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synyster-666 Blog

O What Ze Frak...

This blog is going to be one MASSIVE SPOILER. So if you have not played God of War III, please do not read a single word of this... Actually, I haven't played God of War III either. D: Oh well. For those of you who don't feel like reading it, scroll down to the end and post an unnecessary comment if you must. :)


Okay. So, having not played God of War III yet, thanks to my matters with university and other things I shall not discuss (It's not you, it's me), in order to quench my thirst for this game I have been spoiling many of its plot twists and whatnot. I have already watched the ending despite telling myself I will not stoop to that level so many times. I actually thought that the ending was good and that it was a nice way to conclude the series. This was, obviously, a very narrow (and somewhat obtuse) perspective. I had seen how Kratos dealt with the Gods and the very few Titans who had got in his way, and all that really phased me was that ripping the head of Helios from his shoulders or carving Cronos from the inside out was excruciatingly pretty. I did not really question his reasons for killing the Sun God, thus blackening the skies and causing it to rain constantly from there on out, or destroying Mother Earth by pushing the Blade of Olympus straight into her beating heart (therefore causing her to scream in agony and crumble to bits of dirt).

I didn't question any of this until I, out of curiosity and a bit of nostalgia, watched Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw's Zero Punctuation video review of God of War III. After watching it, I began to question everything (well, most things) that happened in the series' third and final game in the main story (not that yarble that is Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta). Yahtzee points out that both of the first God of War games really did have a reason for why Kratos chose to kill every person, animal, God, Titan, mythical beast, or even just a piece of fruit that got in his way.

Why did he kill in the first game? Because that butt-nugget, Ares, apparently deceived you and made you kill your wife and only child so that they would not interfere in Kratos' progress in becoming the loyal servant of Ares. Furthermore, there was that added hint of emotion to the game in Kratos being quite remorseful; thus allowing the player to sympathise with Kratos.

Why did he kill in the second game? Because that old bastard with a constantly exposed chest (and shiny nipples :|), Zeus, dethroned you of your divine status and made you a demigod once more. The game's story did not really focus on Kratos and his past this time around, as the first game served the back-story. Instead, the game introduced players to the (altered) story of the war between the Titans and the Gods. It was essentially intended to show what a prick Zeus could be. That, coupled with the fact that apparently Zeus stepped on your beloved city of Sparta, drives Kratos to kill the Sisters of Fate in order to step back in time to the moment that Zeus killed you at the start of the game and take him on in an awesome battle atop the Summit of Sacrifice (cool name, I know!). The games ends, on what I thought, was an awesome cliffhanger.

Why am I picking on the subject of God of War III's story and ending? Well, because David Jaffe, the series creator and director of the first God of War, stated that "God of War III explains, or ultimately will explain, why there are no more Greek myths." This statement has been bouncing around my head ever since God of War II was released and God of War III's existence was hinted at. The ending to God of War III, though, was (pretty much) kill Gaia along with Zeus (or so you think); Zeus comes back as a ghost and kills you, destroying all of your weapons in the process; Kratos goes into a cool little mindwarp section where he's running through his memories and thoughts (reminiscent of certain gameplay sections in inFamous); Kratos learns to forgive himself (cue HUGE revelation) and learns that Pandora's Box contained the one thing that mortals did not have, which is hope; Kratos awakens with this new-found hope and slaughters Zeus; cue final cutscene of the game where a huge element of the story is revealed, and Kratos sacrifices himself.

I don't feel like going into every single detail, but I'm just curious about something. The act of Kratos sacrificing himself was to release hope to every mortal on Earth, but what do they do with this hope? Kratos, in his quest for vengeance, had ultimately destroyed the world around himself. Why? Because of "daddy issues", as Yahtzee so well put it. Hope isn't going to help the mortal rebuild the friggin' world, stop the frakkin' rain and bring the old sunshine out again, and stop all the remaining land from flooding due to a rise in water levels thanks to the death of Poseidon. How is that an explanation as to why there are no more Greek myths? At least tell us what the hell happens to the rest of the world! The reason for why there are no more Greek myths cannot be "O, koz Kratoze killedz them!!1!" You can't just leave the world in chaos, even though it was hinted at several times in trailers. The whole fundamentals of Greek mythology would just be stupid and smell of poo. :(

I know that my argument is a bit hollow (I'm flattering myself), but you can blame it on my Economics quiz on Thursday and my Business Information Systems semester test (for which I still haven't studied!). What's the moral of this story, kids? Don't make ambitious statements when you know that weirdos like synyster-666 exist, and will write up random blogs arguing the validity of their favourite game series' storyline and conclusion! D:


For those who skipped the massive spoiler, here's something I whipped up in the past two days.

