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the_mental_teen Blog

The Deadliest Warrior: Shaolin Monk VS Maori Warrior

I knew right from the start that the Shaolin Monk was going to win. We've always seen technique and speed overcome brute strength and power. I won't lie, I think the Maori Warrior was awesome (Natural weapons using stingray spines, hard stones, and shark toothed weapons), but there's many reasons why we know so much about the monks and why so many movies and shows (I.E. Avatar) are influenced by them.

I loved how much I was reminded of Jet from Avatar when they demonstrated the twin hooks. How precise they were, how the ends can be used as daggers, and how putting them together creates a 6-foot menace. The show did a great job in connecting the information.

If you haven't seen the Deadliest Warrior before, it's a pretty new show on Spike TV every Tuesday that features two warriors or factions (Apachi VS Gladiators, Green Beret VS Spetsnaz) fighting through facts and demonstrations from experts. The battles themselves aren't real, but they really make you think and contradict and discuss and all those other talking words. IT'S A KICKASS SHOW!!



Wow... uh... don't know what to say. Wazzup? Is anyone from the past still here? Lotta new people are at the Avatar forums, and I only recognized at least 2 of them in recent posts. I guess they moved on just like me.

Well, doesn't hurt to come back every half a year, lol. It's just when school and sports kick in is when you just CAN'T go online anymore to chat to the ol' buddies from the forums.

Here to say hi, and also here to say that if my dear Avatard brothers didn't give the show a 10,


K, bye!


My Top 5 Favorite Muscial Scores From "Avatar"

This is what we Avatards want the most now (besides the full Season 3 box set, the live action movies, and the possible ALL 3 SEASONS-IN-A-SINGLE-BOX-SET). We want that musical score released for us to hear. From action music to the funny moment music, it's all good.

Let's just say they did, and I had it. This means I can listen to every single piece of music thrown into the show, but what are my favorites of them? Well, many people love top lists, so I'll just think of them. I don't know the name of the songs, ao I'll just say when they used it.


Number 5: Iroh's Soldier Boy Song in "Tales of Ba Sing Se." No, not that rap song,but talk about touching and causing a tear. The song was one of the calm songs that brought a tear (at least mentally, no pun intended) if you understood the background to it. It was sung by Iroh to his dead son, which makes you sad already. THEN, we get the message saying "In Honor of Mako," which makes it even more wet with tears. It makes you think if the song was meant more for the son or Mako himself. Either way, it's very touching.

Number 4: The Full Version of the Intro Music. What a way to start the series. You have Katara narrating to us about the story, and while she does that, we get the first and one of the best musical scores of the show. Sadly, the full version didn't play for the rest of the intros, but that's what THIS MUSICAL SCORE WILL BE FOR!!

Number 3: The Headband's Band Song (hehehe... "band"). Many Kataangers remember this as the episode where Aang and Katara have a romantic dance. I am one, but I didn't think of it as romantic honestly. I thought it was very cool and neat since many dance "moves" are based off martial arts, especially break-dancing. Anyway, the music played had a very good beat and tune that made me enjoy the filler quite a lot. I did watch it on the internet (it was during the time when many episodes were airing in Canada first and then onto NickTurbo... I think), but that's what I remembered most of the episode. I'm serious. More than the cool Fire Nation school tour, more than Aang pwning the bully, more than Sokka's "Wang Fire" disguise, and even more than the dance. It was also used in "The Beach" at the party, and when the G (minus Aang, so we get "The G) find Jun in the building.

Number 2: Season 3 Finale Trailer (Both of Them). We Avatards had to survive in the dark for almost a whole freaking year until footage came from the '07 San Diego Comic-Con that was the Season 3 trailer. Of course, we crapped our pants just from the news. Then, the footage came on. It was epic, definitely, but the music was new, dramatic, and seemed to fit in any moment in the show. It sounded like a good theme for Zuko, but it turned into a drama/action music that I loved. The same musical score was used in the next season 3 trailer from New York Comic-Con '08. I think the beat was connected better to the first trailer, but who the hell cares when new footage is showing?!

