To get the Wyrm Hero you need 3 badges you get from beating two amazingly strong bosses and becoming a master fisherman. The badges are the Godslayer Badge you get from killing Yiazmat (who is the official last hunt found at the huge ampitheatre place of the Pharos Lightouse) and the Omega Badge (from Omega Mark XII who is wandering around the Upper Crystal in Giruvegan). The thrid badge is called the Lu Shang Badge and is found from becoming a master fisherman. All I can say for this one is practice practice practice and Good Luck! Turn in the three badges and the Bazaar will offer you the Wyrm Hero Blade for a whopping 65535 gil. Now true that the Zodiac Spear adds 150 to attack the Wyrm Hero adds 130 to attack, 50 to Evade, and has the holy element added to it making it much more useful than the spear. So that's my 2 cents and I hope it helps.
That 1/10000 place is the Henne Mines Phase 2 Dig. It's on the way to go after Zodiarc. It's one of those weapons to get just for the sake of getting. By the time you get it (as mentioned before) you really don't need it. I beat it smoothly without getting seither the Zodiac Spear or the Wyrm Hero (effen fishing).
Anything that involves status effects is pretty worthless to me. I agree completely with Siren on that one. Hades FF7, and most of XIIs summons are not worth using. They're fun to watch but it can usually lead to wasting alot of magic during battles.
The only reason I even used Vanish was to see what the animation looked like when going into and coming out of it. I have always been a huge fan of Protect.
Of all of them I can think of, I have never even played the Legend series on the GameBoy. Other than that I think I have played them all (that have been released in USA anyways). And I never got into the whole online XI thing, but I gave it a shot. has every movie and song from all of the final fantasies. Under the Final Fantasy Tab on the left, under Final Fantasy 9 FMVs section, it is titled 16 - Disc 1 - Vivi's Defense. I downloaded that whole FMV from his site and I know he has screenshots for every few seconds of it. If you're looking for an exact section just download the whole FMV and capture it yourself with the PrintScreen button on your keyboard.
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