teebeenz's forum posts
They are very evenly matched in most sales categories and it is well known that hddvd players are selling much faster than bluray.vector5252Sure, they're evenly matched in most sales categories, if by that you mean none.
I honestly dont think this is to far away. Looking at most tech sites, like Cnet, dosent think BluRay or HD DVD will take over like the DVD did, simply becouse stupid format war, and when that is over, we got a all new format that will blow both BluRay and HD DVD of the playing fields. I know im waitig for some real qual. And by that time most people will be ready to change there tvs to. Right now, people dont seem to care very much about it.ThigeicIt will takeover as DVD did or else people wont be watching anything as the people who make the HD content make the DVD content, they choose to stop making DVD content (which is the plan) and then its HD ahoy. As for the war, there hasnt been one, BD has been in the lead since day 1, only a few selected markets even have advertising for HDDVD and no, another format should be further off. DVD was a stopgap format to fill the gap between VHS and the standization of HDTV, now that HDTV is in and the formats match the highest resolution then there is no need to go further, not for a long time yet.
Lets hope it doesnt have the new Ford GT then or else laps wont be small enough for fuel :)nah it wont be in GT5, cuz ud have to stop and get gas every few laps lol
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