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the_mental_teen Blog

The Fortune Cookiee's Message

Ever think if the fortune cookiee's messages from the Asian restaurants can possibly be true? Well, I've at a Chinese restaurant for the 1st time (not kidding, they always brought it home) and got my fortune cookiee. I let my step-brother open his 1st and he got a good one, about being rich in the future or something, so I hoped for the same thing. Instead, I get something that didn't seem good:

The social scene can be fun today

I thought it was a waste, counting it was 8:00 PM (PST) and that we were now driving back home for a 30 minute drive. But little did I know that a stop at the gas station would shock my entire family...

Pulling up for some gas, my step-dad gets out and does the usual. The rest of us notice that many police cars are nearby on a small bridge, maybe 3. Then 3 more drive away from us and onto the bridge. Nothing much, right? Then, we see a white BIG van stopping at a stop light and then we see the 3 cops from earlier. They seem to be getting out of the car, but we see the van drive again, pulling right in front of us and of the gas station. The police pursue but he only drives for a few yards. Stopping, the 3 police cars stop.

Now, here were the clues of us getting nervous:

1. 3 police cars "suddenly" chasing a suspicious white van.

2. Many shadows could be seen in the back of the van.

3. They already refused arrest by not stopping the 1st time, so it must've been serious.

4. Well...

Then the cops got out, pulled their guns out, and yelled the usual Cops commands. "Get out of the car now!!" but it seemed to take awhile. Another cop nearby told us to get back, but we couldn't; another truck was behind us and we were boxed in. Now the big stuff: 2 policemen carried shotguns out and aimed at the van, making this seem like it was a big crime. In the end, the truck pulled out, and we escaped, seeing the culprit come out of the van without a fight. My mom managed to get a cell phone picture as we were backing out, not much, but you'll need to look closely to see the shotguns:

After getting on the freeway, I remembered my fortune:

The social scene can be fun today

Was that a fortune or what?! Sure it was heart-pumping at 1st, but after getting a safe distance, we realized that we saw a live-action Cops going on! Coincidence?

TMT, writer of The Outcast

I'm Back!

Sorry for the sudden disappearance, but I had to leave for a camp called "iD Tech Camp" that's really fun for people like me. If you want more details, check out their site. Just search what I just typed, hopefully, something will pop up since they DO have a homepage.

So what happened while I was gone? Any humongous Avatar news happen while I was gone? Plz comment so I know if there is, but by that time, I might've discovered it already after checking out AvatarSpirit. Oh well...


TMT, writer of The Outcast


While watching G4's E3 special (a video game version of comic-con), the people of G4 were asked by the fans what game was a must play that wasn't a sequel. Their response, Bioshock. I think it's just for the PS3, or just the Xbox-360, or for both, but I did get a look at it and it looks awesome. The CGI is incredible, the AI of the enemies looks as good as the enemy AI on Call of Duty 2, and the weapons are mixed with the standard (machine gun, shotgun, etc.), with new weapons that you use the environment to your advantage. A cool moment was when the player used a weapon to burn the strange enemies, and while they were on fire, they jumped into a nearby puddle of water. And that's when the player switched into an electrical weapon, shot it in the pool, and they were electricuted worse than when Peter Griffin hooked the car batteries up to his nipples.

Have any of you heard of this game too? It's coming out later this year, and it may be a good competetor for Halo 3 and GTA 4 if it's on the 360. I'm not saying they're bad, but that's how good this game looked! Really excited for this if it's coming out for the PS3, along with the 5th Ratchet and Clank and Call of Duty 4.

TMT, writer of The Outcast

Hang in There!

It's been about 7 months since the Season 2 finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender and I've noticed throughout all Avatar-related sites that more and more people have been going. This is just a reminder that every day it gets closer and closer to the fall, and the premiere of that commercial for the Season 3 premiere. Also that as long as pooldude continues to get more info from his inside source, we know that they're still making it.

And don't blame Mike and Bryan for the delay. They said in the AvatarSpirit interview that it's up to Nickelodeon of when to air it. So blame the greedy bastards for the delay for the greatest show they ever had since Spongebob's premiere!


On an unrelated note, I discovered that Mike and Bryan weren't brand new at the show-making business. Thanks to an onine series called The Totally Rad Show, they revealed that they had past experiences with the shows Futurama, King of the Hill, Invader Zim, and even Family Guy. Since I had the Family Guy DVD's, I looked at the episodes' description and discovered that Bryan was the one who made Tom Tucker's kid (the one with the upside-down face) and Mike directed several older episodes. These include: I Never met the Dead Man, Brian: Portrait of a Dog, and one of mine and my step-brother's favorite, Death is a B****. He directed more than those 3, but I don't want to go into deeper detail unless wanted to or else I'll be wasting even more time, lol.

Thanks for readin' the blog!

TMT, writer of The Outcast

The Good ol' Days of Gaming...

