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ThaNemesis Blog

The Forgotten A

As you all know there are some big issues going into 2006 when it comes to the violence in videogames. I work at a GameStop and yes we do have signs up with the ratings on it, but also when a mature game comes up a message comes up on the screen saying that this is a Mature game which then we ask the person buying the game if he/she is the age of 17 or over. But to me this just isn't enough.

Do I think that these laws will help HELL NO! All that is doing is giving the government control of something that they don't truly understand. So what should be done to insure that these games are not getting into the hands of kids? I say that we need to rebuild the whole rating system. I the ESRB is doing one hell of a job but we need new ratings. E, T,M,A are just not enough to cover everything. I think we need something between either E and T or T and M. So that way M will carry alot more force when people pick up the game. I also think that A should come into play more.

You got games now that don't even touch on the A expect for Condemned. This game was SERIOUS. But it got an M rating. WHY!!! I heard alot about this game by working at GameStop and it seems as if it should of gotten an A rating. But it didn't. Why? Cause developers think an M rated game is more acceptiable than a A rated game when it comes to the public. Plus it would be easy marketing. You can't advertise an A rated game during a football game.

So why don't developers imbrace the A? Your answer is as good as mine. It seems as if we are putting TOO much weight into mature games when there is an A rated after it. Why aren't we using all the ratings like the movie industry? Only the developers and publishers can answer this question.

Well that is all for this week. Remember that the ideas and thoughts of these blogs are my own so don't get mad about something I said. Just comment on it. Check back next week when I will be giving my thoughts on WTF is going on with G4 Videogame TV.

On My Way To The Throne

Well this being the second blog post of the new year I thought I would give ya'll a better background of the man behind the Future King Of Gaming. If you haven't already noticed I'm getting ready to turn 22 on Jan. 26th. So with this date closing fast I had decided to do two year goals for 2006. The main one is to get to Full Sail. The second one being to get back into art; my second love.

If you have read About Me you should know that I'm writing a screenplay. The truth is I took like a 3 month break. I haven't written anything since late Oct. 2005. If you don't know me then you also don't know that I'm now working for GameStop. As of right now they are paying me PENNIES! So in order for myself to get to Full Sail I'm going to have to sell the screenplay. So I'm going to start back writing it again since its my life in writing. Without it I will be one of those 33 yr olds wondering what happen to my life. So wish me luck and keep me in your prayers for that.

By the way I write you should already know that I'm black. You are asking yourself why would someone say they are black because I'm proud of my race. I'm VERY proud to be who I am and that is a black man. A black man who LOVES video games. Go ahead its aight to say it too. Cause you wouldn't be posting on this site if you didn't.

Well this is as personal as I'm going to get with ya'll on this go round. Check back next week when I discuss what should be done when it comes to rating video games!

New Weekly Blog

First I will say Happy New Year! Its 2006 and I am doing alot of changes here at GS. I will be doing a weekly blog starting today so check back every week here at my profile for that. I have my own Union up and going. Toxic InterActive. So if you are interested in getting into the gaming industry or want to discuss industry news please come check out my Toxic InterActive. If you are interested in the Age Of Empires Series, AoM series, or is just a fan of Ensemble Studios please stop by the Age Of Empires Union. I'm a mod over there as well.

My First Blog for 06

Future King Of Gaming

Gaming. I know you are thinking that he must be referring to being the Best in playing video games. As much as I want it to be cause I’m a very good gamer; it doesn’t. The Future King Of Gaming refers to be taking over the Gaming Industry. Since I’m creative, know how to tell a story and knows a lot about video games I know once I get into the industry I will become Icon. I keep a notebook full of games ideas. Yes some are not as good as others but I might use it later down the road. I might have something creative to add to it that I didn’t think of before. I know you are saying this is a big statement to say but I’m very confidence of my abilities. Playing games now is not for fun its doing homework. Seeing what works and what doesn’t before I get behind the computer screen. So remember the name Nemesis cause you will be hearing it in a couple of years.

Support The GameSpot Union Movement

If you haven't know, GS has been through some major changes. One change that hasn't been made is to the Unions. So if you think something needs to be change please support The Movement by clicking on the links provided below. If you make a thread about the GS Unions please PM me so I can add your link to the list. Support the GS Union Movement!

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Comment on my Profile Banner and NEW Blog Header

So far I have seen two people comment on my profile banner. So if you want it then you will get it. If you want to comment on it please do so here.

But the REAL PERSON you should comment on is the person who made the banner; Matthew229 or Matt as I call him. I gave him the pics you see in my name and he did the rest. He is one creative person when it comes to graphics. So Thanks again Matt!

Gov. & Gaming, Where Should The Line Be Drawn??

With the new rating giving to GTA: San Andreas. You have to wonder if the Gov. is getting involve into something they know nothing about?

