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the_mental_teen Blog

Avatar Season 2 Jump-On (Something on TV!!)

I found this thing on the schedule before I went to bed last night and decided to wake myself before it started to check it out and really hoped it wasn't a error with the schedules (Ya know, saying Jimmy Neutron is on but really Fairly Oddparents). And guess what; it paid off! Well, it was just Katara explaining the summary of Season 2 in 10 minutes that included my favorite scene with her talking about The Cave of the Two Lovers and she said "I'll never tell anyone what really happened." After the summary, they showed the Season 3 trailer shown at comic-con after it! I think it's too late for the East Coast people in the USA to see it, but if you have 2 Nicks like me and live on the West Coast, you can see it again in 3 hours!

The thing that sucked though was that it said it was a full half-hour but after 10 minutes it switched to Jimmy Neutron. But the only thing really helpful for the fans is that if you can't see a high quality version of that Season 3 trailer, you can see it on this in the next 3 hours (for those on the West Coast, I honestly don't know what schedules the other time zones go by) on Channel 300 for those with DirecTV and it's called what the title of this blog is at 12:00 PM. Hopefully you guys that CAN see it still and are awake now can find it on TV somewhere. It's just a summary + the S3 trailer from comic-con, but hey, something new, right?

But I doubt it'll be on YouTube somewhere. If it is though, I'll let you guys know! I would try to post it on YouTube myself, but due to lack of knowledge how to and lack of equipment, I'm just typing this, lol.

TMT, writer of The Outcast


I've run out what to talk about! Season 3 will appear in a week but everyone knows that, not much new stuff that's interesting is out, and sadly the homework from high school is REALLY getting to me. Besides, just needed to post another blog just to let all of ya know I'm still here...sorta. But I did find out out some new stuff:

1. The next Family Guy Season Box set is coming out on Tuesday, hehehehehehehehehehe...

2. I watched iCarly and liked it. It's good to know that not all new shows for Nick don't suck, lol.

3. Got to see the other 2 short animations of Avatar! Can't give ya links though because BanishedPrince on DeviantART thinks giving links gives Viacom a better chance to find them and tell YouTube to delete it. But I'll just say search "avatar short" and you'll find them.

4. Found out more people in real-life like Avatar than I realized, even though it was just a person, lol. We were just chatting about South Park and told him that it won an emmy against Avatar and other animations and he said that he really liked the show, even saying he hasn't missed one episode, and he doesn't even look lie the kind that watches it, but hey, "You can't judge a book by its cover."

Well I'm done, goodnight!

TMT, writer of The Outcast


For gamers who love 1st-person shooters, save up your money for Call of Duty 4 coming out soon! They say the game is better than Rainbow Six and Socom and that it has everything those 2 were missing. The best thing is, it's not based on WWII! It's based off Modern Warfare, hence it's title, CoD4: Modern Warfare (or Combat, I forgot which). WOO-HOO!!

Update on My FanFic

Sorry, I still can't post it here due to that error that involves hocus-pocus s***, but I thought those who still remember it might just want to hear how it's going on

The newest one, Book 4 of The Outcast, has about 1,500 (Yay!) hits, but only 22 reviews. Is that normal? I'm just asking. What's weirder is that Book1 has about 4,000 hits and only 10 reviews. So does anyone know if this is normal or not? I know some people have an account on that site so they should know a thing or 2 maybe.

Moving on...Chapter 16 (excluding the intro) just posted. It's called Journey of the Kyoshi Warrior for those who were curious, and of course, I edited it from the version I posted on some other smaller sites (pc_fan03, PhoenixAngel37, and otherswent there). And thanks to having an ACTUAL and good ELA teacher at school, I think my grammar has improved already after being there for 2 weeks. And I thank him for that!

Also, for those still reading, I'm planning on a Star Wars FanFic after completing my current one. It's on a working title, but since the Star Wars universe is so big, I'm pretty sure I can think of something. And FYI, I'm also as big of a geek to Star Wars as to Avatar: The Last Airbender, amd that's saying something. It'll be full of OC's and still be part of the story line between episodes 4 and 5 of the saga, you know, with Darth Vader and all the other dudes and dudettes. The biggest twist I'm going to make it, is that it'll connect with our world, Earth. How? Not through space travel, but a wormhole. I think I gave out to much info already, but hey, most people here I think don't even like Star Wars so I think I'm safe!

