[QUOTE="teebeenz"]Getting a TV which supports deepcolour and 1080p24 is the key if you want it to be A) round a while and B) useful for BDmienzio
i only got about half of what you said.
While most computers/consoles use 24bit graphics (which is 16,777,216 colours), the industry is moving to deepcolour which is over 1billion colours. Its useful for fine details. There is already TVs which support this including the new bravia range so getting one which does that now will pay off in the future. The second bit was 1080p24. Films are currently shown at 24frames a second so a TV which supports 24hz at 1080p will show the movies the best as itll be frame for frame accurate (something Bluray supports). Once again the new bravias support it among others. PS3 already does both of those things and future consoles will follow, and considering TVs are long term purchases then it pays to buy up feature wise.
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