Spent hours getting my ass handed to me by trashmobs and minibosses, but the massive badass evil undead dragon keels over after a couple ballista bolts in less than five minutes. The Broodmother was a tougher fight by far.
Infinity Ward has little interest in putting effort into their PC game, and PC gamers have little interest in giving Infinity Ward their money. Plenty of PC gamers saw this coming from a mile away.
So, what I'm seeing in this thread, is that the PC is taking away all your precious exclusives? And this angers you, and you want people to ignore the PC so you can pretend you're winning?
L4D2 and ME2 are an advantage for the 360 because they're games and PS3 doesn't have them. Blu Ray does not net the PS3 such an advantage, or at least it hasn't so far.
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