I made a sig rotation series; mostly because I wanted to show you all that I still love God of War. :P

A note to all those who have read this blog... I HAVE NOT PROOF READ. :o So bite me.

But yeah... PEW-PEW-PEW! Seeya. D:


Me be a pirate!

Dammit, Ivy! Nobody gets our inside jokes! D:

By the way, I just Googled "yarrrrrrr" and it came up with this:


According to FAU...

And the rest of the Clooney-holics on the internet, it is George Clooney's birthday today. So here's to a merry old 49th birthday, Mr. Clowney- I mean Clooney.

Oh no! He's gunna put on his burfday soot!

...And fist-pump? :?

Talk about hard nipples. >.>

Best Ways to Burn Up 30GB in Four Days?

We recently upgraded our broadband plan from 25GB per month to 50GB per month, at a speed of 3000 kbps. We would have a much higher speed, but the suburb I live in apparently doesn't have ADSL 2+. It's annoying that Telstra have the nerve to still charge us the full price, despite having a significantly downgraded speed in comparison to what we should get.

Yes, to all Americans and people with awesome internet speeds and near unlimited monthly quota, this is how pathetic Australia is in terms of internet plans.

Anyways, what would you recommend I do with the remaining 30GB of quota from this month?

I've already downloaded Pearl Jam's discography, as well as the remaining Tool albums I needed. I'm going to download Metallica and Porcupine Tree's discography, as well as the remaining albums I need from Drowning Pool and Disturbed.

Also, while on the topic of music, any bands you would recommend?

On a side note, I had my Marketing 100 debate today. My team was arguing that "traditional forms of advertising are ineffective". God, that was probably the best debate I'd ever had. I was the concluding speaker for my team of three people, and I got my point across pretty well, I think. Actually, I stuttered it across. Hate public speaking. It was hilarious, though, because the opposing team had no idea what they were talking about either. Oh well.

I also got my Target Market Report back. Stupid Kings of Leon; h8 joo! I got 66 out of 100. The marker was ridiculously harsh, considering we have a page limit rather than a word limit. So cutting down our explainations was what was expected. The marker took points off because I typed 'Bachelor stage' and 'Newly Married stage', instead of 'bachelor stage' and 'newly married stage'. How is that allowed? It's the name of a ****ing stage in the Family Life Cycle!

That's all from me for nao. Seeya.

Alright! Alright! ALRIGHT!

And that's how I came your humble narrator; to be living so easy and free. Expect you think that I should be haunted, but it never really bothers me.

I love that reference!

I rented out some DVDs a couple of days ago. Have a look-see and share some thoughts on any that you've seen and enjoyed or found distasteful. Once more, in alphabetical order (for all your viewing pleasures!).

  • Blue Velvet (I have Mulholland Drive recorded, but I want to see one of Lynch's original works prior to viewing that)
  • Elephant
  • My Own Private Idaho (Similar to Lynch, I have Milk recorded but want to see some of Van Sant's prior work)
  • Once Upon a Time in America (Thomas-Crown didn't have to put any effort in persuading me to watch this film. I have fallen in love with Robert De Niro's work after seeing him in both Goodfellas and The Godfather Part II)

I think Once Upon a Time in America goes for some 230 or 270 minutes. I'm not sure, but I'll check on the back of the DVD. I believe I borrowed some sort of special/collector's edition.

I watched To Kill a Mockingbird last night. I feel as if I have committed a crime against the author of the book, Harper Lee, as I have not finished the book yet... Okay, that's a lie. I honestly don't care. I would have been involved in several of those instances if it were a crime, so boo hoo.

