yeh i belieed that but with 108Mb connection it cant be too badrazor__The higher the speed the more chance of failures which result in lag, youll probably get an extra 40ms latency added on depending on the conditions.
teebeenz's forum posts
I have heard a lot of rumors about this and I want to know if it's true.meetah13The reduction in HD size would make so little effect to the cost it wouldnt be worth it.
Yes they're dual layer which means just over 8gigs of space, MP and Sandbox games are restricted to 1 Disk or requires to be installed on an HD.firstly are the xbox 360 game dvd's dual layer, and secondly just like to say whats wrong with putting games on more than one disc if needs be so in the case of gta iv, it makes the game feel that little bit more special, anybody had shemnue for dreamcast or painkiller for pc
I really want a PS3 because I'm tired of dealing with 360s shaudy crappy ass hardware. Thanks for any opinions on this matter at hand.silenthill4vidThe games worst off are the ones they release every 12months so obviously for many of the teams this is there first go on the PS3. However the quality titles tend to be fine. Just takes time for them to get their middleware up and running with the new tech.
around 6 mil.amourkissThats correct. 6mill is about right. Its important to note however the PS3 sales were delayed by 4months in many places so its selling just under where the 360 was for this, and at 2x the price at that.
I bought Skate. on Friday and it's been in my 360 since then.MS cheeped out on the DVD drive so it lacks any disk protection, even the slightest move can force the disk off balance and itll create a scratch.
I've just taken it out today and there are some small scratches on the disk and then a pretty big one near the edge...why does the 360 do this?!
eww why would u have 4 players online? thats dumbscrubsfan718Thats for Co-op SP, not MP.
>teebenz seriously why do you troll this is my 2nd post on this site but ive seen lots of trolls you are easily the worst you trollall time get a life dudebm750Ive had friends work at MS, spoken with people who've worked at top level there on some of their most core projects, I also know many people who've lost their job becuase of some of the tactics they use. Im very familiar with how MS operates, ive seen them do this sort of thing many times and too many people ignore it. If im to be judged for trying to get people to at least think about this and what MS is doing, then that's fine. But a troll I'm not, besides... I don't use 4000 exclamation and question marks per sentence. A prerequisite of a troll.
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