Before you get on with reading it I'm not a PS3 fanboy (you'll see why I say this later on) and I only have a 360, in fact.
My point is that I have been looking at scrrenshots and videos, well the few that have been published so far, but I just can't see that much of an improvement over a 2 year old game in graphics. Sure, the first one did look amazing but that was two years ago and when I turn Gears on now it just doesn't look that amazing anymore and now I as I was watching Gears 2 there's just not that much of an advancement and Oh my God is it brown. There's brown everywhere. Like when in one of the videos Marcus comes up to the edge of a building (I think) and sees the whole city falling down, it's an amazing or even breathtaking site, or it would be if it wasn't so brown. Sure they've added many technical things but these aren't seen directly like the 'meaty physics' etc.
To prove my point even further I am going to use Resistance 2. Now let's forget the platforms for a moment and only think about the games. I remember when the first Resistance came out it had great graphics but it was all grey and brown. So as I was looking at Gears 2 I thought I would compare it with Resistance 2, because they will be competing with each other when they release. I have to say Insomniac managed to work on the graphics and make the game look a lot better than the first one, just in general it looks better. Also, they gave it some fresh colours (now I am not going to list them) but the whole look of the game is a lot better. I have to say so far it looks like Gears 2 has more brown and Resistance 2 has generally better graphics.
So this is my arguement, it would be good to hear what you think. Hopefully I'm all wrong and Gears 2 will look amazing.
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