when i go to video chat it says communication has been blocked for this profile any way to fix this and im not on a child account if that helpsDano1Call MS.
teebeenz's forum posts
It sucks that we have to pay for some of the features for home like more clothes and furniture, but it's going to be great when it comes out.MFKR95Only some of those things cost, youll get items for free with regular updates as well as from the games themselves.
maybe in last generation but xbox 360 has PROCESSING POWER so it would be just as good as the pc version or better i really want to play the sims 2 university but its currently only on pc and the sims 2 nightlife since i have no real life i must play sims virtual life ROFL xbox live online play would be awesome with the sims2 and all expansion packs they also got the sims 2 open for business justinpateSims2 on a console would suck, as they do indeed do. Sims3 isnt that far away, might as well wait for that.
Hey guys, not to be a downer, but don't get your hopes up. I was just as excited as some of you are when it was announced, and was stoked when I got into the Beta. It's really cool at first, but it wears thin pretty quickly, due to the lack of stuff to do and sometimes buggy system. Hopefully they'll add a bunch of new content in the "full" version to add positive to negative..-Ven-Home is going to be bare bones to start with, itll take time for the features to all come online.
man, if the PS3 is having 60 fps, the 360 version will have like 120 fps lol,EA's priority is the X360, so yeah, don't worry about that ;) ;D :Dclub-sandwichActually, this game among the other high CPU games are lead for PS3 at EA.
To my knowledge the human eye cannot distinguish anythign above 30fpsRahKayneIt can actually.
probably especially since EA has been putting the 360 over the ps3 i dont see why not burnout looks good but not like earth shattering if bioshock can run at 60 FPs on the 360 they can get that game to do itGen00730, 60, it doesn't much matter.
sim city4, sim city societies, and city life would be nice too on 360justinpate...and what magical disk is that all to fit on?
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