Source is an old engine, and while theyve updated it for Ep1 and Ep2, its still an old engine. If you want to see a brand spanking state of the art engine tho look to UE3. Bloody amazing some of the stuff it does in UT3, Im really impressed.
If you can post the link to them talking about the delayG-Legend
Of course I cant as they havent announced a delay. Besides, they release when its done. When its done is when its done. The betas already out and thats testing now so it should be fine for launch.
Epic has announced no delays, and has confirmed there are no delays. The delays people talk about are from Midway announcing estimated shipping times for titles. Epic of course works to their own schedule so they advised shareholders that their games could be out any time including 2008. If you're not going to actually read whats said, why bother?
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