I'm hopeful that BI will do something with the interface in the expansion coming out soonish. Fanboys of ArmA always say it's because of the depth and because it's super realistic when in actual fact the controls and command interface are needlessly overcomplicated and I don't know about them but I don't see how pausing to enter in commands is 'realistic'.
If anything streamlining the controls and interface would make the game more realistic... after all you don't fiddle around with a mouse and keyboard on the real battlefield (at least to my knowledge) plus getting your head out of the keyboard layout and more into the game would help immersion.
I'm not a fanboy, but you obviously have not played arma2 for long. The command system is perfect how it as and the action menu is required, a lot of scripts rely on it. I don't see any issue with the number system.
I've been playing since ArmA and you only say it's perfect because that's what you're used to. It's far from perfect and so what if scripts rely on it, should the game just never be refined because scripts rely on it? No, they should refine it and force people to update their scripts.
It's not just the command system either, the whole interface is overcomplicated and clunky. I love ArmA and ArmA 2 but i'm just being honest.
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