@yearssomuch I have to say, I don't understand the folks who hate Windows 8. It doesn't take away anything from previous versions of Windows. Other than the start menu and apps, it's the same OS you've known for years.
Unless Valve makes a standardized reference hardware system, using SteamOS is still going to be too much work for most console and PC gamers to bother with. And if they do make a standardized system, then developers will intentionally target that system, perhaps at the exclusion of others. It will be a lot like the console market without the royalties.
As for Persson, I don't give too much weight to his opinion as he's still a one-hit-wonder as far as I can tell. Granted, it's one huge multi-million dollar hit, but it's still just the one.
@93ChevyNut If they ever stop ragging on Apple customers, they might have time to realize why their chosen Android devices don't capture mindshare the way Apple's have. That's a scary prospect for some folks.
@rarson Telling people that they can't transfer downloaded music to an iPhone / iPod is a blatant lie. You should just admit that you don't know how to do it; a simple search will tell them all they need to know.
@Grenadeh @singaporesam First, Apple never releases a new product in a category more than once a year.
Second, why do you assume that it's the same people who are upgrading every year?
Finally, a "significant difference" is obviously in the eye of the beholder. I'd say a new 64-bit processor with nearly twice the speed of its predecessor is a significant difference. I wish PCs and laptops evolved so quickly at the same price points.
@ExtremePhobia In the U.S. if you're on any carrier other than T-Mobile, you're paying a subsidy for a new phone whether you have a new phone or not. So it doesn't make sense to pay a subsidy to hold on to a four-year-old device.
@Neosonic23 It was a discussion about how hard it is to find HD movies in the Google Play store. But I guess that doesn't matter if you're stuck watching all your movies on a five-inch screen. ;-)
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