'd live like this.
Ileyna Faustin: No?
Niko Bellic: When the war came, I did bad things, but after the war I thought nothing of doing bad things. I killed people, smuggled people, sold people.
Ileyna Faustin: And you don't worry about your soul?
Niko Bellic: After you walk into a village and you see 50 children, all sitting neatly in a row, against a church wall, each with their throats cut and their hands chopped off, you realize that the creature that could do this doesn't have a soul.
Ileyna Faustin: God is very complicated. You mustn't give up hope.
Niko Bellic: Well, I don't know about that.

Here are some Red Dead Redemption Achievements list :D :

red dead redemption

Bearly Legal (5)
Kill and skin 18 grizzly bears.
Fightin' Around the World (5)
Knock someone out in melee in every saloon in the game in Single Player.
The Gunslinger (5)
Score a headshot on any enemy using Expert targeting mode.
Buckin' Awesome (10)
Break the Kentucky Saddler, the American Standardbred, and the Hungarian Half-bred.
Clemency Pays (10)
Capture a bounty alive.
Exquisite Taste (10)
Purchase a rare weapon from a gunsmith.
Friends in High Places (10)
Use a pardon letter with more than $5000 bounty in Single Player.
He Cleans Up Well! (10)
Obtain the Elegant Suit.
High Roller (10)
Win over 2000 chips in a hand of Poker.
Hit the Trail (10)
Get from Blackwater to Escalera before sundown in a public Free Roam session.
More than a Fistful (10)
Earn $10,000 in Single Player.
Most Wanted (10)
Become a Public Enemy for 10 minutes and escape alive in a public Free Roam session.
No Dice (10)
Complete a game of Liar's Dice without losing a single die.
On the Trail of de Vaca (10)
Uncover every location on the map in Single Player.

Posse Up! (10)
Create a posse and get the maximum number of members.
Red Dead Rockstar (10)
Kill a Rockstar or someone with this achievement in a public multiplayer match.
Slow on the Draw (10)
Get 10 assists in a single Hideout in a public Free Roam session.
Strange Things are Afoot (10)
Complete a task for a Stranger.
What About Hand Grenades? (10)
Get a ringer in a game of Horseshoes.
Bullseye (20)
Get 250 headshots in any game mode.
Frontiersman (20)
Obtain Legendary rank in any Single Player Ambient Challenge.
Go Team! (20)
Be on the winning team for four consecutive victories in any team based game in public matches.
Have Gun Will Travel (20)
Complete all Hideouts in a single public Free Roam session.
How the West Was Won (20)
Reach the top rank for multiplayer experience.
In a Hail of Bullets (20)
Kill 500 enemies with any pistol or revolver in any game mode.
Long Arm of Marston (20)
Kill 500 enemies with any rifle, repeater, or shotgun in any game mode.
Mowing Them Down (20)
Kill 500 enemies with a mounted weapon in any game mode.
The Quick and Everyone Else… (20)
Be the top scoring player in any three consecutive FFA games in public matches.
Unnatural Selection (20)
Kill one of every animal species in the game in any game mode.
Austin Overpowered (25)
Complete Twin Rocks, Pike's Basin, and Gaptooth Breach Hideouts in Single Player.
Evil Spirits (25)
Complete Tumbleweed and Tesoro Azul Hideouts in Single Player.
Gold Medal (25)
Earn a Gold Medal Rank for a combat mission in Single Player.
Instinto Asesino (25)
Complete Fort Mercer and Nosalida Hideouts in Single Player.
Man of Honor / Chivalry's Dead (25)
Attain highest Fame rank and either highest Honor rank or lowest Honor rank.
People are Still Strange (25)
Complete 15 tasks for Strangers.
Redeemed (100)
Attain 100% in the Single Player Game Completion stat

Thanks for reading :)


I have just bought Splinter Cell quotes part 6.

Hi Everybody :) how is every one?

Nier Splinter Cell Conviction

Whoohooo finally i buy Splinter Cell Conviction and NIER :D but they don't work :cry: i need to download the latest update of xbox360 for them :evil:

Game Talk:

Darksiders Dante Inferno

Well I'm playing Darksiders and Dante Inferno both are really great and fun i like both, Darksiders is really fun it has a great items and game play for example you can ride a horse or bird....:P i recommend it to every one, i only played 1h of Dante but it was fun too :)


As you know guys i buy a new PC and i used my xbox360 HDMI cable and connect it to my PC and My HD LCD then install some games for it and put everything to ultra high :P

Company of Heroes: i put everything on ultra high and 8x anti aliasing... and the performance was so great: 141 it was so fast!

Far Cry 2: Far Cry 2 was little slower but it was fast too!

S.T.A.L.K.E.R Clear Sky : When i put everything on ultra my PC couldn't RUN it!! so i turned of the anti aliasing :P

Crysis: THe king of Graphics! i put everything on ultra but my my PC couldn't run it, then i turned of the anti aliasing but still couldn't run it so fast! then i put everything on high then it got better :P this game is so beautiful! i think Crysis 2 will blow up everything! especially for the PC!

