teebeenz's forum posts
I think this is misinformation. I have an elite running HDMI and I have a brand new Samsung 1080P HDTV.I heard that some of the games are NOW native 1080P. Such as Lost Planet for example. People keep saying that native 1080P is not possible on the 360. I think this still needs to be researched more.dreamscottThere is a handfull of native 1080p games on the 360, but were talking 4 or so, most just scale.
There isnt 42million 360 owners dude.it'll come eventually i bet - just like MGS4 :P
Square is producing some 360/ps3 rgps coming up so i bet it crosses platform before long. It'd be too stupid a move for them to not cross platform, all they money they would be losing since theres a 7:1 360:ps3 owner ratio out there.
[QUOTE="onevictor"]Ive heard its 6 times bigger than san andreas and has 350 differant cars. its gunna rockmatt2012Actually it's supposed to be much smaller than San Andreas. OXM had an article a few months back about it.
Rockstar said landwise its slightly smaller than San Andreas. However they said that the city has many levels to it now vs the 1 basic level in SA (levels as in heights, not maps), so it has more in it.
stop making up BS no one knows what the problem is really. I read that rockstar had problems putting it on the DVD9 disk so they have to wait until Microsoft released their new compression technology. The only thing rockstar has said thats confirmed was that they were dissapointed in the graphics so they delayed it to make it better. And thats the reason thats more probable.[QUOTE="fallendamnation"][QUOTE="stygiansanity"]I'm just annoyed that it was delayed due to development issues on the PS3 :(stygiansanity
I'm not making up BS, there was an article on gameasutra and a bunch of anlysts said the same thing so don't point figeres at me for spreading what has been known.
First of all, analysts are people paid to guess. Thats what they do, guess, they dont actually know anything more than anyone else. Secondly there is no magic new compression coming from MS, they're already using highend compression and anything more advanced would not only require massive amounts of money sent IBMs way but more processing power.I preordered it in May, and I feel the same way.Tree06Think of it this way, youll be in the first batch :)
Hey guys, keep this in mind, im a huge FF fanyanksfanman319Then why didnt you gwt a system thats getting the Final Fantasys.
Until the PS3 gets a faster BD drive (which im guessing will happen before to long) many games are going to need caches stored on the HD. There is also the fact that many will choose to buy fullgames via PSN vs on disk which also takes up lots of space, this is of course not even including demos, movies, music, TV storage etc. The PS3 uses SATA 2.5inch 5400rpm drives (if I recall coreectly). Match those specs as close as possible and youll be fine.really? even the 80 gig? hmm. what kind of hard drive does the ps3 take again?
hmm, maybe i might pick up the 80 gig then.. not sure anymore lol.
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