Ugh. That darn simulated case study messed up my weekend. I woke up today thinking it was Saturday, and now I'm sad because I have university tomorrow.

I love you, Ralph Fiennes. You're so pretty, and your American accent in Quiz Show was so oddly English.

Buh bye nao.

All Talk

I recently completed my collection of Mudvayne albums. For a long time now, they have been one of my favourite bands. I had put off listening to their 2008 album, The New Game, because I listened to a couple of the tracks while in high school and was put off by their new sound. I had heard about a new album release to follow it in 2009, but no news really came up. A few weeks ago, out of impulse, I checked out Mudvayne's Wikipedia page and to my surprise, I found out that they had released a new album at the end of last year. Finally, they had released a self-titled album.

Mudvayne, as opposed to its predecessor, is quite good. It's adds a new sound to Mudvayne, one that is somewhat reminiscent of Slipknot (to me), strangely. Well, not to say Slipknot's earlier work, but the more pop-infected styIings of Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) or All Hope is Gone. It's a very experimental sound for Mudvayne, being a more perform-a-song-no-matter-how-uneven-the-singing-can-be-at-times-with-the-beat sort of band. That doesn't mean that they are bad; it just means that only about five or six songs, at max, are somewhat good to great on each album.

For once, I was actually able to listen to an entire album of theirs without having to cringe at an odd screaming section in a song. Fortunately, they aren't all about screaming. I was most surprised, I think, by the last track on the album. Dead Inside is the only acoustic track on the album; a first for Mudvayne. I was blown away at how well they performed an acoustic rendition of one of my favourite songs off their third studio album, Lost and Found, which is entitled Forget to Remember. This was, of course, not part of the actual album and was only released in their compilation album, By the People, for the People.As you can tell, assuming you put the effort into watching the video provided in the link, it is from the Saw II soundtrack.

I think I can rank this album as my favourite Mudvayne album to date, but I have to be unfair to it and rank it short of first as Lost and Found still holds their best hits for me.

On a side note, I finished watching Goodfellas. I really need to watch Taxi Driver, because Scorsese got me to fall in absolute love with the former. Honestly, it is such a grand film, and so well directed. All of the characters are despicable, but that's the reason why I love them so much. I think my favourite character would have to be Jimmy Conway, followed by Tommy DeVito.

Anyways, that's all from me for now. Seeya.

What is it with University Text Book Chapters and their...

Length? Seriously, I would love Marketing 100 so much more if each chapter wasn't like... 40 pages! :cry:

My Business Law 100 online skills task went pretty well, last week. I got 29 out of 40. Not the best mark, I know, but it is quite surprising considering I crammed in a day and a half. :P The Economics 100 mid-semester test also went well. I haven't received my mark yet, but I'm somewhat confident about it. Again, considering I didn't study much or at all for this one.

I watched The Godfather Part II on the weekend, as well as Quiz Show yesterday. I can definitely say that The Godfather was significantly better in comparison to its sequel/prequel. Quiz Show was an interesting film. I loved Ralph Fiennes and, to a lesser extent, John Turturro in it. Although, I still stand on my opinion that there is no greater villain (not really a villain, but he is infamous!) in recent film history, or all history for that matter, than this man:

Just look what he does to that bowling ball! :o

Too hot for the silverscreen, VHS, DVD, Plasma, LCD, Cable TV, and especially your mom!

I have a Business Law 100 simulated case study on Saturday. I'm not joking... Corey and that are all giving me schnit about it. T_T

Anyways, that was just my quick update for now. I'm actually in the library right now reading up on the Micro- and Macroenvironment of an organisation. Oh goodie! :roll:

Also, I started watching Goodfellas last night. I was a tid bit hesitant because of my prior experience with Scorsese's work. Okay, that's a lie. I've only seen Taxi Driver and that left a foul taste in my mouth for some reason. :( Goodfellas seems worth it though!

Anyways, catchya!

Lubs Joo, GameSpot

You're so glitchy and monotonously awesome, with a slight dab of orange here and there, sprinkled with a few annoying members. Thank you for taking the pain away from actually posting 6000 times, and just giving me some non-existant posts. Love you, GS! :D