So I guess I'm done for now. Any of those with Q's on any of the 2 fics I'll gladly answer. Cya!

TMT, writer of The Outcast and perhaps more...

Being Freshman $ucks... And Also My Thought on Abridged Series'

Ok, for those who don't know me much, I started high school on the 13th (my schools are starting 2 weeks earlier every year...WTF?!) and I gotta say... it sucks being Freshman. 1st day of work, I have to read a short story for ELA 9. Not bad, right? Then on the 2nd day, it kicks in. For Earth Science, I had to write a paragraph on both the FFA (Future Farmers of Ameria) and the SAE (Something...). For Spanish 1, I had to name the types of clothing on a piece of paper in Spanish and have nothing else to help me (besides the good ol' internet), and for ELA 9, I had to write a 3 page summary on the short story that had to answer a specific Q. I ended up only writing a 1 page, but at least it was still a C-.

That was for the 2nd day only, and throughout the 2 weeks, I would be getting homework every day except on the 1st day and the weekend (minus papers needed to be signed). I couldn't get on much at all the past 2 days since ELA 9 Honors has been a drag. If the teacher wasn't a good one (yeah, I really said GOOD teacher, 1 in a million), I think I would be failing. But hey, at least we Freshmen have something to do besides trying not to be dunked into a toilet by people 1-3 years older than you...or perhaps even more.

Onto the Abridged Part...

Ever since the epic Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged Series was made by LittleKuriboh on YouTube, people have been copying it to the point where almost every Anime is used and tried to be make fun of. The only ones, to me, that are at least decent and actually funny are the Naruto (made by Vegeta3986 and MasakoX) and Avatar (made by GanXingba...I think that's how it is...) while the rest is just junk. My opinion on making Abridged Series' on YouTube, try to make it at LEAST decent. Some awful ones have been made and I don't know how some people found them funny still. I think one I saw that was just wrong was one that had a lot of views and high rating so I thought Ah...what the hell, I'll check it out, since I thought Naruto: The Abridged Series was going to be awful and was totally wrong and watched it.

I think it was called Black Bible or something and was supposed to be what they called a "Hentai". I think that's the NC-17 rated Anime that's not violent since many scenes were just...uh...too much? And so my warning sure you had at least 1 person say it's funny before watching it and, like me, before you're blinded by "Hentai".

I think I'll actually continue my search since I'm never 100% right, especially with the whole Naruto business, and check out other Abridged Series. But I'll see the rating 1st and see if it was at least kinda good or not. Like if it's 3 and a half stars, I'll check it out but not expect it to be really funny. If it's 4 or more, yeah, I'll see it with an expectation to laugh. :D

Welp...thanks for reading my long blog about my dull life, cya!

TMT, writer of The Outcast

Alas...The Collection is Complete... (Yes, it is Avatar-related finally)

I got the final Volume 4 DVD for Season 2, along with the last mini-comic series that came with it. Of course, I listened to the commentary to try to find little spoilers, and I found 2 things, 1 is something we knew already but for sure confirmed, and the other is a little spoiler that could end up kinda big, you never know.

ON THE "Lake Laogai" COMMENTARY: It's confirmed that Jet is done with the series. Even hearing it from the Q and A video on YouTube from Comic-Con 2007, and that review on the internet somewhere, they said something like "Finally, Jet's story ends in this episode." Hey, I don't remember every last detail! Besides, I was listening for anything else.

ON THE "The Earth King" COMMENTAY: This is the little spoiler. John O'Bryan (writer of several episodes, including this one) said that in Season 3, they're be another crazy-ish dream like in this episode (Zuko's dream). This could be another dream from Zuko, or maybe from Aang, or just anyone! But this could mean something...

And sadly, no spoilers were revealed on "The Crossroads of Destiny", even with it the Season 2 finale. I was looking forward for a big slip that's rare (I've heard of 1 on a Family Guy commentary, but the plot of a future episode revealed already aired by the time).

