I don't think any sensible person would expect them to suddenly retarget the XBOX One after this much time in development. Having said that, it would be real sweet if Microsoft's APIs allowed for such an easy migration to the newer console. It would be even sweeter if they offered backward compatibility of some sort. Seems like all that work of the 360's XBOX emulation would be applicable here...
@the_turnip Why would this be any more "forced" than the way that white male leads have been forced on us for the past 30 years? The suggestion that having a female hero is unnatural is absurd.
@coldfusion25 And so far we're not getting that. We're getting better white characters. Females and non-whites are seldom represented as leading roles.
@Incubus420 Exactly. I think a lot of times folks with no animus toward anyone just craft a rather brawny middle-aged white guy as the hero by default. Hopefully these discussions will get folks to "think outside the box" and ask "Can we craft an more interesting character if he doesn't have these textbook traits?"
It's not unlike the complaint I have in television where 80% of our television shows are set in New York or Los Angeles. There's a lot of country outside those two places, and interesting stories shouldn't be confined to them. Likewise, we don't always need a grizzled white guy to save the day.
@nigelholden There are lots of well-intentioned people who don't realize that there's a problem until they're told because the problem doesn't affect them directly. I don't think that raising the issue or trying to accelerate the pace of change is a bad thing.
@DeFiLeDTitan You shouldn't assume that @Mawy_Golomb isn't "doing something about it." And perhaps it's not incumbent only upon one group to try to improve things.
@majere613 That's true, but right now we have little balance for anything other than the those type of games. It would be like having 90% of the box office made by Michael Bay wannabes.
So far the way to avoid misrepresenting people of color in videogames is by not representing them in videogames. I haven't seen a non-white lead character in a videogame set outside Asia since Crackdown 2.
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