Microsoft is in a pretty nice spot right now. They have a console that is lacking an internal HD drive and for that reason they can sell it cheaper than the PS3.Large_SodaOnly 50bucks cheaper, and the equiv PS3 has BD, wifi and an HD. Im expecting they'll drop the price soon enough or that unit simply wont sell.
teebeenz's forum posts
[QUOTE="teebeenz"]Itd be possible, but it would be more expensive than a PS3, and unable to play games from the drive. Would be kinda pointless.nosferatu
While I agree on the 1st 2 points (although it wouldn't be MUCH more expensive than a PS3), the last point isn't true. As a part of the spec, all HD-DVD players must be backwards compatible with SD-DVD. Therefore the drive would be able to play normal game discs as well.
I ment there would be no HDDVD games, obviously itd play DVD games duh.Will Half Life 2 Episode 3 be available as downloadable content? Or will we have to buy a new disc or Orange Box 2 or what?1vgfanitll be on disk, MS wouldnt allow something that large for dl. Now... inside of Valves own game however, maybe... but theyd have to go via MS's rules first.
I agree, we had a whole bunch of people over and we spent a couple hours shooting guys in the foot, was awesome.Already rented and beat the full game. I actually thought the Kai bits were better than the Nariko bits.
Every time I play Orange Box, I get nauseated. I tried backing up, anybody else have that problem?lgrub002Valves titles are famous for making people motion sick, you just have to put up with it.
if it is a port then it'll be a port of the PC version which is allot easier to port over to the 360 then to the PS3.. in fact i wouldn't be surprised if the 360 version is already done and they're waiting for the money Sony paid them for exclusivity has finnished burning to release it..Unlikely, PC version is their priority and if it hasnt been finished I doubt the 360 one has been.
Both the 360 and PS3 versions will be based off of the optimized PC version. But that doesn't necessarily make them "ports".makemeweakEach one has many common things but each is optimised in its own way. The 360 ones optimised for its 2 cores, the PS3 one is optimised for the cell and the PC one is optimised foe Quadcore.
No, actually it won't be a port, and they are working on it for 360. The problem is user created content, like custom made maps, which can then be distributed for PC users and Ps3 users. MS does not allow custom content on their system due to digital rights management crap, and that is what is causing the delay on the 360. Gamespot already mentioned that on their last update this week...PhazevarianceYeah, they had several issues, the first was the game wouldnt fit on a DVD, so they wanted to offload the extra content onto LIVE, but MS isnt happy about that, it gets worse with the mods/maps thing as well. Worst of all MS wont let people sell the content through LIVE either something Epics trying to get done on PC and PS3.
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