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#1 tabian00
Member since 2004 • 157 Posts
The only thing that bugs me the most was the fact (maybe this is due to my network speed or something) but I couldn't read most of what the grey boxes said, all of the letters were blurred and unreadable so I had to guess alot on what the boxes actually said.
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#2 tabian00
Member since 2004 • 157 Posts
I'm going to put my money on both Neo and Zero Bahamut(s) from FFVII. Flying rocks and lasers from space always make for good fantasy gameplay, plus they look pretty f'in sweet.
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#3 tabian00
Member since 2004 • 157 Posts
HOME actually sounds like it would be a good concept to get into after all of the bugs have been worked out...something that large will not be very impressive until it has been running for a bit. After that, then count me in.
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#4 tabian00
Member since 2004 • 157 Posts

I feel it isn't quite a "masterpiece" but it is an amazing new direction I hope gets more attention for future FFs. People complain about the "crappy new battle system". Most people obviously didn't notice the bars on the left of each characters name that are oddly reminiscent of an ATB bar from ANY other FF (excluding FFX) on the PS and PS2 that are considered the favorites by everyone on this Union and if you think the Gambit system takes away from the battles you can turn them off you know? I used them mainly for healing purposes. I always attacked (weapon and magic alike) by in-putting commands because that's how I like to play.

I feel the story was great and paced perfectly to keep you in the suspense of having to get to the next place before your country gets absorbed by all-out war. The soundtrack also added to the sense of urgency (another shining staple in Uematsu's already flawless collection).

True some characters leave you wanting for more depth from time to time they still made great players in the story and shouldn't be dismissed as easily. Their voices were spot on and really added to what personalities they did have. No cheesy voice acting to be found (except for a few NPCs to remain nameless ... Bald and Spanish guys for example ... I hated their voices).

All in all I very much enjoyed XII and plan on playing it again and again.

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#5 tabian00
Member since 2004 • 157 Posts

Please tell me that most of you have seen this was something my friends and I wanted to do for a while but we were obviously too slow at making it and lost to these guys. I hate it when battles end like this :D

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#6 tabian00
Member since 2004 • 157 Posts
Hold on a second...Mr. Monkey??? Damn I thought I had completed that game 100% (dusts off the case) time to get back to work...thanks F_G :)
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#7 tabian00
Member since 2004 • 157 Posts
I would personally have to go with VI because I loved the fact that you start out as someone who has no identity no past or even no apparent future (Terra). Seeing her progress from amnesia patient to becoming more of a typical "main character" was very satsifying. All of the characters are very well played out and their personalities are very well defined (gotta love the player King Edgar and the ever badazz loyal knight Cyan). I found it fun to play and well paced for an old school Final Fantasy. The story is top notch, with almost limitless humor in the beginning (Locke and Edgars shpeel when Terra first uses magic, classic!) to reel you in only to get better as the game progressed. Even the "bad guy" Kefka has been voted the second best nemesis in the series next to Sephy. I agree because he starts out as only comic relief to then become the ultimate threat whereas Sephy is bad from the get go. There are alot more random battles in the field than I personally would have liked but it helped in the long-run by levelling me up faster. It is also the only FF I know of with a looping section (on the river) to cheat (without touching your controller) to get yourself to infinitely level to wherever you felt like stopping (exploited profusely, I might add). I also very much liked the branching story lines. It's nice to see a game every now and then where you don't have to make everyone go the same places all the time. It was a welcome distraction, at the time. I wish they could cook something up for the upcoming FFs along those lines. My absolute favorite aspect of the game has to be the fact there there is treasure lying around absolutely everywhere helping to fully explore every nook and cranny of every place to happen upon. My vote goes to VI.
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#8 tabian00
Member since 2004 • 157 Posts
He can be first seen in Treno and then he can be talked to as an NPC in Daguerro. In the library he will update you on how your treasure hunting skills are coming along and will only reveal himself as Gilgamesh after you have achieved the highest possible rank. (I personally had to buy out the Treno Auction House, find all four of the mini's, and I actually got all 100 cards before he told me his name). If you want to find him there are plenty of walkthroughs on Gamespot and Gamefaqs for your reading pleasure.
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#9 tabian00
Member since 2004 • 157 Posts
As of today Vaan has either (Excalibur/Ragnarok/Tournesol), a Maximillian, a White Mask and a Bubble Belt. He is one of my main party members and is out all the time unless that party is getting beat bad then he sits on the bench. He was my first character to fill the License Board and the first to get to lv.99. I use him alot.
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#10 tabian00
Member since 2004 • 157 Posts
I would go with Vincent because while turning demon does waste a turn it jacks up his HP, MP and all other stats. Balthier talks too much and would be too busy being cocky to care what's happening on the battlefield (plus ... Elements of Treachery doesn't do that much damage when it is done only by itself, and it would waste all of Balthier's magic in one fell swoop, bad tactics!). Irvine wouldn't even show up because he'd run and sit down with his gun in a corner and probably cry a little. Yuna would show up but be very timid (and hot). Although ... to give Yuna her deserved Kudos ... Vincent, Balthier and Irvine can only shoot once per ATB turn while Yuna has "Trigger Happy" (granted she has learned it) and would waste all the guys while they were all waiting to shoot a second shot :D Especially if she has Cat Nip equipped. Yuna could pull off a victory but I'm sticking with Vincent.