Back when Mortal Kombat came out there wasn't a ESRB. So games could be sold to anyone. But the Gov. came in and said that these games are too violent and something needs to be done. Instead of having the Gov. rate games, the industry came up with the ESRB.

Now we are back in the hot seat as the Gov. has got involved AGAIN! These times its because of a mod in GTA: San Adreas. In this mod. CJ is having sex. Ok, sex really isn't that bad right? Instead of letting the ESRB do there job, the Gov. put their two cents in. Not only did the Gov. get involve but policitians as well. Thinking this will give them a boost in votes saying violent videogames are destroying our youth.

The main problem with this is that everyone is pointing the finger at the Video Game Industry. Instead they should be pointing the finger at themselves. On the front and back of EVER game is a rating. If you child is not over the age of 17, then DO NOT BUY THIS GAME!! That really kills me, when parents say that the game is targeting kids when it is not since it has a Mature rating on the cover. How is that targeting kids? The only way these kind of games gets into kids hands is by the parents. Kids can't walk into a retail store and buy these games. No retail store will let them.

So when should the line be drawn when something like this happens again? Trust me it will. Well for one thing, the Gov. should be more worried about other things. Hunger, porverty, gas shortage. These are the things that is affecting ALL of America. Games only affect a percentage of America. The main reason I think the Gov. gets involved in these things is to show people that they are trying to "save" their children. In doing so, more people will vote for them. Is this bashing on videogames all about getting votes? Or do the Gov. really have a problem with violent games? You tell me.

America Vs Japan??

You hear alot about games from Japan not coming to America and vice versa. It seems as if we are going against each other. Which I can't understand because Sony and Nintendo are Japenese companies. They depend on the America market to sell games just as Mircosoft depends on the Japan market to sell games. Well now anyway since Mircosoft got the AAA to develope games for its new system.

So why is it that we don't send ALL games that we developed over there as do they? Yes it is a different market but I think that the gaming industry is one market. I keep on thinking that there is a game released in Japan that is great; a future game of the year, and we won't get a chance to play it cause OUR market says that we don't like those kind of games. BULLCRAP! I'm a gamer and I know all of you are too. I'm willing to give ANY game a fair shot.

I don't remember where I heard this but I know that there was a game released in Japan but wasn't released here because they thought the game would be too hard for Americans. I think it was a Final Fanstay game (if you know please correct me). And I heard something like Japan saying that all we care about is great graphics. I know right now you are thinking, why am I attacking Japan. I'm not, it's just that I haven't heard anything that America has said bad about the Japenese market. Maybe that is because I'm in America and they aren't going to say anything like that.

Anyway back on the subject, yes as Americans we love graphics. But I think our market will show that if that is all the game is offering, we will not buy it. So why are we still at a point to where people are judging the two areas. Shouldn't we be trying to embrace whatever is going on in the industry. Rather it be from Japan or America. I think the industry would be alot better if we will actually look past what the markets says and think like gamers. Cause no matter where you are in the world, you will ALL be consider a the samething.

A Gamer


*The thoughts express is the opinion of Nemesis. Don't take anything to heart because we all have our own opinions. I'm just trying to express mine and allowing you to express yours. Play Fair*

Online Gaming,Where Is It Headed?

     The battlefield crack with the sound of gun firer. I sneaked behind the enemy base. Trying to get in a good sniping position. I run up a hill and run into an enemy soldier. Surpised I try to reach for my back up weapon. Too late,  I was gunned down. 10 secs later.

     Back to my tatic. Learning from my mistake, this time I equip myself with my side arm at the ready. I again started my way back up the mountain. I made it around this time to the back of the respawn point of the enemy's base. I equip my sniper rifle and prone myself on the ground. I line up my first shot and just before my finger hits the trigger, I was dead. Someone killed me with a knife. Another 10 secs.

     I pay a trip to the Armory. Equip a machine gun and ran for the front gate. Two other members of my team follow. I took down five before someone finally shot me down! With the next gen of consoles on the way and the addition of Nintendo entering the online gaming market, I start to wonder where is online gaming heading.

     Online play is becoming more and more popular. Some gamers will not even buy a game without having online play as an option. But is focusing on online play affecting the single player portion of the game? A perfect example is Halo 2. Bungie was so focus on giving players an online option that it really tank in single player. The game was shorter and the ending SUCK! On the other hand, Halo 2 is one of the top online games being played. So was there decision a good one? I think the numbers speack for themselves.

     Online play gives a game A LOT of replay value, which is good. Since next gen games are raising in cost; I want to get every single cent out of a game. Once you completed the single player part of a game what is next? Unlocking all the unlockabes of course. Once that is done, what is the reason to play the game anymore? That is where online play comes in.

     Online Gaming is a good thing cause it brings longer life to a game. But will online play over shadow single player? Or will a developer come along and produce games with an equal share of both? Only time will tell when ALL next gen consoles hit the market.

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