If the Wii was HD here's what would happen:
- It would cost a bit more than it is now thus restricting the Novice gamer audience from buying it.(Sorry, I just hate saying "casual")
- It would be nearly the same as the competitors thus restricting variety and choice for the customer.
- The games would be the same thus again restricting variety and uniqueness.
- The GC had high-end graphics for its time but it still failed same with the N64.
- 3rd parties will still treat Ninty like crap.
- And lastly....haters will still be haters.
- HD wasmore irrelevent in '06 than now in '10 where everybody wants a Hi-Def TV. Which is one of the reasons as to why Ninty went with SD instead of HD.
Really, there are more cons than pros if the Wii was HD. Remember, the GameCube had great graphics for it's time but failed because of: - MiniDVDs instead of traditional DVDs; - Epic game droughts; - Extreme lack of 3rd party support; - The dreaded "kiddy" stigma; - Crummy ports despite being more powerful than the juggernaut PS2.
In my person opinion the Wii would not be where it is now if it wasn't for the lack of HD, improved 3rd party support, mainstream appeal (Which is why the PlayStation brand was so succesful until the PSP and PS3 when they became more for veteran gamers), and motion controls. All these things seperate the Wii from the competitors which is why it's in 1st place...because it's different. How many of you can honestly say that the PS3 and 360 are different from each other. Theyshare the same (or almost the same)games, exclusives, online stucture, avatar system, graphics, etc. People complain about the Wii being being different and not being like MSoft and Sony but what they don't understand is that Ninty is kicking a** because they are different and MSoft and Sony and other idiotic 3rd parties such as EA, Capcom, Activision and othersare trailing behind because they don't understand Nintendo's philosophy to be different which is why Nintendo will be swimmin' in seas of money while elistist fanboys and their collective brands will perish because they couldn't adapt to the ever changing industry.
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