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tgawn Blog

It's Back!!!

Just like i thought it must have been a glitch or something but i got it back and peace of mind over my emblems, lol.

Laser Force tomorrow + MSN Space URL + 360 fund!!

Firstly here is the new URL for my MSN space or windows live space as it is called now:

Tomorrow i am going to a place called sidetracked (indoor go-karts, crappy mini golf ect.) for a few games of laser force, its like a laser tag sorta game with rankings and stuff like that.  Also i might list a few more things on eBay to sell because i need cash for my 360 which is steady at $285 and i need more plus i should get some money from relatives from Ireland and the US of A on my birthday wich is just over week away!!!

WTF Happened to my Emblem???

For some strange reason, i am missing one of my emblems, this one:

Now maybe its because i haven't been doing alot of tagging latley but still it should stay there.  And i am confused why its gone, hopefully its just a temporary Gamespot glitch and it will be fixed in 48 hours.

1400 posts + Q & A questions

Today i realised that i got 1440 posts so its probably been 4 or 5 days since ive been at 1400 posts!!

If you want to ask me a question then post it here or PM the questions to me, the questions can be on anything.

360 fund update 29/7/06 - The Nintendo Wii

Ok first off if you are from the states and are confused about the date then i will explain. Our format is dmy yours is mdy.  Now yesterday i got the money for my xbox ($160) so that puts me up to $285 (roughly) still a long way off but im getting there.  I hope to buy the 360 in 2-3 months, i will probably wait for a sale so i can get it cheaper because prices for games & consoles are ridiculous in Australia.  And i need some cash for games (naturally:D) & and accesories.

I have also decided to buy a Wii next year when it comes out here because there are some games that i want to get for it.  I hope that its online service wont be as expensive as Xbox Live.:)

MSN update

ok ive set my space to public now so you can all see it now, also when you guys add me i want to put your gamespot IDs as a custome name so i can tell who every is that is on my contacts list.

so if you add me just send me a PM with your email so i can tell whos on my list.

WTF!?!? Level 17!?!?!

Woah yesterday i was level 16 at 26% Today i am level 17 at 6% Well all the stuff i did yesterday must have payed off!!!

MSN Spaces

I just started using the MSN version of my space, if you didn't know about it its just a my space service that is intergrated to you hotmail email and your msn.  Its also a more international friendly that the origanal my space.

Heres the link for my space:

Back on MSN

Well i just finshed making a new msn email account because i to get rif of my previous one because i had so many people on my contact list that i didn't know and i got so much spam every day so now my new one is: