okay, it was a little more. More like $700.
But I probably could have done it for $500 if I'd tried harder and skimped on some stuff that wasn't super-necessary.
The costs would go like this:
GTX 560 ti 448: 170
Core i3/AMD 6300: 120
MB: 60
8gb RAM: 40
2 TB Hard drive: 80
case+ PSU: 80.
that's 550. Chop the HD down to 1tb and that's 500.
OS I already owned, but yeah, add 100 for it.
Already owned KB/Mouse/Monitor, but good ones would be like another $200-$250.
...and I'm sure that PC will last you 4-5 years with the quality of those parts...
...and I'm sure the performance of that PC is the same as the one I am building...
It probably will last longer.
It will have about 80% of the power at 1/4 the cost.
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