@jenovaschilld OnLive has a feature like this, but it's only ten seconds or so. I like seeing people doing things with impressive skill -- baseball, figure skating, extreme mountain biking, whatever -- so seeing a short clip of somebody really killing it with a controller is cool to me. I'm still trying to figure out if the pre-recorded clips of New Super Mario Brothers on the Wii were done by humans or computer-generated. Those things were amazing!
Of course, the system does get abused. That means that sometimes you have videos of people doing mundane things like starting a game or reloading their weapon. There are also some funny videos of people showing bugs in games like cars driving up buildings or people getting shot through brick walls. But while I agree that we share way too much online these days, I'm looking forward to seeing some real, legit gaming masters show off their skills on the next-gen consoles.
I hate GameSpot's recent attempts to turn their editors into "personalities." Looking at the picture of that guy in the video window above makes me wanna punch somebody.
@grove12345 What's amusing to me is that people criticize things about the Surface / Windows 8 tablets (windowing, USB, split-screen, printing, etc) that other tablets cannot do sometimes even with third-party apps.
The iPad is a great entertainment device, but for getting work done, the Surface tablets are where it's at.
I know the Android fans are giddy about this machines specs and super-low price, but at the end of the day, I can't figure what folks will do with this tablet that they couldn't do with the previous one.
I'm confused as to exactly what this article is saying. But I am interested in being able to play a PS4 game on the PSVita screen while I meander through my home. Using the PSVita as a controller while I sit in front of the TV is less interesting to me. Not clear which of those will happen without explicit support.
@Jebril And no doubt the Super and Ultra re-releases allow them extra opportunities to capitalize on the basic code / engine that was expensive to create. If an Ultra SF4 allows them to get the capital needed to start work on a next-gen version, then I'll all for it.
theKSMM's comments