So that's $31.50 Canadian dollars.... I'd go with steam.
the_mitch28's forum posts
[QUOTE="the_mitch28"] US.Just so you know MW1 is $29.99 on Steam.
Where you from? Because that's still pretty cheap even where I am ($32AUD)
Because anyone who knows anything about PC's just can't justify handing over that amount of money.
The problem occurs when you walk into an apple store and look at an iMac and it's associated price tag and just think in your head "oh man I could build such a beast with that amount of money".
I'm thankful because people are going to buy this game and realise that this hysteria has been a knee-jerk reaction largely. The P2P system works really well and the SP is great so far. This game didn't cost me anymore than any other game here in Australia.[QUOTE="timma25"]
Thankfully? I don't see why you would be thankful for that... Just shows that their willing to be brought down to the same level of consoles. It can only get worse from here...
I'm just so sick of the constant whining about the game. No one is forcing you to buy it.
Yeah lol $79 is actually quite a bargain.
To put it comparatively for the yanks it would be like them charging $45USD over in the USA for the PC version.
Great game so far - MP works fine, very streamlined and easy to get into. But i just played the first 3 missions of the campaign - wow lol. I can't wait to see what the next surprises are. Very impressed so far. biggest_loser
You live in Australia yeah (AU forums)? and you say it's good? hmmm interesting... might give it a look in after all.
[QUOTE="V4LENT1NE"]There is nothing wrong with the PC version, you now get less hackers and dont have to go through the searching server system, yay. People just complain because they want something to complain about and to smash some hate on consoles.DiffusionE
Less hackers? You obviously haven't seen this video.
And if you think browsing through the different dedicated servers on MW1 was hard work, then you must be one lazy bastard.
Well of course hacks that come out will work straight away but they will have to update all the time plus there's no way to tell if a hack is detected in time because VAC waits about 2 weeks before it bans your account. Either way VAC sure as hell works a lot better than punk busters... running into extreme hackers on CSS and TF2 seems to be quite rare these days, wallers are persistent but there's only so much you can do I guess.
Sorry not trying to defend MW2 *insert MW2 rage here*. I just know VAC will do a much better job than PB.
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