Actually, Farcry 2 is a terrible game, and deserves every last ounce of hate directed towards it.
The so-called "open world" is just a cluster**** of samey enviornments haphazardly linked together by what are essentially tunnels filled with constantly respawning enemies, whose AI routine consists of standing around being useless, or driving around in circles forever.
FC2 also boasts one of the stupidest stories I've ever experienced. The characters are all hollow and meaningless, and the cookie-cutter missions are all repetitive and lame. How anybody can enjoy FC2 is simply beyond me.
The battlechest with CoD and UO is still like 20-30 bucks, so its not that bad of a deal. Still, its such an old game, one might as well just get it on the PC. I'm pretty sure any newish computer can play it well enough.
There's a rather sorry amount of exclusives all across the board, the sorriest amounts ironically belonging to the consoles. There's maybe 4-6 AAAEs between all of them I think, whereas the PC has boatloads of AAEs to make up for the shortfall.
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