Number 1: Series Finale Credits. I hum the beat of this less-than-a-minute musical almost all the time. I even hummed it while I was taking a test in Health class with one of the Avatard friends, but he didn't say anything. What's awesome is that I just love violins or anything similar to them, for they're always in the best and unique kinds of scores (The song Remember the Name + one of the best remixes to Halo's theme). What's sad is that you can hear the music saying "That's it. Thanks for watching and supporting us. This is what you get for watching this much." *sniff* Bryke left us a final epic score before the show was gone for good.


Remember, this is MY list, so you can discuss and argue and flame and complain and poop all you want, but MY list stays the same. The point of the blog, however, is to try to get us fans to remember the good stuff of the show, and to encourage everyone to buy that musical score whenever it comes out.

Thanks for readin' mah blog.



Hey, I liked making that list. I'll probably make more of people seem to like this list.

Best First Day?

Today was my first day of school as a Sophomore. I only had 2 months of summer vacation this year (which EVERYONE thinks is BS), but I had a blast on the last month of the vacation. Suprisingly, the first day of school wasn't bad. I usually hate it and wish it'd never come, but this time, I didn't mind at all since it meant seeing a lot of my friends again. The most time I ever spent with any of them over the summer was through playing a couple of games on XBL.

I also got some good first-impression teachers. We all like those who aren't rule-lovers and think more like the students and have fun times, and luckily, 3 out of 7 were those kind. I also got one teacher I'm familiar with from last year, so that helps a bit.

Of course, the first day always has some of the most ridiculous moments in school life.

The first was when I was standing near the office while I carried a bunch of completed paperwork in an envelope to get into the school and get my schedule. Me and my sister are next, and then our vice principal asks us where is our mom. We said home, and he says that you needed a parent to be with you for this part. WHAT?!! ARE WE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STILL?!! WE'RE F***ING HIGH SCHOOLERS!!


Then the second was the one class that you hate because they make you work on the first day. This was expected, but I didn't expect to write a 4-paragraph essay that was due at the end of class and then given 2 assignments afterwards. Language Arts (ELA in my place) used to be a tough-but-enough course, now it's a "you're here, welcome to hell" course.

On a seperate note:

I can't list all the things I did in the last month on the same school blog, so I'll stop here. I might list them on another blog, IDK, I'll probably do it if I'm bored.

Thanks for readin' mah blog.


My Summer So Far

This summer's been the best for me. I get to go camping near a lake with my family for a week, spend a few days in Disneyland, stay with my Grandma (who lives 3 hours away from me) for a week, watch The Dark Knight and witness what a badass the Joker was, watch the finale to the best show I've ever seen, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and I'm about to attend ID Tech Camp in Stanford, CA, and go on a cruise ship to Mexico before going back to see my friends in high school for my Sophmore year.

The only negatives are bad though; I haven't been in touch with any of you guys, even during the airing of the finale. I hope you guys don't think I've abandoned you guys. I wouldn't do that unless I tell you guys. :P

If I could rate the show Avatar, I'd rate it 100/100. It passes every show I've seen and loved, including the ones from my childhood, and showed that even Nickelodeon can have an epic show like Avatar. It also proved that a cartoon and tell such a great and touching story while being realistic in ways (EXAMPLE: kids acting like kids and not like the Terminator) and showing off badass fantasy action mixed with martial arts. Thank you Avatar crew for making my favorite, along with many other fans, show.

Now we test our anti-hiatus Avatar syndrome by surviving a few years for the live-action movies...

Thanks for readin' mah blog.


Monty Oum (If you love action, you'll love this)

Has anyone heard of him? I think he should be a true and great internet celebrity that EVERYONE should know about (like Smosh from YouTube). He makes CGI videos that're usually epic fight videos from video games we've loved, played, or at least heard of. This includes Halo, Metroid Prime, and Final Fantasy. Here are two videos I found that were made by the great Monty Oum. They're pretty long, but trust me, you'll love these.

