I've watched maybe one or two others of the Dr Seuss adaptations but The Lorax continues to be my favorite and most remembered one, I just have a lot more memories attached to it especially.
First person view in video games. Such as every game from Bethesda, not that I'd bother with those terrible developers and their godawful games anyhoo, Mirror's Edge, Bioshock... I seriously cannot comprehend how people plough through that format and are able to enjoy the game. It's completely unintuitive.
I cannot immerse myself in the game because that close up angle takes me completely out of it. No, I don't imagine "I am the player on screen" and whatnot, I thought that was ****ing implied since I'm playing a damn video game. Sheesh.
I used to have a big hearty meal to eat first before taking a jog two hours later or so. Then due to various circumstances I ended up exercising first and then eating a meal afterwards. Now I kinda do both what with different meal changes.
Which do you find works better for you? Exercising first usually makes you feel lighter than having eaten a couple hours previously, I always find to be so.
It was fun. Finally a game that wasn't a shooter. Or at least didn't play as one. I liked the parkour traveling styIe and I liked the combat and missions, even if there were a lot of similar... even if there was some repetition between missions and/or side missions.
I just hope they can make a more engaging sequel that doesn't fall short and end up being disappointing. It's been a while so I can't remember specific complaints, but all in all come April or whenever this game releases, I hope it's great. I sure hope so.
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