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Sequels,When is it the right time to end??

Every great game deserves a sequel. But when is it time to call it quits?

I see more and more sequels coming out then original games. I think that once you have told the story of the game and got all the loop holes under control its time to start on something new. But we all know that is not going on. Before I go any further let me explain to you what a sequel is to me: a sequel is when a game continues from when the last game left off in the story.

So if you look at it. How many games have really made sequels? First the GTA series. There hasn't been a sequel to that game as of date. GTA: Vice City and GTA: San Andreas are both pre-quels to GTA 3. So before you go and say the GTA series should stop making sequels, they never made one yet. Then you got the Final Fanstay series. Yes they have A LOT of games, I think they are up to like 12 now but you have to remember. All of those games HAD A DIFFERENT LEAD CHARACTER. As a matter of fact I do believe that they were in different worlds aslo. But if I am wrong correct me, please.

Now I understand that most developers are small companies and when they get a hit they stick to it to make money. But if you can make money off of that one hit why can't you create something new and do it all over again. Cause with that first hit you took a risk and it paid off. So take another risk and if it fails at least you know you have a hit game to fall back on. I just wish developers would see it like that instead of the other way around. Lets go where the money is. Show some creativity. That is what got you in the door in the first place. Some developers even got the nerve to just go crazy with the sequels and don't CHANGE nothing.

That is what I really sad about. You go and got this game and its on its sixth ed. and there is nothing new in the game. No new moves, no new modes, no new animation. Its the same game that they put out a couple of years ago with new cover art. So when is it really to let the game die??


*The thoughts express is the opinion of Nemesis. Don't take anything to heart because we all have our own opinions. I'm just trying to express mine and allowing you to express yours. Play Fair*

Real Time Strategy,Why Isn't The Genre Popular??

When I mention the genre RTS, most of the time I'm met with yawns. Which I just can't seem to understand. What makes this genre one of the least like genres in the gaming world? So let's get into the views of why I think this genre isn't that popular.

Speed: This is something that I really love about the game. You can't just hope into a game and go straight to war with someone. You have to sit back and get your kingdom up and running so you can have the supplies to wage war.

Strategy: Yes you have to use some of those brain cells in order to lead your team to victory. You just can't send in all you men hoping to take over a city. Because you will me meant with GREAT resistance. You have to plan out your attacks. Like sending in some units to take the aim off of your siege weapons to take down the wall; so you can send in your army to attack the village.

Patience: You got to have the skills to wait. You have to wait for the right time to attack. You wouldn't want to attack someone who has more supplies and more men then you.

Taking that information in I still can't see why gamers are not interested in this genre. RTS games are one of the most beautiful games on the PC. The environments are lush and the details in the game are amazing. I just find joy in having the control of a mass army. Telling them where to attack and when. When you get that taste of victory on your tongue. Man nothin can beat that feeling.

While the rest of you enjoy the great but few titles of the summer. I will be waiting for AOE 3 to hit the shelves. So I can taste the sweet taste of victory. Will you come join me?


*The thoughts express is the opinion of Nemesis. Don't take anything to heart because we all have our own opinions. I'm just trying to express mine and allowing you to express yours. Play Fair*

Minimum Requirements

The minimum requirements are the lowest requirements needed in order to run a game without having any problems. But with the new Battlefield 2 game there are no minimum requirements. You have to have these expenses graphics and sounds cards just to get the game to run. But the thing that really gets my blood boiling is the fact that they put in the gaming box that the game was largely developed and tested on NVIDIA GeForce FX and 6 series graphics card. To me, yes I want my game to run on great hardware but we are still in the process of selling games. And in order to sell a game you have to develop it for people who are running on the most POPULAR hardware not the BEST hardware for the game.

When I say popular I mean the usual graphics and sound card you find in a PC you go to a store to buy. For example if I went to Staples, Wal-Mart, or even the Gateway Store. Not this high end hardware you find only in Alienware or Voodoo PCs (if I spelled that right). Yes you can go out and buy these cards separate but that’s what; a hundred dollars worth of hardware that I barely use anyway since I’m more of a console man my self. But how can you pass up on a game like Battlefield 2. You read these magazines and watch all these trailers and they suck you in then BAM the game comes out and now I need some high end graphics card just to get the game to run?? I mean you see why PC games don’t sell that well cause in order for you to enjoy them you need a PC made just for gaming. But Mr. EA Game’s people use computers other than for gaming so you go out and you buy something that will be able to handle both loads.

So here I am the FUTURE KING OF GAMING sitting around with a $54.93 box with the hottest game to come out this summer(for some reason but that’s another topic that I will touch but not on this thread) that I can’t even play. And I know what you are thinking. Why not take this game back and get something else. Like pre-order the new Madden. Unlike most gamers I can’t. See I’m the future king of gaming and I have to do my homework. That means checking out games that sell, see what works and what doesn’t work, seeing what makes this game different from the others, what could they could of done to do it better, and what twist can I give the genre of that game to make this game look like crap?

So while the rest of you enjoy shooting each other up and teaming up to get your goals accomplished. I will be sitting here reading the manual of Battlefield 2 and enjoying the cover art. Because the bottom line of the matter is, there are a lot of gamers out there who just can’t afford to update their PC’s or buy a gaming PC to enjoy a nominee for Game Of The Year in the future(which I know it will be).

P.S. Sorry for making this so long but I had to get this off my chest.

Summer Drought

As summer is well under way I can't seem to understand why are there so little blockbuster titles coming out on the shelves. Here we are, at home, with the time to really enjoy the games we buy; but there are none coming out. Yes you have the new NCAA and Madden series hitting the shelves,plus the new Battlefield 2 for the PC. But why isn't summer like the holiday season?

I know people play as much now as they do then, so why are developers holding off on the great title that we are waiting for? Yes during the holiday season you got more people spending money. Since you got the biggest shopping day of the year (the day after Thanksgiving) and you got the post Christmas sales going on. So why not release a game in that time frame. So when people are out they can also pick up the latest title. I know now you are wondering. Why is he answering his own question. Let me finish, so please continue to read.

I think that developers should take the summer into more concentration. Why not make summer one of those season where they flood the market with GREAT games. I know people are now comparing the Video Game Industry with the movie industry. Movies are mainly released during the summer cause the companies know that people are going to the theaters more during the summer. Yes, people are enjoying the weather. Going outside and to the beach. But what about places where going outside wouldn't be the best idea. Instead of them playing old titles, why not get them to enjoy some new titles. If developers would consider the summer I think it would be as big (but not bigger) then the holiday season.

This is what I think developers should be releasing games:

Summer>Pre Chirstmas(after Thanksgiving)>Post Chirstmas(after Chirstmas)>E3*(to get demos or video ready for showing)

*I put E3 in there cause it's a very important event for the gaming industry


*This is just the first of many post like this from me. So stay tuned. Check out my journal for past post or upcoming ones*

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