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#1 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

Why is it 9 out of 10 games that are considered classics, or win GOTY awards or just in general receieve tremendously high scores have exceptional graphics? Or had exceptional graphics at their time of release, Halo CE, Goldeneye, MGS, Crysis, UC2 ME2 etc etc etc.

Why is it so rare to find one of these high scoring GOTY winning games that do it on great gameplay alone? Can't even remember one atm...

SW needs to understand something, obviously it's interaction(gameplay) that makes this medium what it is, but it's graphics that takes that medium to new heights and suck you in. If you look at the games this generation for example, think of the gameplay of your favourite games, I bet you it's extremely simple, especially when talking about console gaming, it's the production values, the graphics, the sound and how all that comes together that really make games shine.

Now don't take this to absolute extremes cause that's just dumb, ofc if a game is broken and you can't play it it'll suck, but so do browser games with no graphics whatsoever. And if it has REAALLLY bad graphics, or no graphics at all, the gameplay is going to suffer, graphics are an even bigger piece of the gaming backbone then gameplay I'd say. And a lot of the great games we consider classics would have gotten WAAAY lower scores if the graphics had sucked.


By your logic........Lair was a good game. :roll:

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#2 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

I can't understand what Sony thinking this year....:(

Everybody knows, few weeks later E3 will be held, so why Sony announced LittleBigPlanet 2 and Killzone 3 before E3!?

And now, they gonna announce inFAMOUS 2?

Why can't they wait for E3? At this rate, Sony will have the worst conferense this year!!


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#3 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

A game isn't a game if it's not fun.

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#4 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

Try Metroid Prime & Metroid Prime 2 for size. I recommend listening to (from Prime 1) Space Station Interior, Tallon Overworld 1 & 2, Phendrana Drifts, Metroid Prime Battle & Essence of Metroid Prime. And for Prime 2: Torvus Bog, Submerged Temple, Chykka Larva & Adult, Sanctuary Fortress, Emperor Ing 1 & 2 and Hunters.

If those don't please you, try my personal favorites GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark .

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#5 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

Here it is.

Today is a happy day for me. I come back from a 5-day hiking trip only to find my favorite plumber scoring perfect scores left and right. Yup, today (or tonight to be more accurate) I a very happy day for Wii gamers.

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#6 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

This is news how.....

Anyways, this isn't that shocking. Like how most people only buy Wiis for the controller and some of the games. Or how most people bought a 360 only for the online play or PS2s for the DVD player. This really isn't that shocking.

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#7 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

I don't see why the 2 games can't live in harmony.If you like ModNation that's just fine. I personally think that the two shouldn't be compared due to the fact that one is geared towards user-generation than MarioKart's pre-made tracks.Just play the games you like and move on.

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#8 the-wii-gamer
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I don't want it to fail but I have a feeling that it will fail. Sony and MSoft's mission is to immobilize the Wii gravy train and to get as many non-gamers as possible. They can't do that because Nintendo has the non-gamer market in the palm of their hands and Sony/MSoft thinks that they can justtake it out of their hands. Not to mention that add-ons don't really succed that well. Nintendo knows this from the Power Glove and Super Scope. To me, the Natal and Move are like last ditch efforts to blow the Wii away. I say MSoft and Sony should stay in their own field and do what they do best and let Nintendo have the non-gamers.

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#9 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

and now

Black Ops.

6 COD titles in 1 generation, its totally mad :o and they still aint stopping.

Anyone agree?


This is nothing compared to Guitar Hero. Or worse......Madden. :cry:

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#10 the-wii-gamer
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

Wii fit, Wii sports, and Wii music are all banes to gaming, and there not new or original, they had games on the NES with with lots of generic sporting events all in one package, or generic mtv style music "games" from the ps1 era.Theres no cutting edge graphics, and that means in a technical way, or just an artistic way, theres no in depth controls that are easy to start but amazingly difficult to master, and allow for a highly skilled player to "go pro" at the game, or be so good at them that it is actually enjoyable to watch someone play at that level. There is no great story, there is no great music, there are no great characters, there are no online communities for them seeing as how they would die quickly because there so simple, and if they do have them (im not even interested enough to look) they have to be sadly bland. There is hardly an ounce of challenge to any of those games, and any game that is easy enough for grandma to play should be VERY boring to any gamer. I could go on and on and on, the "Wii" software is garbage.


Bold Text: Halo Reach isn't new. There were games like it on the PC years ago.

RedText: What you're saying is... is that Wii Sports, a tech demo that came with the Wii, should have cutting edge graphics to be good. Although it's not really a game

Blue Text: So a game like Wii Fit should have a story line & characters. What would the story be about...a group of rag-tag Miis defeating the evil BMI Monster and restoring peace to Fit Land. You do understand that this is Wii Fit. Wii Fit!!! Not Heavy Rain. Not Metroid. Not Resident Evil. Wii Fit, a fitness simulator for families.

Bold, Itallicized Text: I will just state this again. You are talking about the Wii Series. Why the frak would a series that was intended for a novice, non-experienced audience be challanging?! Where is the logic in all of this? You think that most ofyour precious "hardcore" games are challanging. IMO, games like Halo and Call of Duty require almost little or no skill to play. Instead of finding health packs around the level we have regenerating health. Lets use Brain Age for an example. Brain Age is a "casual" game intended for a "casual" audience although the games actually require some sort of skill and quick thinking in order for you to get an acceptable score. Wouldn't a game like Brain Age be considered "hardcore"? Another example, Yoshi's Island. Yoshi's Island could be considered a "casual" game due it's cartoonish appeaarance and the fact that it's a Mario game. However, collecting all the Red Coins, Flowers and maintaining all yourstars to get 100 full pts. isn't easy. A game like Demon Souls and Contrais hardcore because of its difficulty. A game like Mass Effect (NOT the dumbed-down sequel, the first one) is "hardcore" because of the Item Storage System. A game like "The Sims" is "hardcore" because of the amount of effort it takes to make each and everyone of your Sims happy.

Please, before you post something that is directed to attack someone/something do some research on it first.