teebeenz's forum posts
ust speculation but maybe MS is going to support games for windows over consoles next time?GlassDominionid reply if it was in its own thread.
the xbox was the worse business decission MS has made.GlassDominionThat (which should be in its own thread) is pretty much dead on, current analsyt predictions put their total loss by ehd of this gen at between 10-15billion US. So its no wonder speculation of no 3rd unit is floating round, especially now Bungie and Bizzare have left in mysterious ways.
Allow me to rephrase: Achievements was one of the few really good business decisions MS's gaming division has made. :)OremLKI dont think it was as much a decision but something some guy suggested to slap on.
ive got both hddvd and blu ray. there are way more hd movies in the blu ray format. hd dvd is almost useless.guppiefaceThats true, BDs content does indeed outnumber HDDVD content by a fairly large amount. HDDVD is also pretty rare to see outside of the US, Ive never seen a HDDVD ad, yet tonight alone Ive seen 3 for BD and 2 for PSP UMD, yeah... its that bad.
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