Every great game deserves a sequel. But when is it time to call it quits?
I see more and more sequels coming out then original games. I think that once you have told the story of the game and got all the loop holes under control its time to start on something new. But we all know that is not going on. Before I go any further let me explain to you what a sequel is to me: a sequel is when a game continues from when the last game left off in the story.
So if you look at it. How many games have really made sequels? First the GTA series. There hasn't been a sequel to that game as of date. GTA: Vice City and GTA: San Andreas are both pre-quels to GTA 3. So before you go and say the GTA series should stop making sequels, they never made one yet. Then you got the Final Fanstay series. Yes they have A LOT of games, I think they are up to like 12 now but you have to remember. All of those games HAD A DIFFERENT LEAD CHARACTER. As a matter of fact I do believe that they were in different worlds aslo. But if I am wrong correct me, please.
Now I understand that most developers are small companies and when they get a hit they stick to it to make money. But if you can make money off of that one hit why can't you create something new and do it all over again. Cause with that first hit you took a risk and it paid off. So take another risk and if it fails at least you know you have a hit game to fall back on. I just wish developers would see it like that instead of the other way around. Lets go where the money is. Show some creativity. That is what got you in the door in the first place. Some developers even got the nerve to just go crazy with the sequels and don't CHANGE nothing.
That is what I really sad about. You go and got this game and its on its sixth ed. and there is nothing new in the game. No new moves, no new modes, no new animation. Its the same game that they put out a couple of years ago with new cover art. So when is it really to let the game die??
*The thoughts express is the opinion of Nemesis. Don't take anything to heart because we all have our own opinions. I'm just trying to express mine and allowing you to express yours. Play Fair*
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