Anyway, this also means I can watch any episode so far in the Avatar franchise without frikin' NICKTurbo or YouTube! WOO-HOO!!! My mom won't get the complete box sets for either season since I have the original DVD's already, but I just want the little Special Features only on complete sets, like the original pilot in Season1 and the said-to-be progress of the Avatar Movie in Season 2 with Mike, Bryan, and M. Night Shyamalon (did I spell that right?!); perhaps even more.

Welp...uh...adios muchachos!!

TMT, writer of The Outcast

Wow...So Many Movies...And Additional Stuff...

For my final few days of Summer Vacation, I wanted to do something I normally don't do. In the end, I just decided I wanted to go crazy with movies that are on DVD. I went from old to new. Action-packed to hilarious, and scary to dumb. I never watched so many movies I haven;t seen before that were all that I liked. I never seen each of these. Most of these are old, but maybe you guys and girls might've heard of them. Here they are in the order I remembered with my rating:

1. 300 - 5 out of 5 - 1 word for this, "Epic"

2. Alexander - 3 out of 5 - Good action, but I watched it right after 300, so it looked mediocre compared to the epic film.

3. Schindler's List - 3 and a half out of 5 - Made my Steven Spielberg and based on the Holocaust of WWII, but making this my 1st film I've seen during WWII with no battles, wasn't action-y enough, but the story was true, sad, and great and so it deserved a score that wasn't too high but not too low.

4. G.I. Jane - 4 out of 5 - I'm a guy and think like a guy, but this was amazing and made me think I'm puny and weak, lol.

5. Liar Liar - 4 out of 5 - A comedy that reminded me of a more serious Ace Ventura, because it had Jim Carrey also, lol. Loved his retarded and goof-ballish humor, especially when he couldn't lie, then it became hilarious.

6. The Blair Witch - 4 and a half out of 5 - Was it called this or The Blair Witch Project? Anyway, even knowing it wasn't actually based on a true story, this did a great job in freaking me out and I can imagine people getting so frikin' scared thinking this was a true story. The ironic part, they used cheap cameras and weren't pro actors. Overall: VERY low budget film (or was it an independent film?) +made millions = Yippee Ki Yay Motherfu-- *ding* Oooh, popcorn is ready! Oh, and that saying was to whoever pays so much money for terrible films, hehehe...


7. The Number 23 - 4 out of 5 - a very confusing and mystery movie that I can still understand in some possible way. I wonder how long it took for the writers to come up with that many things that can relate to the number 23, like Hitler's death, the atomic bomb over Hiroshima, the sinking of the Titanic, and even the guessed year of when the world is going to end (which they think is 2012).


Additional Stuff: I did watch many movies in the theaters and are good, but who hasn't? lol, so I won't bother typing what I thought of those too. I'm starting to read the final Harry Potter book after getting it on the day I watched 300 and Alexander. I'm about on chapter 14 right now and already like it more than the other books. Please, NO SPOILERS!!! And has anyone seen LittleKuriboh's newest video (he makes the Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged Series) on YouTube? He proposed to one of his 1st viewers and she said yeah. Congrats to him! Oh, and has anyone know any kinda old action movies that think I might;ve not seen it? I actually haven't seen to much movies that are said to be classics and so could someone just try to name some good films so I can get them from NetFlix and BlockBuster? Thanks!

Also, a warning, DO NOT WATCH BRATZ OR HOT ROD; BOTH ARE TERRIBLE ACCORDING TO ALL REVIEWS I'VE SEEN AND READ!!! And that bananas can give you cancer, but what doesn't these days? Thanks for reading!

TMT, writer of The Outcast

Me, My Family, and MLB's Epic History Day in SF

I'm posting this at around 2 in the morning, August 8, because something awesome happened around 4-5 hours ago, but 1st, I always explain it in long format, lol.

After Barry Bonds hit home-run #755 in San Diego on Saturday, my dad immediately got tickets to the next 2 home games for the Giants at their home stadium. But not just for him; he also got tickets for the rest of the family, and the best part was that my sister didn't even want to go! Hehehe...

