tabian00's forum posts
The correct sigil to take is the Way Stone - Black Sigil. Touch that and then
head east. Run down to the southeast corner and approach the wall to find a
Fool's Facade. The chests in here (if they appear) will contain either a
Dragon Whisker or a Rubber Suit. Touch the green sigil in here.
Make your way down one of the halls, breaking through the Fool's Facades as
you go. Touch the Way Stone - Red Sigil at the end to be warped to a hidden
area. There is a chest here containing a Circlet. Now examine the purple
"Sigil of Sacrifice" and it will warp you to the northwest area (Spire Ravel -
2nd Flight.)
Head up the path leading north and break the Fool's Facade leading west. Use
the Way Stone in here to warp to another area. Now you are almost done.
There is a Way Stone beside you right here. Use the stone to teleport and go
through the south door. You will find the urn with the map here. Once you
have the map, go back up, take the Way Stone and use the east elevator to
reach 90F.
Credits: **** This path is from the walkthrough I used to get past that exact same part. This is verbatim of A L E X's walkthrough on posted on 1/21/07****
With the realease of III for the DS and the new (and relatively improved) FFs out on the GBA I can now say that my craziest achievement is that (excluding XI) I have now played and beaten all chronolgical FFs. It starts with Origins on the PS1 (I & II), III on the DS, FF Chronicles (minus Chrono Trigger) and the FF Anthology (IV, V, VI) (re-released on the PS1, not the original SNES games), the PS1 FFs (VII, VIII, IX), and the PS2 FFs (X, X-2 and XII). Granted it isn't a Crazy thing to do but it is an accomplishment that took me a hell of a long time to acheive.
If you guys were asking for in-game achievements...ok...let's XII...I beat Yiazmat/Omega/Zodiarc/Hell Wyrm in one sitting over 2 days. I only say 2 days because, technically, I was up past midnight so it has to count as 2 days but was all within a 24 hour timespan. (Yiazmat = 9hrs, Omega 1 hour, Zodiarc = 1 hour, Hell Wyrm = 3hrs, walking around to get to each one was about 3-4hrs). I was DEAD tired and went to bed about 3am and slept until 4pm the next day. For all of you math guys yes I started playing XII at 9am and played straight until 3am, stopping to eat and go to the bathroom. Although I was able to take a nice nap while fighting Yiazmat (gambits RULE).
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