Haloid: (6:10)

Dead Fantasy Parts 1 & 2: (15:39)

I think he has another, but these two are my favorites.

Haloid shows Master Chief of Halo fight off the Covenant, but a new enemy appears and fights him, but something happens that forces them to work together.

Dead Fantasy shows the girls of Dead or Alive facing the girls of Final Fantasy (I don't know which. I think it was 12 or 13). The fight gets REALLY good near the end.

I hope you guys find out that this guy named Monty Oum is a brilliant video maker. Sure, some of the moves aren't exactly original, but they're still kick-ass.

Tancs fur reedin' mah bl0g!1!


Blog of 4/24/08

Yeah, I don't know what to call this blog, lol. A couple of stuff I'd just like to say.

1. I didn't make a blog about the new and kickass Avatar trailer because I knew people did it before me and stuff. But I am so PSYCHED for this!! I really want to see the flying warships again, the Suki and Ty Lee fight, even crazier Azula, and, of course, the finale of finales! I feel VERY bad for any Avatar fan that'll have to miss this baby.

2. My dad's birthday was yesterday, so now he's 41. Haha, last year, we, my family, were teasing him for turning 4 decades old by saying all the things like "you're a year closer to using a cane" and stuff. This year, however, a simple "happy b-day!" was enough. :)

3. I saw Windtalkers earlier today on DVD and plan on watching Alvin & The Chipmunks for the first time after I finish this blog. Windtalkers is a great war/action movie involving things in World War II that I never knew (using Native American language codes against the Japanese). So if you like war movies, this is a must-see. It's not like it came out last year, but hey, I loved it.

4. Man, oh man, an odd twist happened for my FanFics' reviewing on Last time, my A:tLA FF was getting all the reviews (it has a total of 91 now) and all the others were hardly getting any hits. Now, I have a Halo FF that's getting OK hits and few reviews while the other and new Avatar FF has fewer hits and fewer reviews, which is odd since my Halo fic only has 4 chapters and my Avatar one has 7.

5. If you love parodies and funny videos by an actual good actor that isn't Smosh or Angry Video Game Nerd (both are awesome, I know), I encourage y'all to check out:

This website has ThatGuyWithTheGlasses as the main guy and he does the 5 seconds movies and The Nostalgia Critic review videos that review the bad movies (like Angry Video Game Nerd with video games). The 5 second videos aren't 5 seconds, but the point is that you get the idea that it sums up the movie (in a way) and most will make you lol. The critic vids review bad movies that usually we enjoyed as kids (if you're between 13-17) such as Space Jam and Pokemon: The First Movie. They prove how bad those movies actually were and makes fun of them. He even sometimes makes fun of good or ok films like Cloverfield recreating the film with his hand-held camera.

Seriously, you won't be disappointed. :D

Thanks for readin' mah blog!


My Mentally Challenged MySpace and Avatar News

After many, many months, I finally updated my MySpace, though it still isn't as pimped out as most out there. All I added was a new cover photo, my "About Me" info, and a music playlist. So... uh... yeah... wazzup? :P

I did hear about the Avatar news mentioned here and on DeviantART. Honestly, I think it sounds too good to be true. I'm trying not to get my hopes up that much in case it was all a late April Fool's joke or another Rick Roll set-up. Still, a part of me is still REALLY excited for this.

If you don't know about the news I'm talking about, look on this site. I'm sure you'll find it. :D

Thanks for readin'!



I tried to post some Halo 3 screenshots, but the stupid thing can't read the "HTML" from PhotoBucket. :(

Avatar is the Favorite Cartoon at KCA 2008!!

BOO-YAH!! Avatar: The Last Airbender beat The Simpsons, Ed Edd n' Eddy, and best of all, Spongebob Squarepants. They didn't make a big deal about it, but I cheered when I saw the bottom of the screen saying:

Favorite Cartoon:


We, the fandom, have proven that we can unite and make things happen. People had doubt about Nickelodeon making SBSP win, but they were honest, and it has won. Thank you all that have voted for Avatar, and to all those who thought SBSP would win without a doubt, IN YO FACES!!