So after getting a hotel room in one of the weirdest, confusing, great-looking, and fun places in the country of the USA (San Fransisco), we watch the 1st game with the Giants VS the Nationals from Washington D.C. The best part about that game was that since we didn't have to worry about driving 2 hours after the game, we got to stay and watch the full game and try to watch Barry Bonds hit his historic hit, but sadly, no #756 for us. The good things were, however,:

1. The Giants won 3-2

2. It was in extra innings, which meant more boredom to my sister (hehehe...)

3. It was my 1st full Major League Baseball game I got to see, plus extra innings

Things that stunk in that game:

1. It got pretty damn cold, even in my thick sweater

2. The hotel room was only had 2 beds, there was 5 of us (me, Dad, Step-Mom, bro, sis), so I got to sleep on the small couch

3. My family isn't very quiet in sleeping, and I take forever to sleep, and when they got to snoring, I couldn't sleep, ugh...

BEGINNING OF UNRELATED BASEBALL STUFF (you can just skip to the next big boldprint if you don't want to hear about some boring experiences)

Next morning, we had to find a way to kill about 7 hours before the next game. And in a city like San Fransisco, you'd think it would be easy. Hey, this isn't Disneyland we're talking about, only few areas were actually for families and were fun to ALL of us (thanks bro and sis for making all the original choices cut by 3 quarters!!). So we just waited until 12'o'clock noon to eat at Pier 39. The place was called "Hard Rock" and was a haven for classic rocker fans. The food was really good and I got to see some awesome antique guitars from real players.

After eating came the fun part; the tour of Pier 39's awesome shops and stores. My favorite by far was an Antiquette shop with tons of huge posters, classic albums, and figures signed by the famous person. I even saw a Family Guy platinum poster signed by the creator, Seth Macfarlane. And my sister's favorite was another large poster of the entire cast of Lost and with each of their signatures on there (yes, including the main guy Jack), and it costed about $1,500, same with everything else, so we got nothing from there.


Finally the game started. The game started off 0-0 after the 1st inning. Then begun the "Score 1, score the other" sequence, with the Nationals scoring 1 and then the Giants scoring 2. Barry hit a single and a double by the 4th inning and I thought I wouldn't see anything big happening. With the game now tied 4-4 (with the Nationals already having like2 home runs, lol), it was the Giants turn at the bottom of the 5th inning. Barry was 2nd up-to-bat so we all had our cameras and cell phones out. The 1st guy got out then came Mr. Bonds.

I started to think "Beggers can't be choosers", so I thought that I wouldn't see a historic event that night. But just in case, I had my short 17-second recording camera rolling on my cell phone whenever the guy started to pitch. I think the guy's name was Mike and then something with a "B" at the beginning. It turned into a full count and my hands started to shake bad while trying to record the footage. Flashes were everywhere from the 43,000 fans' cameras and it was hard trying to focus on anything outside the stadium. I clicked the recorder, the ball was thrown, the flashes went off crazy, and Barry Bonds hit the damn ball over the f***ing wall.

The crowd was INSANE!! Fireworks went off, the ground on which you stood on shook from excitement, and some people were throwing there stuff around (someone lost a mitt, lol). You can actuallybarely tell from watching TV (watching ESPNews right now)that it was that exciting, but it was so frikin' loud there and so hyper, and so was I. My sister got a picture on her cell phone right after he hit it (looked real good), my dad thinks he got the hit, and I got the footage baby!! It was on cell phone so it's probably awful, but I don't know how to upload anything from my phone to the computer, so I'll ask my sister tomorrow after registering for our high school and try to get my 1st video on YouTube, lol.

After he hit the home run...well...about 10 minutes after he did and the crowd finally settling down, the announcer asked Barry to turn his attention to the big screen. And showing himself was the King of Home Runs, Hank Aaron. He said that he's prowd of him, passes on his title to him, and wished his family and him good wishes. And then Barry thanked all the fans and his dad in Heaven for supporting him until the end. And that was his last time out there.

We didn't stay for the full game though. We saw the historic event, and then left around the 7th inning. Although the Giants ended up losing 8-6, it was still an awesome time that I saw that live.

Now all of you still reading this think I'm lying and have no proof, but like I said, after I ask my sister how (or my mom) to load the pics and vids, I'll show you guys, but for now, see-ya-lata!


