no, it is a well-known fact that microsoft never gives up on thier products just look at zune at first it was pretty crappy but now zune 2 looks kick ass. and besides its already been confiremed xbox 720 will launch somewhere bettween 2011-2012.Arbiter1237
No you're mixing MS's traditional sales phase with persistence. MS first releases a cheap soso product usualy from buying or modifying an existing product, then next they do it properly and link it with windows to steal the market.
I dont understand why people are always like "Microsoft should have never entered the console gaming arena." Why not, did you get physically injured by the Xbox, is it any hair off of your back?RipaX21
MS isnt a company who competes. MS famously got to its monopoly position today by lying to guy to get his operating system, sabotaging another companies product and then taking off with some of IBMs code. Now they're dodging taxes, hiring convicts so they dont have to pay for additional staffs benefits and threatening companies who dare to support those who would compete with them. They're not to sort of company you want in an industry.
Plus Sony has been losing money lately as well.kevy619
All companies lose money at the start, its how they pay for the product and dev of software, however Sony made money from the PS2 and PS1 and is now on its way to doing the same on PS3, MS however hasnt made any money yet.
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