Hey guys, i know this is a bit much to ask, but im having difficualty remembering what a particular game name is called.
I know it was on the PSX when the console first came out ruffly.
It was a RPG, the graphics were i think similar to DiscWorld - The game that resembles the one im thinking off is very similar to discworld.
I remember it having a green dragon in it of some sort :/. Umm and i think there was a scene in it where it was VERY similar to the monty python skit for "Bring Out Ye Dead". And i think you had to hide in the dead pile of corpses to get past the guards or something along the lines of that.
Umm, thats really all i remember, i know its abit limited but i really enjoyed the game and seeing i was only erm, 8/9 at the time i can't remember that much from it.
But yes, if anyone can enlighten me that would be great!!!!
STALKER works like a charm - of course with the latest patch :D. Honestly i havnt had any trouble with my Vista. All the games that i have been playing on XP work with Vista with no problem. Mind you there are some patches to make them work better with the new improvments ect. Even some of the old games like Starcraft, and Diablo 2 ect work with np. All i gotta personally get use to is the screen res :P lol. Seeing im playing D2 on 800*600 on a widescreen 22" lol.
With the computer specs, don't always go for higher the gigs the better it is kinda thing. With hardware there are lots of things contribute to the speed and performance, like some users have already said that 2Gb of 800is just as good as the 4Gb of 667 - while the 2gb is still cheaper.
When i choose hardware to upgrade, think smart and see what is best suited for A) buget B) value and C) performance. But your comp looks but not "uber".
[QUOTE="tony2077ca"]diablo 3 is not going to be made because who would you fight diablos dead and so are his brotherssyngaming
They could be away if you make the story abit twisted by added some sort of "time travel" in it - by having someone corupt the time diablo and his brothers died and change the history and future of diablo - him being more powerful and so on?
Hey guys, im starting to get sick and tired of all these fantasy MMOs out there at this current time.
Me and my mates are currently looking for a good Sci-Fi MMO. Free to Play or Pay to Play, regardless. Now we checked Eve Online but we were looking for more of a walk around type of game with of course flying aswell if possible. Not SWG because that is starting to get out dated unfortuently and looks like its "slowly" dieing.
Anything eles out there at the moment, or coming out.
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