1. For those many Yankee fans out there, my dad is a Yankees fan and wore a shirt that said "Got Rings?" on it with the logo. Then on the back it compared the Yankees's championship rings to the Red Sox's rings and had a real funny saying also. If I remember, it said something like "Can you count 26 rings? Oh, and it doesn't take us 86 years to get another". I thought it was funny, but had to keep my mouth shut for my step-mom was a Red Sox fan (don't ask, "Why is there a couple when 1 likes the Yankees and the other Red Sox?!", because I don't know!)

2. When we were driving around and making fun of my sister complaining a lot (everyone was, and she was laughing too), my dad took a wrong turn and got us heading to the Golden Gate Bridge. Thankfully, there was an exit before the bridge, lol, and I'm uncomfotable on bridges, especially the big and long ones.

3. I thought I saw the girl who played on Drake and Josh as there little sister (Miranda?), but then realized she surely doesn't live in SF, but it might've been possible it was her! She really looked like her, but she had her eyes closed for some reason so I couldn't really tell.

Thanks for reading for what I think is my longest blog ever!

TMT, writer of The Outcast

All Things Noticed on the Avatar Season 3 Trailer

After watching the trailer for about the ka-billionth time, and I don't think that's enough, I decided to try and help point out some things I noticed that might answer questions, stir up arguments (especially on the shipping in the trailer), or just bore you guys out. But if you haven't seen the trailer: this and the alternative version have about 15 honors! HAHA!!!)

So anyway, I'll get started on this long list:

1. It appears as if Aang was unconcious for a long time for he wakes up in the beginning, hence the title, The Awakening. 0:24 - 0:29

2. The wound on Aang's back isn't completely healed or his other wounds, so Katara will have to be like a daily nurse to him, and no, not one of those fantasy nurses, I mean the serious ones. 0:33 - 0:38

3. I don't know why it appeared Aang woke up with the Fire Nation emblem on the wall. This might be a nightmare since it looked like Zuko's room when he still had a Fire Navy ship. 0:30 - 0:32

4. 0:39 - 0:41 For the Maiko part, sorry guys, even with me being a Kataang shipper, I don't think that it will last too long for them since:

A.I don't think they would reveal a major spoiler like that unless it wouldn't be that big. Like imagine if they showed that except Kataang version or something. Wouldn't be odd? And I don't think the creators would want to spoil Zuko's girlfriend for the rest of the series.

B. He might not even be around to see her much, you'll see in upcoming numbers.

C.Doubt they would show that and pretty much lose all their fans that support anything with Zuko and aren't that deep into the ship enough to stay, so I imagine this like that 1 Season 2 finale trailer with Katara and Zuko (I was actually nervous there). Remember that this is just what I think, other people might this completely stupid, but I need to defend the side that needs help.

5. Zuko returns to the Fire Nation. He has the hair type as his father and is in his royal Fire Nation armor and suit. He got daddy's love like he wanted (is this the part where people say "ooohhh!! Burn!!" or something? Hehehe...). 0:42 - 0:51

6. Even back in his home, and talking to the imprisoned Iroh about being a hero to the Fire Nation, he still seems troubled and everything. 1 was when he overlooked the place and seemed to frown and not seem like Azula. 2 was when he was in bed, it seemed he can't sleep. Yes...good...let the confusion flow in you even MORE!! 0:58 - 1:08

7. Looks like Aang is now wanting to be Rambo (but for a reason). He knows of what can happen to his friends, soI guess that's when he decided he'll go alone from there, but not for long. 0:52 - 0:57

8. We know Zuko will be looking for his mom (DongBuFeng's info), so with him getting in his robe and bringing his swords (looking like a Jedi in red), that might've been when he sets off to find her secretly. 1:10 - 1:16

9. The part that got everyone psyched and when the music really kicked in, Sokka in his wolf-warrior uniform and yelling "CHARGE!!" with his sword. We definitely seen many scenes with him training and getting stronger. We'll get more action from Sokka in Season 3 as well as his new war look and sword. Now that's a warrior! 1:16 - 1:17, various others

10. I'm still trying to figure out that scene where Aang is blown back or something and he collides into the giant stalagmite or whatever. But the background seemed like he was in the Spirit World or something, because it didn't seem normal to me for a reason. 1:17 - 1:19