Black Hole:

Black HoleBlack Hole

Black Hole is my future video game which I'm working on it and i will finish the first episode for the summer i think, it will have more than 5 episodes, i spend 30h just for its story and i write 40 pages just for its summery, i decided to make 20 or more trails about its story with 3ds-max and uploaded here like Halo Legends :P so I will upload the first trail on my next Blog :D don't forget to check it out :)

Movie Time:

Well i watched some great movies recently here is the list:

Shutter Island:

Shtter Island

it was really a great movie i really like but the ending wasn't so good, Leonardo Dicaprio really is a great actor.

A Christmas Carol :

A Christmas Carol

one of the best Animation ever indeed, tis great, i recommend it to every one, i love Jim Carrey, he is really a great actor!

My Favorite TV Show Characters part 2 :

The Big Bang Theory:

The Big Bang Theory

1-Leonard Hofstadter

2-Sheldon Cooper


4-Howard Wolowitz

5-Raj Koothrappali



1-Chuck Bartowski

2-John Casey

3-Sarah Walker

Two and Half Men:

Two and Half man

1-Charlie Harper

2-Alan Harper

3-Jake Harper

How I met Your Mother:

How i met your mother

1-Ted Mosby

2-Marshall Eriksen

3-Robin Scherbatsky

4-Barney Stinson

5-Lily Aldrin

Game Quotes Part 6:

Splinter Cell Conviction:

Victo Coster: Like any man, when he's pushed to his limits, he's capable of anything. When someone strikes at the one's he loves, he will take any steps necessary. He's looking for answers, for the truth. He will stand by his convictions. The Sam Fisher you know is dead. The man who played by the rules, listened to the voice in his ear - he's gone. So watch your back, I can't stop him - no one can.

Andriy Kobin: This is bigger than your daughter, this is bigger than both of us. The people who did this... you can't hide from them!
Sam Fisher: Who said anything about hiding?

Sam Fisher: [Taking a Splinter Cell agent hostage] What happens next is up to you!

Sam Fisher: I used to want them to forget about me - it made sense at the time. I'd lost my daughter, I'd shot my best friend, I'd seen the agency I gave my life to turn around and throw me to the dogs. So I made a deal: I wouldn't bother them and they wouldn't bother me, and we'd both let sleeping dogs lie. It was good enough for a while, when all I wanted to do was be someone else and forget everything I'd done. But that never lasts... You always come back to who you are, you always come back to what's important. I started asking questions, I started finding answers. When those answers took me back home, that's where I went. The only thing worth hunting is the truth, no matter where it's hiding. Maybe they did forget about me, maybe they didn't. They're sure as hell gonna remember me now.

Victo Coster: Understand this: the Sam Fisher you knew is dead, and we're the ones who killed him. We asked too much, pushed him too far, took away everything he had. And they tell ya what? It's all part of the job... Back when I knew Sam in the Gulf, he was different. He was never the sunniest guy around, but he was human, he was part of the team. *We* were a team. Sam trusts me, and I believe in his conviction. Anything he needs, I'll get it for him. They made him what he is: fixer, killer, the answer to all the questions you don't want to ask. But he's off the leash and goin' after answers. I know what he wants... and right now I'm glad I'm not you.

Dante Inferno:

King Minos: Who comes into my house of pain?
Dante Alighieri: One who loves Beatrice! Tell me where to find her!
King Minos: Hmm... I smell only a traitor, a glutton, a murderer...
Dante Alighieri: ...SNIFF AGAIN!
King Minos: How dare you presume to speak with the Judge of the Dead!

Alighiero: [defeated] Go on! Use me as an excuse! Blame me for everything!
Dante Alighieri: You're so full of greed and hate! Is that all you had to offer me?
Alighiero: I'm not responsible for the man you are!
Dante Alighieri: And I will not be damned, like you.
[absolves him]

Lucifer: Wait! There's just one last, minor detail with which I ought to make you familiar...
Dante Alighieri: [gazes into portal, recalls being stabbed at Acre, realizes] It... can't be!
Lucifer: You're dead, Dante! You can't go anywhere. Not a single soul may leave this place! It is forbidden! By Him. I am so SICK of you! I will reclaim my rightful place in paradise. My path will be paved with the sins of man, and yours, Dante, shall be the bedrock of my return. And all that is good will be gone from the universe forever!
Dante Alighieri: Not yet! I have collected many souls on this pilgrimage. Souls that I have freed from this inferno. And together, they now possess the power to free me! Father, mother, brothers: ABSOLVE ME!
[souls fly out and prepare to imprison Lucifer again]
Lucifer: This power, Dante... we can use it together. You and I, friend! Just think what we could achieve!
Dante Alighieri: I would rather not.
Lucifer: Dante, I can reunite you with Beatrice! Together, we will rule the three kingdoms of the afterlife!
Dante Alighieri: It's not going to happen!

Thanks for reading :)


Whoohooo I'm back with new PC [quick Blog]

Hi everybody :) I'm so happy today :D i get a new pc, it's awesome i love it, i buy these things! : AMD PHENOM II x4 945 [170$], ATI 4670 1 gb [84$], MSI main board with AM3 socket [130$], 2gb RAM DDR3 [65$] and a 470w Power :D so finally i can make decent animations with no time! I'm so happy! for the next Blog I'll make an awesome Animations about my Future video game [Black Hole], I'm so excited WOOT.... I really miss all of you :? sorry for the inactivity :) tomorrow I'll be active like before :D I'll read all of your Blog and comment to all of your blogs :D Sorry for the short blog! Love you all Makan.