I always was thinking "what happened to the good ol' days when Nintendo 64 was a 'must-get' that everyone could afford?". The console was affordable, it was a breakthrough at the time and the games released from that time period were instant classics that soon led to the future. Super Mario 64, Super Smash Bros., Star Fox 64, Mario Party, and others are good examples. Everyone had one, talked about the games, and the rivalry of companies were inside the system (Rare and Sega were both with Nintendo, yet big rivals).

Now we're in a split kind of time period with video games. We're more picky on games since we know what a game is capable of, people get killed for a $700 PS3, liking a certain system makes it less likely you'll have any other system and put you in a certain group (having a Wii or Gamecube only puts you in the "Mario Group" or whatever), friends never have the same systems and have to deal with always saying "never played it" much more often back then, WHY?!! Sure the games are better, but we always enjoyed the games from the past, nowadays we want a game with everything in it that you want, from different varieties of weapons and levels, to just an aim-sensitivity option.

So my Q also says, "will their ever be a time when the N64's spirit comes back?". Any of you get what I'm saying? Will games ever be easier to become classics like in the N64 era? Very few games of the "next-gen." consoles, including those of the PS2, X-box, and Gamecube, have become the top-favorites of gamers compared to the games of the past. Sure, Tons of fun games are out there for the new consoles, but will they ever be like the ones in the old days? I hope so...



I won't be here for another week due to real-life events, so just...wait, why am I saying this P.S. thing when I'm barely on at all?! Forget this......bye!

Again, Hiya

Though I never seem to be on, I'm always on the internet, just never here. I hope that you guys don't think I'm gone for good. I occasionally will check my messages here, but it seems I don't get much. Here's what's new:

 I posted The Outcast Book 4 on under Action and Fantasy. I gave more details in the pilot and it's going better than all my other ones. Only posted the Intro and 3 chapters, and received 10 reviews. This means it's already better than Book 1 (that had 8 reviews) and is going at a better rate than the other 2 as well. 5 people have it on alert when the highest was Book 3 with 6. The funniest thing so far was when, even when I stated "I'll explain what the h3ll is Asajj doing here later" at the end of #3, someone posted that it was a cool name and thought I made it myself. Obviously he/she wasn't paying attention, but then again no one reads those author's notes before and after the chapter.

I got the Avatar: The Last Airbender Volume 3 for Season 2 the day it came out. It had the commentary on The Serpent's Pass and The City of Walls and Secrets, but no spoilers were slipped like in Volume 2's commentary. Surprised they didn't comment on The Drill, since that won an award and was the highest viewed episode of all time (if I'm right) for Avatar: The Last Airbender. I even heard they announced the cover for the entire Season 2 DVD collection cover, but still no Season 3. WHEN, OH GOD, WHEN?!!!

I guess I'm done, oh, and I have about 2 weeks of school left and when Summer Vacation comes, I'll probably appear more often here when that time comes. Adios Muchachos!

TMT, writer of The Outcast

Boy, Haven't Updated this Baby in Awhile!

It may seem I'm gone for good, but fear not! I ocasionally come back to see if new info on Avatar came yet. Man, when is it going to show?! Anyway, here are some news things for me, whup-de-f***ing-do, yeah I got that from Red vs Blue:

1. I beat Resistance: Fall of Man for the PS3 not too long ago and liked it. The thing I liked about the ending is that it made it look like a cliffhanger in a way, since only the Chimera in Britain were defeated. Welp, only the rest of Europe and Russia to go! Though I did think that British leader girl and Sergeant Hale would have a moment, but nothing happened. Thanks Insomniac for not ruining the action with unneeded romance!

2. Call of Duty 3 is my main online game I liked to play for the PS3. For those who have CoD3 for the PS3 and have online, my screename is "DaMentalTeen" and I like to either be a Light Assault class or Medic. If I was given a choice, I'd always choose the Allies, cause I'm American, and they have the kick @$$ Thompson! Boo-Yah!!

3. I'm now thinking I should post Book 4 of The Outcast on, but what category should it be in? I was thinking Supernatural or Fantasy and then maybe add extra details into it in the 1st chapter via Author's Note. I was thinking this cause I think Book 4 so far is my best written because all the other 3 books had frequent short chapters and not to detailed. So what about it? Should I, or keep the Book 4 for sites that aren't

That's my blog, I guess. And sorry if you guys thought I was gone for good. Remember one thing, if people like me do seem to disappear, just imagine our ghosts and spirits haunting the place and asking for an extra roll of toilet paper to the nearest online user. Or just enjoy the good ol' memories, cause chances are when the 1st episode of Book 3 of A:tLA airs, many people will start returning. PEACE!!!

TMT, writer of The Outcast

Book4: Chapter12: Journey of the Waterbender

No, it's not this site because of the same glitch/error. Here's the link to where it is at:

 If you have to sign up to get in there, well, then you have too. No person can enter this site without signing up, but it don't cost a thing, lol. Besides, if it means reading it, then it shouldn't hurt! Any Q's on the site or chapter (once you read it) please post there or here, don't care which, lol.



YES, it's the only way to get to Chapter 12 and so on, lol.