11. Was that Ozai firing that BIG fire blast at Aang? Well, someone was on that throne! Maybe someone else "important" because I don't think they got that far in production just yet. 1:20 - 1:22

12. Aang and/or others will go to the volcanoes of the Fire Nation for some reason. 1:22 - 1:23

13. With Zuko punching the wall and fire coming out, he just might be angry or trying to open a lock of some kind. 1:24 - 1:25

14. Totally more Roku is going to be revealed, lots of scenes with him and 1 with his spirit dragon. 1:25 - 1:29, various others

15. The Water Tribes are gonna get into this conflict! Love the scene with the ships coming from the fog. Anyone reminded of Pirates of the Caribbean on that scene? 1:29 - 1:31

16. The Earth Kingdom isn't all done yet! The remnants are fighting back with giant metal transports and they look oh-so-cool! And they were under attack as well from catapult and/or trebuchet fire. 1:33

17. Teo is coming back and he was leading the armada of Earth Kingdom badasses! His dad might've started inventing weapons for the Earth Kingdom after being freed from the clutches of that war minister. 1:33 - 1:35

18. A meteor shower was striking the surface in a dark scene. It looked like Sokka was the one seeing this. 1:35 - 1:37

19. Aang learns to surf like the Water-Avatar before him! Hang-ten bro! 1:37 - 1:39

20. We see Katara in her Fire Nation look saying, "I'll never ever turn my back on people who need me!". That can be a good sig, can it not? 1:39 - 1:43

21. Was that Aang drawing up tons of air from the wall or something? I couldn't tell exactly what and who that was, but it looked awesome! 1:43 - 1:44

22. The GAang is gonna get revenge as they storm the now-Azula's palace! You can tell by the background. But who's the person behind Aang? You see Toph in her still-Earth Kingdom outift, but then why would Sokka have his and not her? Or was that Katara? Either way, PAYBACK TIME!! 1:44 - 1:46

23. Nice earthbending by Toph while the GAang retreats or runs or something, lol. Sorry, just had to mention that since the Earthbender wasn't in the trailer much at all. 1:48 - 1:50

24. I just love the scene where it seemed the dark side has taken over Aang (or something close) and he struck away the throne Azula was on and attacks her with hsi airbending. You can see it was Azula if you look closely when she gets out of the way in time and her face is close to the camera. 1:50 - 1:52

25. With Katara bending the giant icicle upward and she's in her swimsuit, that might be from The Beach or someone attacked her while she was practicing. 1:58 - 1:59

26. Time for a B and E from Sokka and Katara! 2:00 - 2:02

27. What really got my attention was the vehicle exploding after crashing into the wall like a suicide-bomber. This might be when the Fire Nation is tearing down the walls of Ba Sing Se. 2:03 - 2:04

28. Appa is in black armor and his arrow is golden while Katara slashes open a war balloon that we've been waiting for since Seson 1. And her hair is undone there and she's in Water Tribe clothes still, so this might be early in the season. 2:05 - 2:06

29. The scene shown to us before the trailer (Aang sticking his staff into molten rock) was probably on a volcanoe or from one of the meteors that crashes during that meteor shower scene. 2:07 - 2:08

30. Nice bending by young Roku! Loved that scene, along with the entire audience. 2:08 - 2:12

So that's all I have for now. I might edit this or even post this on some other sites, I don't know, but it took about 30 - 45 minutes to complete this. And I did this before with the PotC 3 trailer, but since this was Avatar, I HAD to do it. I hoep this answered a few questions or even stirred up some and hopefully this will be read by most Avatar fans out there!

TMT, writer of The Outcast


I don't care if this has been posted already or not, AVATAR SEASON 3 TRAILER IN FROM COMIC-CON!!! AvatarSpirit has the video on their front page!

My hands are shaking as I type this...this is what we have been waiting for!! And this is only the video!! has some pictures of the characters' new looks, even Ozai's Angels. And I have to admit, Azula in her swimsuit looks...good, lol. CHECK IT OUT!!!

If your friend has AWS, SHOW HIM/HER THIS!!!